Gajim - 2025-03-20

  1. Adrian Kieß

    Is it allowed to post some off-topic link to a Gist? Thanks, Adrian.

  2. lovetox

    You asked this 2 days ago

  3. lovetox

    We want to keep conversations to gajim topics

  4. Adrian Kieß

    lovetox, Ok.

  5. mesonium

    (un)pinning a chat doesn't work for me: need to re-open the tab first and then the newly pinned one appears at the same place as before but with the "pinned" header When I run from Gajim from the terminal but 2.0.3 flatpak works fine. Might be a gtk issue: gtk 4.18.2, glib 2.84.0 vs 4.16.2 glib 2.82.4

  6. mesonium

    (un)pinning a chat doesn't work for me: need to re-open the tab first and then the newly pinned one appears at the same place as before but with the "pinned" header, when I run from Gajim from the terminal -- 2.0.3 flatpak works fine. Might be a gtk issue: gtk 4.18.2, glib 2.84.0 vs 4.16.2 glib 2.82.4

  7. lovetox

    Try moving the mouse away from the chat list

  8. lovetox

    I think we have some logic that it does not sort rows when your mouse is over the list

  9. mesonium

    doesn't work

  10. mesonium

    I've compiled dino against 4.18.2 and there the right click into the chat list doesn't work anymore ... no context menu opens. yay

  11. mesonium

    o never mind the last statement, they seem to never had a context menu for the chats

  12. mesonium

    no idea, don't see anything helpful with GTK_DEBUG=all and a breakpoint. Will wait until 4.18.2 hits Arch and others can confirm

  13. mesonium

    Or I'll try to create a minimal reproducer

  14. hau

    "Gajim" is ready.

  15. Squeaky Latex Folf

    So Gajim is GTK4 now

  16. Squeaky Latex Folf

    How do I theme it now?

  17. lovetox

    you need to expand on what you understand under theming

  18. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Storage: Fix error on big queries -

  19. mesonium

    lovetox, this fixed it for me: Does this make sense?

  20. mesonium

    lovetox, this fixed it for me: Does this make sense? Shall I open a MR?

  21. lovetox

    i check it, and if it works i push it myself, thanks

  22. lovetox

    i cannot trigger the problem

  23. lovetox

    unpinning works for me

  24. lovetox

    is there anything special that you do

  25. mesonium

    just that I'm now using Gtk 4.18.2 on Tumbleweed

  26. mesonium

    the flatpak with 4.16.2 works fine

  27. cal0pteryx

    Strange. It worked with 4.16.2

  28. mesonium

  29. mesonium

    this is how it looks after pinning and re-opening the tab

  30. lovetox

    what tab?

  31. lovetox

    you see multiple pinned categories?

  32. mesonium

    sorry, I meant re-open the workspace

  33. mesonium

    > you see multiple pinned categories? yes, for each chat I pin. however if I pin Gajim in the screenshot above, it goes up into the group on top w/o having an extra title

  34. lovetox

    i see nothing in the gtk changelog that could cause this

  35. lovetox

    you could put debug code in the header_func()

  36. lovetox

    it determines over which row to draw a header

  37. lovetox

    this code worked in gtk3 and 4, so i think we need to find out whats wrong

  38. lovetox

    maybe we need to report this to gtk

  39. elder

    is 1.500 really the biggest font size there is?

  40. mesonium

    lovetox, please see

  41. mesonium

    why is row position for almost all -1?

  42. mesonium

    oh damn I have an error in the debug output

  43. mesonium

    this time correct:

  44. mesonium

    see also

  45. lovetox

    mesonium, debug why pinning does not trigger a sort

  46. lovetox

    toogle_chat_pinned() calls invalidate_sort()

  47. lovetox

    afterwards the sort_func should be called with every row

  48. lovetox

    and hence also header_func

  49. lovetox

    the problem is, header_func depends on a sorted list

  50. lovetox

    otherwise pinned chats will be spread across the list, hence multiple pinned headers will appear

  51. mesonium

    Alright, check tomorrow, Im already afk :)

  52. elder

    > is 1.500 really the biggest font size there is? is it possible to make it bigger?

  53. lovetox

    hm a few ways, but no particular easy ones

  54. lovetox

    you can try downloading sqlitebrowser, and inspect the settings db in .config/gajim

  55. lovetox

    you should find a setting there

  56. lovetox


  57. lovetox

    or you search the file on your hard disk and adjust the code

  58. lovetox

  59. elder

    thanks a lot, I'll look into it

  60. bot

    lovetox pushed 3 commits to branch gajim/master chore: Update translations - other: Flatpak: Update dependencies - release: 2.0.4 -

    🎉 2
  61. lorenzo

    > lovetox pushed 3 commits to branch gajim/master > > chore: Update translations - > > other: Flatpak: Update dependencies - > > release: 2.0.4 - 🎉

  62. Squeaky Latex Folf

    I feel like Gajim debug console is broken

  63. Squeaky Latex Folf

    I press the send button for my stanza but it won't send

  64. lissine

    do you have more than one account?

  65. lissine

    maybe a disabled account is selected

  66. hau

    > I press the send button for my stanza but it won't send it's been broken for me too

  67. Squeaky Latex Folf

    Guess I'll just use Psi+ then

  68. cal0pteryx

    Gajim 2.0.4 has been released 🚀

    🎉 4
  69. lissine

    > I press the send button for my stanza but it won't send I just tried sending a message stanza using gajim 2.0.4 and it worked

  70. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Debug console: Fix initial send button state -

  71. cal0pteryx

    Once you switch accounts, it works. This commit should fix the initial state ^

  72. Squeaky Latex Folf

    Also here's another bug: right click on a message and try to use arrow keys to select context menu items. On Wayland, it won't work.

  73. Squeaky Latex Folf

    X11: no idea

  74. Squeaky Latex Folf

    And another major issue I found is that Gajim remains unusable with the Orca screen reader

  75. Squeaky Latex Folf

    And a major issue I found is that Gajim remains unusable with the Orca screen reader