Gajim - 2024-09-20

  1. XRevan86

    `./ build --dist unix && ./ build --dist win`, found an easy trick to build locales on GNU/Linux. But not going to use `install --dist win`, I will copy the directory manually.

  2. lovetox

    This is a bug in the build script

  3. fjklp

    looks like there's no new nightly flatpak today?

  4. Hugo

    Every time gajim disconnects, I'm prompted again to provide the password for it. Could gajim not store the password in memory and avoid this prompt?

  5. Hugo

    When I put the system to sleep, my password store automatically locks. So when the system wakes up, I'm prompted to unlock it because gajim want to re-read the password.

  6. Hugo

    But on flaky internet it's also annoying to see the pop-ups out of nowhere.

  7. lovetox

    Does this make sense? You lock your keyring and want applications to work around that by storing the password somewhere else?

  8. lovetox

    Disable keyring usage in Gajim then Gajim will store the password where it can access it

  9. hannibal

    > looks like there's no new nightly flatpak today? The last successful nightly build seems to be from 2024-09-15 (`flatpak info org.gajim.Gajim.Devel`)

  10. hannibal

    lovetox, do you see anything in the logs?

  11. lovetox

    Only asterix has the logs

  12. lovetox

    Can someone try the stable flatpak?

  13. hannibal

    the stable from flathub is up-to-date and running

  14. Link Mauve

    Hi, on Gajim 1.9.4 I get this warning on launch: (org.gajim.Gajim:8811): Gtk-WARNING **: 11:05:30.223: Duplicate child name in GtkStack: Advanced

  15. Link Mauve

    It doesn’t seem to do anything bad, but you might want to check it.

  16. anviar

    guys, I trying using Flatpak to develop plugins. Looks like gajim ignore ~/.var/app/org.gajim.Gajim/data/gajim/plugins. Which path is correct for flatpak?

  17. hannibal

    anviar, the PLUGINS_USER path is not used with flatpak. You could try `~/.local/share/flatpak/app/org.gajim.Gajim/current/active/files/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gajim/data/plugins` (the directory probably needs to be created)

    👍 1
  18. hannibal

    or use flatpak to create a simple plugin package and then modify the sources in `~/.local/share/flatpak/runtime/org.gajim.Gajim.Plugin.<name>/`

  19. hannibal

    here is an example for a plugin

  20. seb

    I'm testing the new version of Gajim. Congratulation for this release and tank you very much. ❤️

  21. cal0pteryx

    Thanks seb

  22. seb

    The new Hats feature work well. I use the Prosody module mod_muc_hats_adhoc on the server side.

  23. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Build: Build translations for all distributions again -

  24. lovetox

    XRevan86, you could though use `install --dist unix`

  25. lovetox

    no need to copy the files yourself

  26. lovetox

    i fixed the bug in just now

  27. XRevan86

    lovetox: On Windows it builds translations twice now. `./ install --dist unix` does not install them, I of course do run it.

  28. lovetox

    no there is a return in line 2

  29. lovetox

    translations are installed, when you execute `pip install .`

  30. XRevan86

    > no there is a return in line 2 Ah, right.

  31. lovetox

    the order is ``` ./ build --dist unix ./ install --dist pip install . ```

  32. lovetox

    while line 2 and 3 does not matter in which order it happens

  33. lovetox

    *unix is missing in line

  34. lovetox

    *unix is missing in line

  35. lovetox

    *unix is missing in line 2

  36. lovetox

    i contemplated if i should call `pip install` from the script, but decided it too much assumes, that someone wants to use pip

  37. lovetox

    or maybe they want to use it with special parameters

  38. XRevan86

    Yes, I have to call it with special parameters.

  39. XRevan86

    > translations are installed, when you execute `pip install .` But that does not happen.

  40. lovetox

    show me your pip install line

  41. lovetox

    or if you want the whole package script

  42. XRevan86

    ``` python3 -mpip install \ --verbose --progress-bar off --disable-pip-version-check \ --no-compile --ignore-installed --no-deps \ --no-index --find-links ./build ```

  43. lovetox

    are you installing this from a wheel file? a sdist?

  44. lovetox

    because it looks like it does not install from source

  45. lovetox

    as in git clone

  46. lovetox

    or something

  47. lovetox

    whats in the folder ./build?

  48. XRevan86

    Build: ``` python3 -mpip wheel \ --verbose --progress-bar off --disable-pip-version-check \ --use-pep517 --no-build-isolation --no-deps --wheel-dir ./build . ```

  49. lovetox

    and before that you download the sdist and extract it?

  50. XRevan86

    It builds from the tarball.

  51. lovetox

    yeah ok

  52. lovetox

    so the probem is, build is a source modifing process

  53. lovetox

    you need to extract the tarball, call build

  54. lovetox

    source will be modified, and THEN you can build a wheel

  55. lovetox

    The README is structured in that order, maybe i should make it clearer that this order is important?

  56. XRevan86

    Ah, I see. That was the mistake, yes.

  57. Дмитрий

    Hi! Today, after the Gajim update, the interface became English. How can I get the Russian language back in the Gajim interface? Gajim is installed from flatpak.

  58. lovetox

    sadly we messed something up in the release, so its only english now, you will need to wait for the next one in a week or so

  59. fjklp

    Do things like global group chat search not get output to the debug logs?

  60. fjklp

    I'm guessing that's handled by nbxmpp

  61. lovetox

    its just one query, so not much to put out

  62. fjklp

    ok, bug issue incoming

  63. fjklp

    I wanted to do the extra step of looking at the raw output of what gajim gets back from

  64. fjklp

    I wanted to do the extra step of looking at the raw output of what gajim gets back from to see if I can figure out what's going on

  65. lovetox

    so whats wrong?

  66. fjklp

    I made an issue on the tracker

  67. Дмитрий

    > sadly we messed something up in the release, so its only english now, you will need to wait for the next one in a week or so Я думал это проблема на моей стороне. Буду ждать, спасибо. Хорошего дня!

  68. Дмитрий

    > sadly we messed something up in the release, so its only english now, you will need to wait for the next one in a week or so I thought it was a problem on my end. I'll wait, thanks. Have a good day!

  69. hannibal should fix the translation issue

  70. lovetox


  71. lovetox

    yeah that should work, i thought maybe that breaks our next deploy process, but we simply overwrite always the yaml

  72. lovetox

    and its allowed to publish twice with the same version on flatpak?

  73. lovetox

    ok merged, thanks hannibal

  74. Exord

    Hi lovetox, why is there still no progress towards dtls-srtp? What is frankly preventing this from being implemented, at least for the Linux platform?

  75. lovetox

    the MR depends on other open MRs to the underlying libraries

  76. lovetox

    if it would be just a Gajim MR, i would merge it

  77. lovetox

    but this MR would only work on flatpak, and only if we freeze gstreamer and farstreamer in place with the custom patches

  78. lovetox

    as im not a gstreamer or farstreamer maintainer, and also not a C/C++ developer, and the main point of this MR is to have encrypted calls, i cannot even judge if the DTLS implementation in farstreamer is ok

  79. Exord

    Well, I understand your situation. Thanks for your answer.

  80. lovetox

    so, i hope inflex returns and i hope he can get both MRs in gstreamer and farstreamer merged

  81. lovetox

    so, i hope intelfx returns and i hope he can get both MRs in gstreamer and farstreamer merged

  82. Exord

    intelfx), my fellow countryman I honestly don't know why they don't accept these changes. But in general, gstreamer seems to have its own support for dtls srtp encoding/decoding. Maybe I'll dig around in the near future.

  83. Exord

  84. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: StartChat: Fix global search results missing the name in some cases -

  85. cal0pteryx

    Here is the official release post: Gajim 1.9.4 has been released 🎉

  86. speedygonzales99

    I am hoping that audio/video calls aren't too far away because Gajim is a fully featured XMPP client. 🤞

  87. Exord

    > I am hoping that audio/video calls aren't too far away because Gajim is a fully featured XMPP client. 🤞 Yes, that would be great. And if voice conferences suddenly started working, that would be really super. Because jitsi is pure garbage.

  88. speedygonzales99

    Agree 💯