Gajim - 2025-02-01

  1. danielstein

    > snowstorm: that's not possible at the moment 👍

  2. Louis2

    When selecting messages, I would like to be able to select all of them at once by using keyboard, not mouse, is it possible?

  3. Louis2

    I wish to export chat group history, how to do that?

  4. cal0pteryx

    Next gajim version allows to export history per chat

  5. Louis2


  6. titan_

    Debian are changing the apt sources.list.d format from .list to .sources I have converted all my files which appear to be working OK but the last Debian nightly looks to be the 24th Jan, it that the last one or have I made a mistake with the conversion

  7. hannibal

    Regarding spellchecking in current master version, it seems the list of corrections for a word is only shown when doing a left click on the word first before opening the context menu with a right click (tested with a flatpak build). With right click only there is either no list or the list of the previous by a left click selected word. Can someone confirm the behavior?

  8. cal0pteryx

    hannibal, it looks like it takes the word closest to the cursor. I'll have to check

  9. cal0pteryx

    yes, can confirm. placing the cursor where the click happened resolves this issue. I'll open a MR :)

  10. cal0pteryx

  11. lovetox

    why do we need to do thisß

  12. lovetox

    why do we need to do this?

  13. lovetox

    seems like this should be a standard functionality of the textview

  14. lovetox

    or better of the spelling lib

  15. lovetox

    i can find no other application or editor that places the cursor on secondary click

  16. hannibal

    gnome-text-editor does

  17. cal0pteryx seems like Spelling always looks at the cursor position

  18. hannibal

    here is the related upstream issue

  19. cal0pteryx

    good find

  20. lovetox

    yeah this is idiotic, this worked before, now they rewritten the lib, now suddenly basic functionality of any text editor does not work anymore

  21. lovetox

    but anyway, i just tried open office, it does something similiar, seems its not so obvious as i thought

  22. cal0pteryx

    I see no other option

  23. lovetox

    but i bet in 2 months someone tells us how this secondary click breaks something different

  24. lovetox

    why do you stop the event after we handle it?

  25. lovetox

    would that not abort showing the popup

  26. cal0pteryx

    it did not for me, that's why I left it as is

  27. cal0pteryx

    but that line has no intention

  28. lovetox

    then lets remove it, we dont know what and when other code will wait for that event

  29. cal0pteryx

    I'll do that in a minute

  30. lovetox

    or not remove that would be the same as now, rather return PROPAGATE

  31. kali [she/they]

    > but i bet in 2 months someone tells us how this secondary click breaks something different

  32. corey

    Hi, I recently switched from Windows to Linux Mint. The Gajim version available through apt by default (1.8.4) lacks the reactions feature, which I really enjoyed. Is it possible to install an updated version (with reactions) without using flatpak or building from source?

  33. hannibal


  34. titan_

    Can one of the devs confirm that the last Debian nightly was 24th Jan thanks

  35. hannibal

    no (if you want keep Mint)

  36. hannibal

    no (if you want to keep Mint)

  37. corey

    > no (if you want to keep Mint)

  38. cal0pteryx

    corey, either finding the Mint package maintainer or using Flatpak

  39. cal0pteryx

    or switching distro

  40. corey

    > no (if you want to keep Mint) Ah, OK - will probably stay on mint for now, as the migration from Windows took a bit of work. I don't think I'm ready to replace the OS.

  41. corey

    > corey, either finding the Mint package maintainer or using Flatpak Gotcha, thanks!

  42. lovetox

    corey, whats your problem with flatpak. comming from Windows this should be very much like the ms app store

  43. lovetox

    titan_, i cannot confirm that

  44. lovetox

  45. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 4 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Accounts: Replace Combo setting with Dropdown - imprv: DebugConsole: Use Dropdown for account selection and improve account order - refactor: Settings: Remove obsolete ComboSetting - cq: Settings: Add some assertions -

  46. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: MessageInputTextView: Fix spelling suggestions for clicked word -

  47. cal0pteryx

    ^ hannibal

  48. hannibal


  49. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: DataForm: Replace Combo with Dropdown - refactor: Utils: Remove obsolete MaxWidthComboBoxText -

  50. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cq: Settings: Improve type annotations -

  51. titan_

    lovetox, thanks, looks like I may have made error, created new .sources file and it is now working again

  52. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Profile: Fix leak -

  53. cal0pteryx

    Slowly but surely we're getting there

  54. jaxx

    How to i check like Tor address like use Gajim with tor etc? like where is the settings for it?

  55. jaxx

    What i meant was. if i want to use Gajim with Tor. Do i need to enter like e.g port 9050 and use the tor address for whatever its after jaxx@ ? or that cant be done on gajim?

  56. Kris

    settings -> avanced -> global proxy -> Tor

  57. Kris

    settings -> advanced -> global proxy -> Tor

  58. lovetox

    jaxx, you need to use the JID that is registered on the server

  59. lovetox

    and no you cannot use some hidden domain, it must be a clearnet domain

  60. izder456

    but you *can* connect through a tor proxy if you install and enable the tor daemon/service on your system with a little modification of your torrc as needed, jaxx

  61. izder456

    It is what i do. I run a vm in openbsd's vmm(4) and all it does is host tor (i dont trust the network, but i want to circumvent some firewall port restrictions). i then use openbsd's relayd to relay port 9050 from the vm to localhost so i don't need to modify default tor configs on many applications. just connects to localhost:9050, and bob's your uncle.

  62. izder456

    my email client is routed the same way as some public networks i use only allow http/s and nothing else. not even icmp pings.

  63. izder456

    i reccomend using obfs4 bridging too if you can if you have port restrictions.

  64. izder456

    the default torrc is fairly easy to understand if you read the comments

  65. izder456

    what Kris said is where you'd configure gajim to use the proxy.

  66. lovetox

    hmm, no i think i gave the wrong info, Gajim should pass any onion address to the proxy

  67. lovetox

    so in theory it should work

  68. lovetox

    the problem why this still doesnt work is probably, because Gajim still establishes a TLS connection, and most onion servers will see no need for TLS and not support it