Gajim - 2024-12-19

  1. derklight

    I am trying to create an account on Njalla but dont receiv the verification code to signup, can anyone help?

  2. jstein

    derklight, how does this relate to Gajim? I fear your question is wrong here and we can not help.

    👍 1
  3. Adrian Kieß


  4. chilledfrogs

    > I am trying to create an account on Njalla but dont receiv the verification code to signup, can anyone help? You'd need to contact your XMPP _provider_, not the XMPP _client_ maintainers

  5. badmuff

    ❤ 1
  6. badmuff

    Ups sorry.

  7. badmuff

    That happens if you read and trying to upload in one step and didn't recognize oh wrong MUC.

  8. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: WorkspaceDialog: Fix displaying correct stack page on init -

  9. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: WorkspaceSidebar: Fix removing drag highlight; add finalization checks -