Gajim - 2024-09-14

  1. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master ci: Build: Add windows dist switch -

  2. fjklp

    are there going to be more changes on the tray icon situation?

  3. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master ci: Build: Add build and config files to tarball -

  4. lovetox

    fjklp, yes working on it

    👍 1
  5. fjklp

    the rapid scrolling when hovering over the reaction/message context menu is pretty weird. is this intentional?

  6. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, it's a workaround, and it uses a different mechanism. so you could say it's not intentional, but a known limitation for a very narrow case

  7. cal0pteryx

    either this, or no scrolling when hovering these buttons

  8. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Flatpak: Fix showing appindicator icons -

  9. lovetox

    fjklp, icons should now work finally in nightly

  10. WürmchenVertilger

    Is there a recommended way to get Gajim installed in latest version under Ubuntu 24.04? I finally get 1.9.3 up and running with flatpak. But Debian Repo with nightly Version fails to install.

  11. WürmchenVertilger

    I "only" get a package named gajim-default-nightly and it complains about the missing depency package gajim-nightly 🤔️

  12. lovetox

    debian nightly is currently broken, but does not work anyway on ubuntu

  13. lovetox

    why are you not happy with flatpak?

  14. lovetox

    or are you saying you want a nightly installed?

  15. jstein

    I never thought about using flatpak because it looks like the wrong way to go, when you have Linux and a working packaging mechanism. But there are many people who dived deeper into this flatpak and collected reasons why not to use it for example on

  16. cal0pteryx

    > when you have linux and a working packaging mechanism This is where it fails for some distributions. Then, flatpak is a good alternative for these users

  17. beelze

    Hi. I have an chatlog pane issue. One of my chats seems using width of ~1000px and no horiz scrolling – part of text can't be seen

  18. lissine

    IMHO, desktop users should use a rolling release distribution. For example, Void Linux gets Gajim updates in its repos a couple of days after release

  19. lovetox

    beelze, will be fixed in the next version, it happens when there is a really long word without spaces

  20. lovetox

    jstein, this site complains about not updated software, and therfor bugs or exploits

  21. lovetox

    it has nothing in particular to do with flatpak

  22. lovetox

    the argument is basically, if libraries are shipped by the distribution they are faster patched

  23. lovetox

    which is of course true, but people dont use flatpak because of security

  24. beelze

    lovetox, thanks. One more question: roster pane is too wide for me but can't be narrowed. Is there a setting to lift this restriction?

  25. lovetox

    which roster?

  26. lovetox

    you mean groupchat roster?

  27. beelze

    left pane, contacts list. Idk proper name for this :-)

  28. lovetox

    no there is a min wide, there is a issue open to maybe make it smaller

  29. lovetox

    CTRL + R

  30. lovetox

    hides it completely though

  31. lovetox

    if that helps you

  32. lovetox

    also the groupchat roster can be hidden

  33. beelze

    ok, thanks

  34. bot

    lovetox pushed 5 commits to branch gajim/master

  35. lovetox

    now the icon stuff should be solved, on the way i made it so on flatpak the indicator now can show also the different colors of the status

  36. cal0pteryx


  37. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master ci: Fix make command -

  38. steven3k

    Whenever I start gajim one of my two accounts goes online but the status is "Available (desynced)". The other stays "offline (desynced)". Both of them are supposed to autoconnect. Any suggestions?

  39. lovetox

    so you are saying one account does not connect automatically?

  40. lovetox

    did you disable it, see accounts -> general

  41. steven3k

    both accounts are set to autoconnect. Can it be because both accounts need to prompt for a password but only popup can be shown at a time?

  42. lovetox

    maybe, why would it need to prompt for a password? do you not store the password?

  43. steven3k

    > maybe, why would it need to prompt for a password? do you not store the password? Nope, I did not store them. (I don't have a keyring manager)

  44. lovetox

    you can disable keyring usage, then gajim will store the password in the database

  45. aereaux

    Is there any way to ignore hats changes in a MUC? I'm in some slidge discord rooms and the hats seem to change pretty frequently, clogging up the chat

  46. lovetox

    You need to install python nbxmpp nightly

  47. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: Create a common directory for temporary files -

  48. aereaux

    Thanks. It looks like pipx wasn't injecting the proper git version. Now I'm getting a different problem, though: idna.core.InvalidCodepoint: Codepoint U+002E at position 4 does not follow STD3 rules

  49. aereaux

    I can provide the full error message if needed

  50. lovetox

    yeah please

  51. aereaux

    Actually sorry, it might just be because pipx is being buggy about version. Let me figure that out and then I'll get back to you if it's still an issue

  52. aereaux

    Actually sorry, it might just be because pipx is being buggy about versions. Let me figure that out and then I'll get back to you if it's still an issue

  53. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: MUC: Display errors related to nickname change -

  54. Timestamp

    hello there friends

  55. Fuwupe

    hi guys :3

  56. Timestamp

  57. Timestamp

    pov: your taskbar icon just started flashing and there's no way to disable it in gajim at all even with all notifications disabled and all chats muted

  58. Timestamp

    pls allow me to hide my taskbar again on my pc

  59. Timestamp

    every time i get a message in any group chat i have muted it still flashes and pops my taskbar up

  60. lovetox

    preferences -> general -> show in taskbar

  61. Timestamp

    Doesn't that just remove it from the taskbar?

  62. lovetox

    i thought thats what you wanted

  63. Fuwupe

    the problem is its flashy

  64. Fuwupe

    its distracting his adhd brain

  65. lovetox

    ok so you have your task bar hidden, you cant see it, but you still want that something is in it, while you cant see it

  66. Timestamp

  67. Timestamp

    still flashing doesn't work

  68. Timestamp

  69. Timestamp

    it's off dw

  70. Timestamp

    and it still flashes

  71. Fuwupe

    did you restard

  72. Timestamp


  73. Fuwupe

    its over

  74. Timestamp

    doesn't fix it

  75. lovetox

    you can try to disable use_urgency_hint in advanced config settings

  76. Timestamp

  77. Timestamp

    wow ty this should be in Notification Settings for real

  78. Timestamp

    thanks bro

  79. Fuwupe

  80. Fuwupe

    does this not just work

  81. Fuwupe

    theres urgency settings in win11 taskbar settings

  82. Timestamp

    that's only a windows 11 thing not a windows 10 thing duder

  83. Fuwupe

    download win11 then

  84. Timestamp

    nice fix idiot

  85. Timestamp


  86. Fuwupe

    why are you using a 10 year old OS

  87. Timestamp

    why aren't u

  88. Fuwupe

    because win 11 is much more responsive

  89. Fuwupe

    and win10 is out of service soon

  90. Timestamp

    bad reasons

  91. lovetox

    please stop this discussion now, i dont think it will lead to anything useful, thanks

  92. Fuwupe

    i think its important people know about windows support ending

  93. Fuwupe

    it is the superior OS

  94. Fuwupe

    what os do you use lovetox

  95. lovetox


  96. Fuwupe

    have you tried arch?

  97. lovetox


  98. Fuwupe

    its pretty good

  99. Fuwupe

    more customization less resources used

  100. Fuwupe

    theres also a lot of programs available through the AUR

  101. Fuwupe

    i would consider switching or at least looking into it

  102. Fuwupe

    its pretty good for gamin

  103. Fuwupe

    thats what the steam deck OS is built off of

  104. Fuwupe


  105. Fuwupe

    consider it

  106. lissine

    It also gets Gajim updates several months later :p

  107. Fuwupe

    but consider this:

  108. Fuwupe

    bleeding edgwe

  109. lissine

    It also gets Gajim updates several months late :p but still better than a non-rolling release

  110. aereaux

    > yeah please Ok, now I'm having trouble getting it to work at all, and it seems to be the proper versions. The logs are here:

  111. aereaux

    Let me know if I can provide any other debugging