Gajim - 2025-03-25

  1. afterlif0189

    > afterlif0189: looks like you added the group chat mentioned in that log to your contact list. Remove that contact using the client you added it with, then it should be fine I have deleted that channel from all of the accounts, on all of the clients, and I'm still getting the same error. Is there a config file or some such on my desktop client that I could edit to remove it from gajim?

  2. lovetox

    Yes remove the cache folder in appdata/gajim

  3. afterlif0189

    > Yes remove the cache folder in appdata/gajim Does that apply to the portable version too?

  4. afterlif0189

  5. afterlif0189

    Does that apply to the portable version too?

  6. afterlif0189

    Does that apply to the portable version too? That's what I used and I can't find a cache folder.

  7. dwlr

    Hi. I recently upated Gajim to 2.0.3, and I have 2 questions. 1. Why did you change X class? it was "Gajim" and now "gajim" it broke my class rules on i3. No big deal, but a bit annoying. And 2. Is it your end or GTK update that broke my system gtk theme? Now I have to use either light or dark mode that comes with gajim, "system" does not respect my global theme.

  8. dwlr

    Actually a 3rd question. It looks like the spell-checking is absent now too.

  9. dwlr

    Nvm the 3rd, I see there's a new dep. for it. I'll install it

  10. Link Mauve

    dwlr, make sure you have xdg-desktop-portal running and configured by your DE, that’s where GTK is getting the info on whether the system is light or dark.

  11. Link Mauve

    You can use door-knocker to check which portals are exposed by your DE.

  12. dwlr

    I don't mean if it's light or dark, I had a custom color scheme. I know GTK is hostile to that, but it used to work on gajim, and now it does not. Since other programs still use my custom theme I assume this is not my system GTK updating that caused this but gajim update.

  13. Link Mauve

    How did you configure your color scheme? As a GTK3 theme or also as a GTK4 theme?

  14. Link Mauve

    Portals now allow you to define your “accent color”, it’s respected by Gajim here.

  15. dwlr

    I am not sure how to check if my theme is compatible with GTK4. `gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme` returns the name of my theme. I guess I'll look into it

  16. dwlr

    I'm also noticing some UI bugs now. Like bad text wrapping and sometimes the input bar grows 3x the size after I send the message

  17. Link Mauve

    dwlr, you might be interested in the CSS documentation if you want to write a theme:

  18. dwlr

    I assume gajim uses libadwaita? I don't see it in rundeps on the gitlab, but want to be sure.

  19. dwlr

    Does gajim uses libadwaita? I don't see it in rundeps on the gitlab, but want to be sure.

  20. Link Mauve

    No it doesn’t.

  21. dwlr


  22. Masked Witch

    I'm trying out 2.x on my phone and it is usable (I'm not expecting it to start supporting mobile, I just thought it was neat)

  23. Masked Witch

    👏 1
  24. Codimp

    huhu very cool

  25. lovetox

    > Does that apply to the portable version too? That's what I used and I can't find a cache folder. UserData/cache.db

  26. lovetox

    dwlr, we did not change any x class intentionally, not sure where it would previously take this value, but it probably changed in Gtk4

  27. dwlr

    makes sense

  28. izder456

    is there a way to export and import workspace organizations across gajim installations?

  29. cal0pteryx

    izder456: nope

  30. izder456

    i'm wondering if a simple scp of whatever gajim stores in ~/.config and/or ~/.local/share would do, or is that dumb?

  31. izder456

    i just want to sync my workspace layout as i recently joined a bunch of groups. perhaps i should roll up my sleeves and re-do it myself and stop being a lazy sysadmin

  32. cal0pteryx

    You can't do that as soon as omemo is involved

  33. izder456

    right, that makes sense.

  34. izder456

    i'll just re-do it all. thanks cal0pteryx

  35. cal0pteryx

    Other than that, it might be possible

  36. izder456

    i'd rather not break omemo iwl

  37. izder456

    I'm curious if that could be a feature in the future. like a json export of the layout of your workspaces for easy import when you change machines or whatever.

  38. izder456

    its a niche, but probably useful thing to have

  39. izder456

    i'm still on 1.8.4 atm as i run 7.6-stable openbsd, (though 7.7 should have whatever the latest in the 2.0 branch has out by the time that ports tree gets frozen)

  40. izder456

    i love gajim. its such a nice client

  41. Masked Witch

    > You can't do that as soon as omemo is involved cal0pteryx, I've done that before, though I make sure to delete the omemo databases and change the resource ID. Is that not enough?

  42. cal0pteryx

    Masked Witch: might be, if you don't experience issues, then it should be fine

    👍 1
  43. lovetox

    izder456, the workspace layout is stored in the settings.sql db, in a row thats called workspaces

  44. lovetox

    its json, you can simply query the json string, and insert it into another db

  45. izder456

    lovetox: thanks! i'll give that a go!

  46. Codimp

    Hey, really basic question maybe but I can't find anymore where to make Gajim just close when I want to close it, even if I have "unread messages", I don't want this popup message, did someone know?

  47. The Wild

    I'm under gajim 2.0.4, Arch Linux, Sway When right clicking on the Gajim icon tray, a small menu appears, but nothing in it, like so :

  48. The Wild

  49. lovetox

    Codimp, please open an issue, there once was a setting for this but it got lost

  50. lovetox

    or maybe we remove this question altogether

  51. Codimp

    yeah, moaaaar issues \o/

  52. Codimp

    thanks lovetox,

  53. Codimp will also open an issue to change this ", " string added after a mention

    🤣 1