Gajim - 2025-03-18

  1. emru

    hey, I've notcied that tab-completions of the nicks no longer works in >2.0.0, I have 2.0.3 now

  2. luca

    You have to use @

  3. emru

    oh, right

  4. emru


  5. mesonium

    emru: please see the discussion in

    👍 1
  6. Adrian Kieß

    Is it allowed, to post a off-topic link into this channel? Thank you.

  7. lockywolf

    Do video calls work on Windows?

  8. Link Mauve

    Adrian Kieß, not really no, there are offtopic channels if you want to talk about random things.

  9. Adrian Kieß

    Link Mauve, Okay.

  10. mesonium

    lockywolf: (video) calls are currently not supported. There are unfinished contributions to re-implement it, but those require additional upstream work.

  11. it20

    please bring back account>contact list>double click to start a chat feature.. it was more clean way to start a chat and i could monitor all my ids easily.. i could see who is online who is not.. now i have to go every time start chat.> filter account which is not userfriendly

  12. whitebear

    gogo ggfd

  13. voker57

    > voker57, not at all, thats the difference between your server operator can read all your private messages or not nothing prevents the server operator from MITMing your omemo key exchange

  14. voker57

    'verification' without a secure channel is indeed often a security theater, too

  15. voker57

    but i do not see how personally verifying contacts is

  16. debacle

    > emru: please see the discussion in Cool. TIL about the new @-function. Nice!

  17. emru

    it was earlier, without @

  18. rheman

    >emru : it was earlier, without @ :smiley:

  19. rheman

    >emru : it was earlier, without @ :disappointed:

  20. hlad

    mesonium: what upstream work is needed for video calls?

  21. lovetox

    it20, we will further improve the start chat dialog in the next version We will bring back the sort by status function, so all your online contacts will be on top this should make it more easy to scan for people who are online

  22. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: StartChat: Add Sort by Status option - imprv: GroupchatRoster: Improve participant sorting -