Gajim - 2024-09-15

  1. aereaux

    Well, looks like this is actually a problem with the new version of idna that was just released?

  2. famfo

    The website is currently unreachable over IPv6

  3. sch

    Gajim is featured in the recent XMPP news letter in a screenshot of Blasta.

  4. dindon-chapril

    > The website is currently unreachable over IPv6 Same for me. And same for , , They all use : IPv6 address 2001:41d0:203:1ce9:100::1 IPv4 address nc -zvv 2001:41d0:203:1ce9:100::1 443 # wait forever traceroute6 2001:41d0:203:1ce9:100::1 ... 12 (2001:41d0:0:50::a894) (stuck here ; it doesn't reach destination)

  5. dindon-chapril

    I tried online port checking tools like to see if it's src-ip related, but I always get some "error: Connection timed out", same for TCP_25 and TCP_80 ; maybe a routing problem ?

  6. lovetox

    yes the server has a problem with the ipv6 interface

  7. lovetox

    asterix, could you please take a look, it affects now all services on the server

  8. lovetox

    for the IDNA issue, seems the lib is broken, i opened an issue

    👍 1
  9. asterix

    ipv6 should be back

  10. dindon-chapril

    asterix, thanks a lot, I confirm ipv6 is working again for the 3 protocol I tested (25, 80 and 443)

  11. fjklp

    lately something is up with one of my accounts. Every time I start gajim it keeps connecting and disconnecting, then eventually connects. Something similar happens with Conversations, but it say "Policy Violation" (I have no idea what this means, not verbose enough. But maybe gajim should be giving me messages in the UI too to help out?). I seem to remember something like this happening way back. What should I look for in the logs or do to fix it?

  12. lovetox

    Policy Violation comes from the server

  13. lovetox

    i suspect it has to do with stream management

  14. lovetox

    usually we saw that on ejabberd until they raised the default stanza queue limit

  15. lovetox

    but there might be servers out there who use the old default value which was too low

  16. lovetox

    current ejabberd default is around ~5000

  17. fjklp

    thanks, I'm starting to recall

  18. fjklp

    this is why having my old conversations merged into my db matters

  19. fjklp

    looking at an old conversation where I sent omemo messages. My messages say "This message was encrypted with OMEMO, but not for your device." why?

  20. fjklp

    I hope xmpp is usable some day

  21. fjklp

    what we really need is centralization

  22. Kris


  23. Kris

    fjklp: because that is a feature. You don't want arbitrary new devices or apps to be able to decrypt old messages.

  24. fjklp

    outgoing messages should not be encrypted in my db, afaik

  25. fjklp

    (again, I shouldn't have to think about all this stuff)

  26. Kris

    Then don't use omemo

  27. fjklp


  28. fjklp

    xmpp in a nutshell

  29. Kris

    It is an optional feature to increase security. If you then water it down again because you don't want to think about it, it's pointless to use it in the first place.

  30. lovetox

    fjklp, these are not the messages in your db

  31. lovetox

    why do you think that

  32. fjklp

    does this mean that those messages had to be sent by a different client install?

  33. fjklp

    I thought I had sent them from this gajim install

  34. lovetox

    thats more likely

  35. lovetox

    or you setup your device new, and downloaded these messages, of course they cannot be decrypted then

  36. aereaux

    > for the IDNA issue, seems the lib is broken, i opened an issue 👍

  37. roughnecks

    hello, is this a correct configuration?

  38. roughnecks

  39. lovetox

    hmmm i think it supports only one value

  40. cal0pteryx

    roughnecks: it's not specified what is a correct configuration

  41. lovetox

    the question is what do you want to achieve with that?

  42. lovetox

    does Gajim somewhere show the language?

  43. lovetox

  44. lovetox

    we do, and i think im implemented support for multiple languages

  45. lovetox

    hm no i didnt

  46. lovetox

    Gajim only support one

  47. lovetox

    as in, converting to a full language name as "English" if you set "en, de" Gajim will simply show that

  48. lovetox

    so to answer your question, yes you can fill into this text field whatever you want

  49. lovetox

    depending on the client it will show a nice name or simply whatever you filled in

  50. ho

    is there a way to delete multiple messages locally at the same time

  51. ho

    instead of having to go through each one

  52. ho


  53. roughnecks

    > so to answer your question, yes you can fill into this text field whatever you want it seems to me that e.g. it doesn't show anything in for multiple languages

  54. cal0pteryx

    roughnecks: yes, behavior is undefined

  55. roughnecks

    ok, thanks everyone. Will set just one lang

  56. lovetox

    ho, i think select message works

  57. ho

    > ho, i think select message works i tried it

  58. lovetox

    select all and then select the menu on one and click delete?

  59. ho

    i tried that lol

  60. ho

    so im confused on why i cant just delete all

  61. ho

    and go to the menu and delete

  62. ho

    it only deletes the single message that im clicking the 3 dots for

  63. lovetox

    yes seems we did not implement this yet

  64. lovetox

    but i thought there was a issue about it

  65. lovetox

    actually simply a delete button in the overlay would be nice then

  66. ho

    yeah its very tedious going through each 1 individually

  67. ho

    would be greatly appreciated if it was implemented

  68. lovetox

    you can delete everything though, but i guess thats not what you want?

  69. lovetox

    Chat Settings -> Remove History

  70. lovetox

    ho ^

  71. ho

    i need that

  72. ho

    lemme see

  73. ho

    where exactly is that

  74. ho


  75. ho

    oh wait ic

  76. ho

  77. ho

    is it that

  78. ho

    cuz i dont see a difference when i use it

  79. lovetox

    ? what do you mean, if you click the button all the history should be gone

  80. ho

    does it only delete my messages or also theirs?

  81. lovetox


  82. ho

    is it only client or should it also disappear the messages on their side too

  83. ho


  84. lovetox

    all deletes are always only local

  85. lovetox

    you cannot delete messages from other devices

  86. ho

    alright thanks