Gajim - 2024-09-17

  1. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: quoting is something different. You're talking about copying a message, right?

  2. cal0pteryx

    A quote has no timestamp. Neither has a reply

  3. Timestamp


  4. Timestamp

    oh lol this pinged me

  5. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: I'm talking that the option 'Select Messages'

  6. cal0pteryx

    Yes, exactly. Copying a message is different to a quote. Quotes are meant to reply to others, while copying messages is typically for archiving purposes

  7. fjklp


  8. cal0pteryx

    It replicates gajim's previous behavior, where you could copy a whole message line, including its timestamp

  9. fjklp

    I guess I used the wrong term here, but my filed issue used the correct term, I believe

  10. cal0pteryx

    Removing the timestamp would defeat the purpose

  11. fjklp

    it would be nice if there were hints in the description of each date and time string in the ACE that tell us where they have effect. Maybe that's too much trouble to maintain over time.

  12. fjklp

    how would it defeat the purpose?

  13. fjklp

    also, if we could specify time zone - for example UTC - then the exact time would still be contained without revealing the local time of the person copying it

  14. cal0pteryx

    It was explicity asked to contain a timestamp and a nickname, in order to replicate Gajim's previous behavior

  15. cal0pteryx

    Please use "quote message" if you want it without

  16. fjklp

    > Please use "quote message" if you want it without what does this mean?

  17. cal0pteryx

    ..or even copy the text by selecting it. There are so many ways

  18. cal0pteryx

    "Quote message" instead of "Copy message"

  19. fjklp

    I see no option that is called "quote message"

  20. fjklp

    > ..or even copy the text by selecting it. There are so many ways sometimes I want to copy multiple lines. I was aiming to do it faster than copy, paste, copy, paste, etc.

  21. fjklp

    but maybe that's what I will be left with

  22. cal0pteryx

    So you're talking about copying multiple messages, that was not clear to me

  23. lovetox

    We will not add stuff to fake your time

  24. cal0pteryx

    "copy messages" for multi selection executes "copy message" for each message selected. And this is exactly the behavior previous gajim versions had, which is what users explicitly asked for

  25. lovetox

    And message only with date makes for most people no sense

  26. jestar

    Can I use gajim to trust certs of https link manually instead of using system keyring?

  27. jestar

    and disable https cert verify seems not working

  28. cal0pteryx

    jestar: either you add your cert to your system's cert store or you use a valid cert :)

  29. jestar

    some android clients have the function to not trust ca and trust certs manually for both c2s and https, and I think it's nice to have it

  30. lovetox

    what is your actual problem?

  31. lovetox

    you have a self signed cert and cant upload to your server?

  32. lovetox

    you make it sound like you want to trust every cert that you encounter when someone sends you a http link

  33. jestar

    > you have a self signed cert and cant upload to your server? yes, I want to do that. the android conversations client can manage trusted certs in application, and I want to do that with gajim too

  34. jestar

    So will it be a possible feature?

  35. jestar

    > you make it sound like you want to trust every cert that you encounter when someone sends you a http link I mean only the file link

  36. jestar

    > you make it sound like you want to trust every cert that you encounter when someone sends you a http link I mean only the file link from xmpp server

  37. cal0pteryx

    Gajim most likely won't implement an additional cert trust layer, no

  38. berent


  39. jestar

    > Gajim most likely won't implement an additional cert trust layer, no then thanks for answering

  40. mike

    Seeing random behavior where text just continues to the left and a horizontal scroll appears rather than wrapping to the next line?

  41. mike

    The weird part is it's only on one chat

  42. 222m5

    mike, quite likely this… > will be fixed in the next version, it happens when there is a really long word without spaces

  43. mike

    Word thanks

  44. betarays

    I need to run an independent instance of Gajim for testing, how should I do this?

  45. betarays

    (with firefox I set a temporary directory as HOME and use --no-remote)

  46. lissine

    betarays: check out Gajim's man page I think the option is -p

  47. lissine

    (p for profile)

  48. betarays

    ah, I see, so with `-p tmp -s` everything should be kept in a different directory, that I should be able to delete later?

  49. betarays

    okay, this allows me to use a different HOME as well

  50. betarays

    thanks lissine

  51. lissine

    you're welcome

  52. Fuwupe

    hi guys

  53. lissine

    > oh lol this pinged me It shouldn't have, because nicks are case-sensitive

  54. Link Mauve

    lovetox, % LC_ALL=C pacman -V|sed -r 's#[0-9]+#081#g'|md5sum|cut -c1-6 62c74f

  55. cal0pteryx

    lissine: gajim does not care :)

  56. lissine

    > lissine: gajim does not care :) but it should It's possible to have two participants whose nicks only differ in the case of the first character

  57. lissine

    Examples: currently in the prosody channel there's andrew and Andrew, John and john, Prosody and prosody