Gajim - 2025-01-04

  1. franck-x

    Purplebored, ., Kris, ., Kris, Kris, Kris:

  2. Purplebored


  3. drop


  4. potato

    o7 thanks

  5. potato

    o7 thanks cal0

  6. titan

    Debian nightly, just noticed that clicking on account no longer shows contacts for that account, they are shown under account advanced, manage contact list, has this changed or have I missed a setting somewhere.

  7. cal0pteryx

    titan: yes, this changed

  8. Kris

    Why is this condidered an improvement?

  9. lovetox

    Because we dont need 3 different contact lists

  10. cal0pteryx

    Kris: treeview is deprecated as well

  11. erik

    cal0pteryx, treeview?

  12. cal0pteryx

    erik: gtk's widget

  13. Kris

    lovetox: keeping the contact list account specific seems good though?

  14. lovetox

    for what purpose?

  15. Kris

    Like if you have a private and a business account for example.

  16. lovetox

    yes, thats why accounts have names that are shown everywhere

  17. lovetox

    or what is the situation where you need to have a contact list filtered down to a specific account?

  18. Kris

    Yes, but why merge contact lists? Seems highly unintuitive and potentially misleading.

  19. Kris

    > or what is the situation where you need to have a contact list filtered down to a specific account? All the time.

  20. Kris

    Like when would you *not* want it filtered like that?

  21. lovetox

    i cannot say why i dont need something..

  22. lovetox

    you need to tell me why you need something

  23. lovetox

    what is the workflow where you think, hm i need all contacts shown in a list of a specific account?

  24. Kris

    I mean, if I wanted to have a single contact list, I would just use a single account, no?

  25. Kris

    > what is the workflow where you think, hm i need all contacts shown in a list of a specific account? I don't follow at all. Can you tell me a workflow where you would want them mixed together?

  26. lovetox

    as said, you need to tell me why you need something, i cannot tell you why i *dont* need something, thats like proving that something doesnt exist

  27. Kris

    I can't explain something that seems so obvious that it should need no explanation.

  28. Kris

    I mean, why do you use multiple accounts?

  29. lovetox

    to separate concerns

  30. Kris

    Yes, such as contact lists, obviously.

  31. lovetox

    no, i dont think about contact lists at all if i open a chat application

  32. lovetox

    i think "i want to write peter", so i click Start Chat, and type "Peter"

  33. lovetox

    then i start chatting

  34. lovetox

    thats why i ask about your workflow, maybe you do it differently

  35. Kris

    That is exactly the footgun I mean and why I think it's better to keep them seperated.

  36. cal0pteryx

    Are we talking about the same things? Roster mgmt is account specific, it's in each account's submenu

  37. Kris

    Like I would not want to accedientially contact by business contact peter from my private account.

  38. cal0pteryx

    That's why there is an account badge on each contact in Start Chat

  39. Kris

    And if I look for a specific contact the best way to find it is by the account they are associated with.

  40. cal0pteryx

    Please not the difference between start chat and roster management

  41. cal0pteryx

    > And if I look for a specific contact the best way to find it is by the account they are associated with. you can do that, there is a filter at the top of start chat

  42. lovetox

    cal0pteryx, no there is no account filter

  43. Kris

    Yes, but we are talking about the roster view that used to be visible when clicking on the account, no?

  44. lovetox

    > Like I would not want to accedientially contact by business contact peter from my private account. how would that work?

  45. cal0pteryx

    > cal0pteryx, no there is no account filter then we should have one

  46. lovetox

    every contact has the account listed

  47. lovetox

    do you actually use multiple accounts with Gajim?

  48. Kris

    Yes I do.

  49. lovetox

    ok so click Start Chat

  50. Kris

    And I use the account seperated roster list a lot

  51. lovetox

    and tell me how you could confuse contacts from different accounts

  52. lovetox

    they have the name mentioned, and even a color

  53. Kris

    I don't use the start chat button a lot because it has very bad ux.

  54. Kris

    It mixes too many things together and becomes confusing quickly

  55. cal0pteryx

    Kris: please describe what's bugging you. Otherwise it can't be improved

  56. lovetox

    its a list with names

  57. lovetox

    as was the roster

  58. lovetox

    whats confusing you?

  59. cal0pteryx

    An account filter should be sufficient then

  60. Kris

    If I want to start a 1:1 chat I click on my account and select the user from my roster list there.

  61. lovetox

    i suspected that, thats very slow way to do something, and does not work if you have many contacts

    ❓ 1
  62. Kris

    And apparently that list was removed or hidden in some obscure submenu

  63. Kris

    > i suspected that, thats very slow way to do something, and does not work if you have many contacts ❓

  64. lovetox

    What you should use is the dedicated dialog to start chats

  65. lovetox

    If you tell us whats confusing about it, we can maybe improve it

  66. Kris

    > i suspected that, thats very slow way to do something, and does not work if you have many contacts That works a lot better than trying to wragle with that silly start chat searvh menu

  67. Kris

    > i suspected that, thats very slow way to do something, and does not work if you have many contacts That works a lot better than trying to wragle with that silly start chat search menu

  68. Kris

    It mixes too many things together and you cant look at a list of contacts to find them.

  69. cal0pteryx

    What's silly exactly? I feel like your workflow is broken and you're afraid to adapt ;)

  70. Kris

    Search in general is a bad UX.

  71. lovetox

    its a list, why can you not look at it?

  72. cal0pteryx

    Kris: you don't need to search, you can filter and the "search" with your eyes, just like before

  73. Kris

    What exactly is broken about having a list of contacts and selecting one?

  74. lovetox

    its not broken, its just very slow and gets slower the more contacs you have

  75. Kris

    > Kris: you don't need to search, you can filter and the "search" with your eyes, just like before Unless you search it is too many things mixed together

  76. lovetox

    you said that now 3 times, but not whats mixed to gether

  77. Kris

    > its not broken, its just very slow and gets slower the more contacs you have I compketely disagree, it is a lit faster and more intuitive.

  78. Kris

    > its not broken, its just very slow and gets slower the more contacs you have I completely disagree, it is a lit faster and more intuitive.

  79. Kris

    > its not broken, its just very slow and gets slower the more contacs you have I completely disagree, it is a lot faster and more intuitive.

  80. Link Mauve

    lovetox, cal0pteryx, I don’t know about this particular instance, but users often have extremely different ways of using software, even after years of using one they might still not find some very basic menus like start chat here.

  81. lovetox

    We have to disagree then, as said, you will need to try using the start chat dialog, and tell us what we can improve

  82. lovetox

    we will not maintain multiple ways to start a chat

  83. Kris

    > you said that now 3 times, but not whats mixed to gether It mixes contacts from different accounts and also chat channels.

  84. cal0pteryx

    Link Mauve: that's why we migrated away from the roster _very_ slowly from 1.0 to 2.0

  85. Link Mauve


  86. lovetox

    Kris, the dialog has a filter menu, where you can filter the type of chat you search

  87. lovetox

    of couse its simpler to just type a letter, and filter the list down

  88. lovetox

    as i suspect you *know* the name of the person you want to chat with

  89. Kris

    Not necessarily, no.

  90. lovetox

    yes and for these very few situations where you actually need to look through your whole contact list

  91. lovetox

    you use the chat type filter, and then scroll your contact list

  92. Kris

    Some business aquintance that I sorted under the specific account might not have a name I can easily recall off my head.

  93. lovetox

    until you find the person you need to

  94. lovetox

    we can certainly add a account filter also if that helps

  95. Kris

    But why make it do complicated?

  96. Kris

    But why make it so complicated?

  97. lovetox

    i dont find a list with filters complicated

  98. Kris

    A lot more complicated than an account specific addressbook.

  99. cal0pteryx

    Two different lists make the situation complicated. Especially if one contains no groupchats (roster) and the other does (start chat)

  100. lovetox

    As said from an application standpoint, we dont want to maintain 2 different ways and places to do the same thing

  101. Kris

    But I *want* contacts seperated from group chats. They are teo completely different things.

  102. Kris

    But I *want* contacts seperated from group chats. They are two completely different things.

  103. lovetox

    thats why you have a filter

  104. cal0pteryx

    Kris: you can do that by filtering in start chat

  105. Kris

    Filters are a very bad ux.

  106. cal0pteryx

    This is really going in circles, I think all has been said

  107. lovetox

    i would suggest you try the start chat dialog, and after some time, you tell us what would make it better for you

  108. lovetox

    or what you are missing

  109. Kris

    Ugh... i csn understand that if you say its technically easier to program it that way, but it certainly does not improve the usability.

  110. Kris

    Ugh... i can understand that if you say its technically easier to program it that way, but it certainly does not improve the usability.

  111. Kris

    lovetox: no, because the start chat diolog is mixing together too many things. I rather avoid using it.

  112. Kris

    It's not missing anything, it has too much already

  113. lovetox

    then im very interested in how you are going to start a chat?

  114. Kris

    Vlick on the contact in my roster

  115. Kris

    Click on the contact in my roster

  116. lovetox

    there is no roster anymore

  117. cal0pteryx

    It's not necessarily about programming two different things, but also from a user perspective it's bad UX to have two lists displaying some sort of contact list, which is not exactly the same, but to some degree it is

  118. Kris

    Yes and that seems bad, no?

  119. lovetox

    you seem to think so

  120. Kris

    cal0pteryx: how is it bad ux to display things like they are? A contact is associated with an account in xmpp. Confusing that and mixing them together would be bad ux.

  121. Kris

    And 1:1 chats are not the same as group chats, and confusing them and mixing them together is also bad ux.

  122. cal0pteryx

    That's where our opinions differ ;) I think the old way is bad ux and the new way is better ux

  123. Kris

    I can understand that on mobile screens with limited screen-space you sometimes need to make compromises and dumb things down to a single button, but Gajim isn't a mobile app.

  124. cal0pteryx

    That has nothing to do with that

  125. Kris

    It seems very much the same argument

  126. cal0pteryx

    Let's describe it different: the old roster was not complete. The new start chat is complete

  127. Kris

    It was a nice way to logically compartmentualize contacts. They were complete in the logical sense that one contact from a specific account has little to do with another contact from a totally different account.

  128. Kris

    The commonality is the account

  129. cal0pteryx

    But group chats were missing, and that led to confusion.

  130. cal0pteryx

    That was bad ux

  131. lovetox

    all im hearing is, "I am accustomed to start a chat via the roster list, and dont want to change it"

  132. lovetox

    i am understanding, sometimes changing something is annoying

  133. cal0pteryx

    Yes, exactly, Kris workflow is broken, and hed'd like to keep kt

  134. cal0pteryx

    Yes, exactly, Kris workflow is broken, and hed'd like to keep it

  135. Kris

    Lol, no I just don't want to change to something that is objectively worse UX on the desktop.

  136. lovetox

    there is no way around it, if you want to use Gajim in the future you need to use the start chat dialog to start a chat

  137. lovetox

    we are open to improving that dialog if you find useful things how to improve the process of starting a chat

  138. Kris

    But that diolog is the problem.

  139. Kris

    It is a bad idea to mix everything together.

  140. lovetox

    yes, so use it, and then tell us what problems you run into

  141. Kris

    I have used it and found it bad ux.

  142. cal0pteryx

    > It is a bad idea to mix everything together. I think it's a good idea, and you can filter on top, which is great

  143. mesonium

    In the start new chat, I got an "Start New Chat" entry for each account, which do nothing when clicked on: that's a known leftover/bug?

  144. lovetox

    mesonium, is the search field filled?

  145. mesonium

    In the start chat dialog, I got an "Start New Chat" entry for each account, which do nothing when clicked on: that's a known leftover/bug?

  146. mesonium

    no, it's empty

  147. lovetox

    then it does nothing

  148. lovetox

    we could hide it in this case though

  149. mesonium

    just opened the dialog and scrolled down. It appears in the list next to my contacts and chats.

  150. mesonium

    when I filter the list by typing "foo" and click on it it says: DNS lookup failed: unknown POSIX error: enoname

  151. mesonium

    these entries I find indeed confusing

  152. lovetox

    What so you expect as error,?

  153. lovetox

    What do you expect as error,?

  154. mesonium

    Start new chat should let be enter a JID right?

  155. mesonium

    Start new chat should let me enter a JID right?

  156. lovetox

    no, it starts a new chat with "foo"

  157. lovetox

    we could add a message above that tells you that we are unable to start a chat with foo, and show the technical error only on clicking details or something

  158. mesonium

    you see, that's confusing :D I think it would work better to 1) put the Start New Chat eg on top or even outside of the list of contacts/channels as they are special actions and only work in combination with the search and 2) change the text to "Start New Chat with $search_entry". That would be clearer to me what it is supposed to do.

  159. chud

    Major chat applications barely even single out the concept of a contact anymore. They center aroubd the concept of chat and display a single chat list. which includes one-on-one chats, group chats, and sometimes some other things like channels or secret chats, in the case of telegram, for example. This is what users expect now. This is what most xmpp clients do too. Moreover, it confuses people myself included to see even remnants of the contact centric approach. For example, when it turns out that you have to subscribe to a contact to be able to call them. "what the hell even is a subscription and why should I care?" is what the user thinks.

  160. Kris

    chud: those are all mobile first apps, not desktop apps.

  161. chud

    That includes desktop programs too.

  162. Kris

    Ms teams, slack etc, don't do that

  163. chud

    counter argument: those are bloated pieces of shit, hated universally by everybody.

  164. chud

    Who uses these voluntarily? I think people only use them for work.

  165. Kris

    And all these mobile apps piggyback on you phone contact list.

  166. Kris

    I prefer to use desktop ux focussed apps on my desktop πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  167. chud

    Piggyback as in search users by phone number, that's just not relevant for xmpp

  168. Kris

    > Piggyback as in search users by phone number, that's just not relevant for xmpp Also adding and removing contacts.

  169. chud

    which isn't something users even generally do anymore unless it is an actual phone number.

  170. mesonium

    > Filters are a very bad ux. Instead of filters, how should in your opinion the UI look like, I'm curious :) because in the end you always filter in some means.

  171. Kris

    > which isn't something users even generally do anymore unless it is an actual phone number. Many people use it to sync contacts via CalDAV etc.

  172. Kris

    > which isn't something users even generally do anymore unless it is an actual phone number. Many people use it to sync contacts via CardDAV etc.

  173. chud

    And filters are the main driver of UI today, I think. You can see search as a filter. Fast search-as-you-type completely obsoletes things like sub menus or contact groups. It's just so much faster to begin typing a person or program's name than to remember what group you put them into or what menu entry that program would logically belong to.

  174. Kris

    >> Filters are a very bad ux. > Instead of filters, how should in your opinion the UI look like, I'm curious :) because in the end you always filter in some means. Implicit filters like showing contacts in a list that are associated with an account. Asking people to manually filter things by arbitrary criteria is bad ux.

  175. Kris

    A search centered UI is probably the worst ux that was invented in recent years, yes. I am happy that I don't have to use that on my desktop.

  176. mesonium

    So you would be happy to have a combobox or a list of accounts on the left side, which you can select to show only appropiate chats?

  177. chud

    Most people are happy about it. Also the desktop has long been dying

  178. Kris

    > So you would be happy to have a combobox or a list of accounts on the left side, which you can select to show only appropiate chats? No, I want to be able to sort and categorize things according to criteria that make sense to me. Which is exactly why I like Gajim because it allows to do so with workspaces and (at least previously) with accounts.

  179. mesonium

    > I want to be able to sort and categorize things according to criteria that make sense to me And how would that look like?

  180. cal0pteryx

    Kris: I've got a solution for you. You separate chats by account per workspace. That works by setting a default workspace per account. Chat's will be opened there by default. You can override that if you want. Then you can simply open the workspace and have your old workflow back

  181. Kris

    But the account button at the bottom is already such a workspace.

  182. lovetox

    MS Teams has a contact list? I use that everyday at work, how would that contact list work with a company that has 50.000 employees?

  183. cal0pteryx

    > But the account button at the bottom is already such a workspace. No, not anymore.

    πŸ‘Ž 1
  184. Kris

    >> But the account button at the bottom is already such a workspace. > No, not anymore. πŸ‘Ž

  185. Kris

    > MS Teams has a contact list? I use that everyday at work, how would that contact list work with a company that has 50.000 employees? Fine, but it has a dedicated space where you can find and list contacts. It's not mixed with thr ux to start a group chat.

  186. Kris

    > MS Teams has a contact list? I use that everyday at work, how would that contact list work with a company that has 50.000 employees? Fine, but it has a dedicated space where you can find and list contacts. It's not mixed with the ux to start a group chat.

  187. erik

    > Fine, but it has a dedicated space where you can find and list contacts. It's not mixed with the ux to start a group chat. How does MS Teams work when you have multiple accounts?

  188. erik uses teams, but not with multiple accounts

  189. Kris

    Afaik it doesn't support that at all.

  190. erik

    then I don't think comparing Teams with Gajim for your situation makes much sense, because if you used Gajim with one account, you wouldn't be having this problem.

  191. erik

    I know teams supports multiple accounts, but maybe only one at a time?

  192. Kris

    One at a time yes.

  193. Kris

    > then I don't think comparing Teams with Gajim for your situation makes much sense, because if you used Gajim with one account, you wouldn't be having this problem. No, that is unrelated

  194. cal0pteryx

    Kris: at this point it's just whining. You've been presented alternatives for your workflow, and we explained the disadvantages of the old system. Now it's time to adapt

  195. Kris

    "My way or the highway" style of development πŸ™„

  196. Kris

    Too much Gnome influence I guess.

  197. cal0pteryx

    > "My way or the highway" style of development πŸ™„ That works the other way around as well :)

  198. Kris

    I didn't say you should remove your one button does all bondoggle.

  199. Kris

    I was just asking for a useful feature to not be removed.

  200. cal0pteryx

    And by that you're asking developers to waste extra time on a secondary (and bad) way of doing a single thing. That's the implication of "just not removing" a thing

  201. chud

    > "My way or the highway" style of development πŸ™„ I mean you could just fork, it's not like Gajim is nearly as complex as the entirety of gnome.

    πŸ™„ 1
  202. Kris

    Well, if you would say due to technical reasons we decided to to reimplement a good feature, fine. But it isn't "bad" at all, just not the way you seem to use it.

  203. Kris

    Its exactly what people object about gnome. Removing feature because a small group of designers doesn't like it, but without any good reasons.

  204. Kris

    Its exactly what people object about gnome. Removing features because a small group of designers doesn't like it, but without any good reasons.

  205. Kris

    >> "My way or the highway" style of development πŸ™„ > I mean you could just fork, it's not like Gajim is nearly as complex as the entirety of gnome. πŸ™„

  206. erik

    well, as a developer, I can relate to the idea that inconsistencies in the software lead to lots of questions in the long run and that every feature has a longterm cost of maintenance. I'm not a developer of Gajim, but in the open source software I develop (given away without charge), I'm not always willing to accept that cost. It's a balancing act, but I have removed features, even ones where there was no alternative, because of the cost (most of the time because of immediate cost of having to support the feature after refactoring the underlying code).

  207. chud

    > Its exactly what people object about gnome. Removing features because a small group of designers doesn't like it, but without any good reasons. gnome is a huge project that no party other than redhat has the resources or enough incentive to affect. gajim is tiny by comparison

  208. Link Mauve

    erik, which software are you working on, btw?

  209. Link Mauve

    chud, there are many more contributors to GNOME than Red Hat employees, fwiw.

  210. erik

    Link Mauve, ( an accounting and ERP for small and medium businesses.

  211. chud


  212. Link Mauve

    During the very short time I was working for them, I basically interacted with no Red Hat employee.

  213. Link Mauve

    erik, interesting, thanks!

  214. erik

    I tried to convince the community to have a chat channel on XMPP, but Matrix was the big contender at the time. We're now on Matrix, unfortunately.

  215. erik

    I'd love an XMPP<->Matrix bridge which allows me to move all my conversations to C and Gajim, instead of having to have other chat apps.

  216. Link Mauve

    erik, is one such bridge, is another, but I haven’t found them any pleasant to use years ago.

  217. Link Mauve

    Plus if your Matrix side is encrypted, you will entirely miss all of the conversations, with no notice that you are missing stuff out.

  218. Kris

    erik: it's posdible to do with Slidge

  219. erik

    yea. the matrix conversations in the channels isn't encrypted: it's a FOSS community, which can be joined by anybody. So, it doesn't make sense to encrypt.

  220. Kris

    erik: it's possible to do with Slidge

  221. Kris

    Even works with encrypted matrix chats, but not true e2ee in that case obviously.

  222. erik

    What does "enable hats" in MUC config mean?

  223. Kris

  224. erik

    ok. thanks. that's not the setting I'm looking for :-)

  225. erik

    in a 4-participant MUC, Conversations shows me 1 of the participants (other than myself) has read a message. I'm not seeing the same read-indicator in Gajim. Can I enable this in Gajim? And if I can, where? (I see "send chat marker", but not "show chat marker")

  226. SnowCode (she/they)

    Hello, I've recently migrated my prosody server to another host, and since then I have a weird bug with Gajim. One of my channels (a private channel I've created), is perpetually loading. I usually can still send and receive messages but I've noticed that some times it seems I don't receive them. This is a problem that only occurs on Gajim, but not on Dino or Conversations. I've already tried removing the account from gajim and adding it back but it didn't work. And I don't see anything weird in the Gajim debug console either :/

  227. SnowCode (she/they)

    Do you have any idea on why a channel would be always in the state of "fetching new messages" ?

  228. SnowCode (she/they)

    *"fetching messages...3

  229. Kris

    > Hello, I've recently migrated my prosody server to another host, and since then I have a weird bug with Gajim. One of my channels (a private channel I've created), is perpetually loading. I usually can still send and receive messages but I've noticed that some times it seems I don't receive them. This is a problem that only occurs on Gajim, but not on Dino or Conversations. I've already tried removing the account from gajim and adding it back but it didn't work. And I don't see anything weird in the Gajim debug console either :/ I have the same with the ejabberd support channel.

  230. Kris

    All other channels work fine.

  231. Kris

    It is a complete mystery to me why this happens though πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  232. SnowCode (she/they)

    Oh πŸ€” That's really weird

  233. lovetox

    enable debug logging, wait for the problem to happen

  234. lovetox

    send me the debug log

  235. lovetox

    fetching messages means we never finish the request messages process on join

  236. lovetox

    this can be a bug in Gajim, or it can be a bug on the server side, never sending us the "complete" signal

  237. SnowCode (she/they)

    Alright, i just upgraded Prosody to the trunk (beta) version and it seems to work find now.

  238. SnowCode (she/they)

    So I guess it was indeed a server-side isssue

  239. Louis2

    UI suggestion: when I am searching for messages, the column opens on right side, but then I cannot see the menu to correct last message. It is better that menu still appears there.

  240. bronko

    Hi, is there a setting in gajim to prefer ipv6 over v4 when connecting to the server? (want to test connectivity to server)

  241. SnowCode (she/they)

    > Hi, is there a setting in gajim to prefer ipv6 over v4 when connecting to the server? (want to test connectivity to server) I don't know about gajim settings, but you might be able to test that by changing your OS's settings. For instance on Linux you can simply disable the IPv4 configuration all together

  242. SnowCode (she/they)

    > Hi, is there a setting in gajim to prefer ipv6 over v4 when connecting to the server? (want to test connectivity to server) I don't know about gajim settings, but you might be able to test that by changing your OS's settings. For instance on Linux you can simply disable the IPv4 configuration all together (that way forcing the usage of ipv6 everywhere)

  243. lovetox

    bronko: no

  244. bronko

    Thanks, will try the suggestio from @snowcode. Lets see how far v6 adoption is 🀞️

  245. lovetox

    Or you disable ipv4 on the server sgortly

  246. lovetox

    Or you disable ipv4 on the server shortly

  247. lovetox

    Depends how many connected users you have

  248. bronko

    Yeah i think many users will not like that

  249. bronko

    most mobile clients still connect with v4

  250. lovetox

    though it should work without problem or?

  251. lovetox

    i mean this is a destaster test

  252. lovetox

    but if your provider has problems with ipv4, then users should automatically swiched to ipv6

  253. bronko

    gajim seems to randomly use v4 or v6 on connect

  254. bronko

    but it works both ways so i guess the server is configured properly

  255. lovetox

    thats normal, every network lib does this

  256. lovetox

    its called happy eyeballs, it tries both at the same time, the first one that answers is taken

  257. lovetox

    because many network libs do this, you could also simply monitor your ipv6 connections

  258. lovetox

    after some time, there should be some

  259. bronko

    good to know, thanks πŸ‘οΈ

  260. Anon Ymous

    What does the option "Default users as participants" entail?

  261. Anon Ymous

    Is that for moderated MUCs? That they can partake in the discussion right away?

  262. lovetox

    You need to ask in server support

  263. lovetox

    These are server options, Gajim just allows you to set them