Gajim - 2024-11-30

  1. Purplebored

    Hey I got a quick question. How do I change my theme to darkmode on the flatpak version? Turning on darkmode in settings did not work btw

  2. s

    Juan M,,

    ❤️ 1
  3. hannibal

    Purplebored, you need to set a system theme that does not have a -dark prefix

  4. Purplebored

    Oh alright thanks I will try to do that

  5. Purplebored

    Ok I don't think it did anything

  6. hannibal

    Maybe helps

  7. 222m5

    > But my phone says "monocles chat can't encrypt the messages because this contact does not send a public key" Kevin: in monocals, long-press on your account > Publish OpenPGP public key … see if that gets it to work

  8. Purplebored

    PGP on monocles is a pain for me

  9. Purplebored

    I managed to somewhat set it up but I can't read messeges which were sent before I enabeld it

  10. Purplebored

    So quite annoying because I need to ask all the time for the people to resend their messages

  11. Purplebored

    PGP on mobile is in general a pain

  12. 222m5

    > But my phone says "monocles chat can't encrypt the messages because this contact does not send a public key" Kevin: in monocles, long-press on your account > Publish OpenPGP public key … see if that gets it to work

  13. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: Chat Filters: Use a popover for filters and add roster group filter -

  14. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cq: Apply black formatting to tests and typings -

  15. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cq: TestDataFormWindow: Move ignore rule to correct place -

  16. Rio


  17. Rio

    Gajim 1.9.5 on Windows 10 freez for several minutes the first time it is used in a Windows session

  18. Rio

    Gajim 1.9.5 on Windows 10 freez for several minutes the first time it is used in a Windows session

  19. cal0pteryx

    Rio, we need more debug logs to actually see what's wrong. You can gather these by running Gajim-Debug.exe from the install path

  20. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: ChatFilter: Add account filter -

  21. SaintGarlic

    Ist there a reason why the Fedora package ist still on 1.7.3?

  22. Purplebored

    Yeah it's quite annoying I just installed the flatpak because of that.

  23. Purplebored

    Sad that the fedora package is so old because the fedora packages themes nicley with my OS. The Flatpak Packages does not

  24. Purplebored

    Sad that the fedora package is so old because the fedora packages themes nicley with my theme. The Flatpak Packages does not