Gajim - 2024-10-08

  1. hannibal

    maximus: what Linux distribution and version do you use, that has the dark theme issue?

  2. badmuff

    > is it just me or did the channel avatar here disappear? Works for me.

  3. fjklp

    > Hey, somebody noticed :) I was wondering how long it would be flying under the radar :D > So the general idea is to concentrate on the port to GTK4 so it doesn't drag for an extended period of time. This means MRs with GUI changes will probably only be considered after the port, depending on how many parts a change touches. Since there is a separation from GUI/core (at least to some degree), MRs touching non-GUI parts may be easier to consider. The main focus at the moment is to work on the port though It really is an endless bug hunt 🥲️

  4. cal0pteryx

    Have you seen how many issues Gajim's issue tracker counts? :) Of course we can stand still, do nothing, fix all bugs and be done. But Gajim should get new features right?

  5. meson

    Well, there are indeed issues on tracker which stem from gtk3, so ...

  6. meson

    cal0pteryx: how do you proceed with the port? How can you test if ported parts work if not the whole codebase has been ported?

  7. meson

    cal0pteryx: how do you proceed with the port? How can you test if ported parts work if not the whole codebase has been ported yet?

  8. cal0pteryx

    meson: we started with a minimal working core by disabling stuff that broke. Then we proceeded to enable stuff again, step by step

  9. meson

    Sounds like a strategy.

  10. cal0pteryx

    I'll make a list of thing which we still have to fix/check/figure out

  11. cal0pteryx

    I'm currently working on a replacement for the file chooser button (needs cross platform checking), Drag and drop hasn't been ported yet, some signals need to be connected again, Service disco dialog hasn't been touched yet To name a few

  12. meson

    Cc gtk4 expert Link Mauve :D I will see if I can help out, but first I keep working on the media browser stuff. :)

  13. Link Mauve

    meson, GTK now has GtkVideo for playing media stuff.

  14. meson

    \o/, will build that i5

  15. meson

    \o/, will build that in

  16. Link Mauve

    cal0pteryx, did you manage to get mypy to help with the gi types?

  17. cal0pteryx

    Link Mauve: yes, this has been working for a while now. We're using pyright/pylance in connection with pyGObject-stubs, which helps _a lot_

  18. Link Mauve


  19. maximus

    > maximus: what Linux distribution and version do you use, that has the dark theme issue? don't worry, I didn't have adwaita dark installed on my system, now it works

  20. meson

    Well, short update, I got zero response to my mail from 2 weeks to the new Fedora package maintainer of Gajim. :-/

  21. meson

    Well, short update, I got zero response to my mail from 2 weeks ago to the new Fedora package maintainer of Gajim. :-/

  22. ==MS==


  23. ==MS==

    is anybody having issues with icons for the flatpak package?

  24. lovetox

    what is you issue?

  25. lovetox

    what is your issue?

  26. ==MS==

    with the latest update, I get a bunch of place holder icons

  27. ==MS==

    I'm using fedora 40

  28. ==MS==

    and I get a generic white icon with a `!`

  29. ==MS==

    it does that for all missing Icons

  30. ==MS==

    the tray icon is missing as well

  31. lovetox

    can you make a screenshot so i can see where those missing icons are

  32. ==MS==

    as an example:

  33. ==MS==

  34. ==MS==

  35. ==MS==

  36. ==MS==

    they're all over the place

  37. lovetox

    ok thanks

  38. meson

    ==MS==: Fedora Gnome or Plasma?

  39. ==MS==


  40. meson

    On Plasma it works fine for me with both Breeze and Adwaita icon themes

  41. meson

    On Plasma it works fine for me with both Breeze and Adwaita icon themes + Flatlak 1.9.5

  42. meson

    On Plasma it works fine for me with both Breeze and Adwaita icon themes + Flatpak 1.9.5

  43. ==MS==

    I tried other icon sets and it is the same

  44. lovetox

    very weird

  45. lovetox

    some of these icons are gajim shipped ones

  46. lovetox

    so your icon theme should not matter

  47. lovetox

    whats with the gajim icon in the top left?

  48. ==MS==

  49. lovetox

    did you restart since install?

  50. lovetox

    did you restart since update?

  51. ==MS==

    yes, multiple times

  52. ==MS==

    i tried installing other icon sets

  53. lovetox

    not gajim, i mean your machine

  54. ==MS==

    > not gajim, i mean your machine yes, that's what I meant

  55. lovetox

    it has nothing to do with icon sets

  56. lovetox

    some of the icons missing are ones that we ship ourself

  57. lovetox

    i would try reinstalling the app, there is really no reason i can think of why the app would no find its own shipped icons

  58. lovetox

    and you are saying it worked in a previous flatpak install?

  59. ==MS==

    > and you are saying it worked in a previous flatpak install? yes, perfectly; the icons that are not missing changed to what it seems "older" icons

  60. ==MS==

    perhaps is some permission thing with flatpak?

  61. ==MS==

    let me try reinstalling gajim

  62. lovetox

    do you install the app with the --user flag?

  63. lovetox

    or via your software store app?

  64. ==MS==

    > do you install the app with the --user flag? nope

  65. ==MS==

    > or via your software store app? the terminal

  66. ==MS==

    I'm reinstalling it now, let's see if it fixes it

  67. ==MS==

    I'll report back! 😎️

  68. lovetox


  69. lovetox

    maybe i was too fast, it seems all not shipped icons

  70. lovetox

    so it is probably solved by installing a correct icons theme

  71. ==MS==

    > so it is probably solved by installing a correct icons theme which one would that be?

  72. ==MS==

    nope, not fixed!

  73. lovetox

    no idea sorry, its probably also maybe a problem of activating the icon theme in the right place or telling flatpak which place to look for the icon theme

  74. lovetox

    i think this question is better placed in a flatpak support channel, or fedora support channel

    👍 1
  75. ==MS==

    it really is not that important, just annoying

  76. ==MS==


  77. ==MS==


  78. ==MS==

    as a side note, perhaps you should consider shipping all the icons with the package

  79. ==MS==

    as you thought

  80. lovetox

    try a few other flatpak apps, if you see the same problem

  81. ==MS==

    will do -- thanks!

  82. berent


  83. roughnecks

    hi, I'm trying PGP encryption with a friend but he's offline now. If I chat him from gajim, the shield is gree but if I chat him from profanity, with the same keys, gajim says it's not trusted, li..

  84. roughnecks

    hi, I'm trying PGP encryption with a friend but he's offline now. If I chat him from gajim, the shield is gree but if I chat him from profanity, with the same keys, gajim says it's not trusted, like..

  85. roughnecks

  86. roughnecks

    how do I manage trust?

  87. moparisthebest

    That is a deep question

  88. Clash

    Let's break out the "Reflections on Trusting Trust" paper!

  89. lovetox

    roughnecks: click the shield icon

  90. roughnecks

    lovetox, the shield icon only lets me assign a key to the contact and I already did that

  91. roughnecks

    it's PGP, not omemo

  92. moparisthebest

    Do you need to trust the key on the gpg command line?

  93. roughnecks

    I am on Windows and the key is trusted in kleopatra, or do you mean I need to trust it on the machine running profanity? I can try

  94. lovetox

    did you assign your own key in the plugin config?

  95. roughnecks


  96. roughnecks

    I sent successfully

  97. roughnecks

    at least it looks like that

  98. roughnecks

    nope, still orange shield after trusting the key on the machine running profanity

  99. roughnecks

    let me see if I need to trust in profanity itself

  100. lovetox

    yeah look at the code, its that way

  101. lovetox

    we dont do any verification for trust or not, and dont read this information out of the gpg process

  102. lovetox

    this plugin simply depends on the gpg binary

  103. lovetox

    as the plugin itself delegates the whole process of trusting to gpg

  104. lovetox

    because we dont read the inforation if gpg conisders the sender trusted, we always return trust undecided

  105. roughnecks

    well, I can't find anything related to trust in profanity, while gpg says "ultimate" now (and I also restarted profanity)

  106. roughnecks

    will ask on profanity room :)

  107. lovetox

    this has nothing to do with profanity

  108. lovetox

    as said we dont read the information from gpg

  109. hueso
