Gajim - 2024-10-10

  1. wws


  2. cal0pteryx

    Thanks hannibal

  3. Fuwupe


  4. cal0pteryx

    > gsound might also be an issue Gtk.SoundFile would be an alternative, I guess?

  5. hannibal

    I don't know

  6. Projjal


  7. Projjal

  8. Projjal

    what's the difference between these two

  9. neox

    Projjal, members-only means that people have to be invited to be able to join the room, while moderated means that people have to be voiced to be able to participate (or set as members for that to be permanent)

    ✅ 1
  10. neox

    Participating means here sending messages

  11. Projjal

    ahh, got it

  12. mm

    hi. when i select copy on a message, gajim not only puts the content of the message into the clipboard but also additional information like the date and the username.

  13. mm

    is there a way to prevent gajim from doing that? it is quite unexpected to copy a message and then have addtional probably private data also put into the clipboard.

  14. cal0pteryx

    It was explicitly requested to have this info, yes. But we can make it a button with more options as well

    👍 1
  15. mm

    i am not sure. but as i said, it is unexpected at least for me.

  16. mm

    maybe a popup to ask people whether they want to have gajim add the additional data or not when they copy a message for the first time.

  17. biange200

    Does GaJim support bridging telegrams?

  18. lissine

    biange200: you need a gateway like slidgram

  19. lissine

    biange200: you need a gateway such as slidgram

  20. biange200

    I am using, Does this support bridging telegrams?

  21. biange200

    Which server supports bridged telegrams?

  22. lissine

    biange200: the only public one that I know is There are probably others out there.

  23. lissine

    But you need to trust the server operator, as they can have access to your messages

  24. lissine

    That's why in general public servers don't offer gateways

  25. biange200

    thank you

  26. lissine

    You're welcome

  27. theundergrowth

    hi, just set up gajim, and getting a feel for the app. tried to join a group, but doesn't seem to work.. wonder if doing something wrong.. i just enter the group link into the box that comes up when press **start/join chat**, and i select group chat. curious what im doing wrong.

  28. lovetox

    should work

  29. lovetox

    what does it say?

  30. theundergrowth

    ok. i got in.. my bad... the enter button needing some persistent pressing.. thanks

  31. theundergrowth

    sorry about the dumb questions, but never used gajim before.. just tried to send a PM in the group i joined, as was needed to enter the chat... and it says *manage trust*... i assume i need to create some agreement with the guy im opening up the chat with.. but can't see anywhere/way to do so. looked through my settings..

  32. lovetox

    no thats related to encryption

  33. lovetox

    check the lock icon in the bottom left

  34. lovetox

    does it more say then "manage trust"?

  35. lovetox

    simply try to write a message

  36. lovetox

    sorry, bottom right

  37. theundergrowth

    ok. yes, i found it.. and i had enabled my omemo encryption (was surprised that wasn't on by default)... and the message has been sent.. thanks for clarity..

  38. lovetox

    there is a option in Accounts -> Privacy

  39. lovetox

    to enable default encryption, but i dont recommend it if you are getting to know the app

  40. theundergrowth

    ok. thanks for heads up. what would be any reason i wouldn't have it at default encrypted? any use case for using the app unencrypted?

  41. lovetox

    no, its just that this is not whatsapp, we dont control all clients and servers in the environment.

  42. lovetox

    Things break, clients have bugs, and sometimes stuff does not work

  43. lovetox

    if someone is new to the whole thing, i think its more important to start using the app to chat, then encryption your first "hi"

  44. lovetox

    if someone is new to the whole thing, i think its more important to start using the app to chat, than encryption your first "hi"

  45. lovetox

    if you know how to disable encryption in case it does not work for a particular contact, and know where to get help, i think its fine to leave it enabled by default

  46. biange200

    lissine: How to bridge Telegram after registering an account?