Gajim - 2024-11-03

  1. kek

    Is it possible to convert Gajim to Java? the best programing language?

  2. luca

    Enterprise ready ™️

  3. cal0pteryx

    No, impossible

  4. julian

    The DivestOS groups restart quite often. Realized that gajim didn't prompt me a reconnect, like conversation did

  5. meson

    > and this would be more like migration stuff, you dont need to use the storage methods would I add the migration method in and raise the db version on success to flag that it's completed?

  6. lovetox


  7. based

    > Is it possible to convert Gajim to Java? the best programing language? write once, nullpointerexception everywhere

  8. meson

    > yes Great, I'm getting there :)

  9. Anon Ymous

    > The DivestOS groups restart quite often. > Realized that gajim didn't prompt me a reconnect, like conversation did They reboot their server every 24h. It's a pain for Movim, too, doesn't handle it correctly at all.

  10. meson

    lovetox, filling the table in principle now works. a few questions: what is the date entry for: date received? hash something I need to calculate and fill in? if so, which algo? descr: I guess this means description and can be left blank and is meant later for a caption in the preview? state: ? ft_source, ft_source_urldata: where do I get the data for those, if there are any?

  11. lovetox

    meson as said, this is a table for the filetransfer xep

  12. lovetox

  13. meson

    ah sorry, yeah, you said that.

  14. meson

    that means I can ignores those now

  15. lovetox

    i would fill urldata with the url

  16. lovetox

    i guess you try to fake oob url beeing a filetransfer?

  17. meson

    what do you mean by fake? but yes I've blindly assuemed the oob url is the url of a filetransfer

  18. lovetox

    its not a xep 447 filetransfer

  19. lovetox

    thats what the table is intended for

  20. lovetox

    you are trying to insert messages with a oob url, i would call that faking

  21. meson

    ah, you mean the ft_source_urldata table

  22. lovetox

    no all tables

  23. meson

    alright, but faking for now is okay?

  24. meson

    before I go on

  25. lovetox

    depends on what you try to do

  26. lovetox

    the media browser will only look at the filetransfer table?

  27. meson

    I would say so

  28. meson

    filetransfer table and messages table for jids etc

  29. lovetox

    yeah then lets try it, you will just have no information for oob urls

  30. lovetox

    no hash, no metadata etc

  31. lovetox

    also you need to find the file on the disk or not? before you put it into the table

  32. meson

    at least for the "migrated" part.

  33. meson

    > also you need to find the file on the disk or not? before you put it into the table already do that

  34. meson

    at least for images (I have not yet considered any other media types though)

  35. meson

    orig_path, thumb_path = get_image_paths(message.oob[0].url, urlparts, size, orig_dir, thumb_dir)

  36. meson

    ``` orig_path, thumb_path = get_image_paths(message.oob[0].url, urlparts, size, orig_dir, thumb_dir) ```

  37. meson

    and then of course I check whether they exist

  38. meson

    > yeah then lets try it, you will just have no information for oob urls but is is that any problem?

  39. lovetox

    no i dont think so, none of these fields are mandatory

  40. meson

    perfect, I will "finish" this part tomorrow. good nite!

  41. lovetox

    good night