Gajim - 2025-01-31

  1. cal0pteryx

    snowstorm: I don't think that's possible yet

  2. t

    why are some messages highlighted and how can I turn this off?

  3. ta

    t: Nicknames are highlighted, when mentioned. Yours is very short.

  4. cal0pteryx

    t: you can turn off notification for that in groupchat settings

  5. t

    I cannot find the setting for that. But perhaps could change nick. Also, "don't" highlights me - which is a bit strange perhaps

  6. t

    I have a "Notify on all messages" setting, but no setting for never notifying

  7. t

    Being able to define a highlighting regex would be cool.

  8. lovetox

    snowstorm: go to chat settings and set to notify on all messages

  9. snowstorm

    > snowstorm: go to chat settings and set to notify on all messages That's useful, but that causes a desktop notification, which I don't want in this case. I also don't want to disable desktop notifications for Gajim because those are nice for one-to-one chats or mentions. I'd like to just show a numberless badge on the workspace icon or highlight the workspace icon in some way when there's any unread message from any chat in that workspace.

  10. cal0pteryx

    snowstorm: that's not possible at the moment

    👍 1
  11. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: SearchView: Clear view correctly and show placeholders - cfix: SearchView: Set initial calendar button sensitivity -

  12. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master cq: ServiceDiscovery: Remove obsolete code - cq: Util: Remove obsolete methods -

  13. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: EntrySetting: Use default invisible char -