Gajim - 2024-09-13

  1. ccgoodshop

    Excuse me, how to delete the historical chat records of the client and the network side?

  2. fjklp

    ccgoodshop: For removing chat history from gajim, in recent versions of gajim you go to Group Chat Details from a button at the top right, then Settings > Remove History

  3. ccgoodshop

    I Gajim deleted the history, but there is still history in the web client?

  4. fjklp

    For removing chat history from the server, I'm not sure if you can. I'd _guess_ that deleting a muc will delete the history, but I'm not sure. The best you can probably do is ask the server admin if it's possible.

  5. fjklp

    if someone else knows better, fill me in

  6. interloper

    > I Gajim deleted the history, but there is still history in the web client? You might need to contact the server admin

  7. interloper

    anyway depending on the server, chat history retention can be up to several weeks

  8. interloper

    I have mine set to 1 week

  9. Menel

    Yeah most have a week or two. But best to see on the server website what it does, or contact the admin if it's not enough to just wait.

  10. mebs

    if one changes their archiving preferences to "never", will this erase the chat history on the server (it would apply to all contacts, i guess), or will it just prevent new messages to be added to the archive?

  11. Menel

    I guess it will only affect future messages. But it may be dependend on the server implementation

  12. interloper

    The data should be stored in a simple database somewhere, depending on which server software is being used

  13. interloper

    should be able to be manually deleted

  14. interloper

    but that depends on how much the server admin gives a damn

  15. interloper

    but that depends on how much the server admin cares

  16. Mike Yellow

    What does the “contact information” switch actually mean in the v-card privacy settings?

  17. Mike Yellow

    Does it mean the other part of my v-card except avatar and nickname?

  18. lovetox


  19. Mike Yellow

    In English, is it also called a “contact” when he is not in one's roster but a 1:1 chat with him is opened?

  20. lovetox

    this is not dependent on language i would say

  21. lovetox

    in general i would not make a distinction between roster contact, and not roster contact

  22. lovetox

    that there even is a roster, is something a user would not even need to know to use xmpp

  23. interloper

    agree ^ and it's a bit of an awkward UX even in simpler clients

  24. lovetox

    so i would say, everybody you talk to is a "contact"

  25. Mike Yellow

    For me, the “contact information” in the settings is easily to be misunderstood, I would like to change it to “user information” or “other information” instead.

  26. lovetox

    i agree it can be misunderstood

  27. Mike Yellow

    Thanks, that is all.

  28. famfo_

    Hi, Gajim seems to have problems when running in an IPv6 only environment. It tries to download/resolve things over IPv4 which fails due to me not hav

  29. lovetox

    we use a http lib, libsoup

  30. lovetox

    i doubt they have a problem with ipv6

  31. lovetox

    are you using a proxy maybe?

  32. famfo

    Nope, the only funny thing going on is NAT64

  33. lovetox

    We can get more debug logs I look up the commands later

  34. lovetox

    famfo, try running Gajim from console wit

  35. lovetox

    famfo, try running Gajim from console with

  36. lovetox


  37. famfo

  38. famfo

    what is of note too: sometimes it works, mostly immediately after restarting the client

  39. lovetox

    normally resolving works in requesting ipv6 and ip4 parallel

  40. lovetox

    the faster one wins

  41. lovetox

    seems glib / libsoup aborts the ipv6 query once the ipv4 runs into an error

  42. lovetox

    in my opinion this looks like a bug to mee

  43. lovetox

    in my opinion this looks like a bug to me

  44. lovetox

    check the Gajim about window to find the GLib and libsoup version

  45. famfo

    `libsoup Version: 3.6.0`

  46. lovetox

    hm im trying to reproduce this, but seems to work for me every time with that link

  47. lovetox

    but i dont see if it uses ipv4

  48. lovetox

    but some proxy stuff is ongoing

  49. lovetox

    at least i yields results in your logfiles and prints some kind of proxy resolution

  50. lovetox

    when i try the same on my machine i dont have that

  51. lovetox

    further i have the error: GSocketClient: Connection attempt failed: Network is unreachable

  52. lovetox

    which seems to be the ipv4 try

  53. lovetox

    but then it just tries the next and succeeds

  54. famfo

    It seems to work when I open a chat, close it and open it again

  55. lovetox

    seems to be just luck that the ipv6 dns entry returns faster than the error of the ipv4

  56. lovetox

    no idea, anyway seems not like an Gajim issue, you can open a issue on the libsoup tracker

  57. lovetox

  58. lovetox

    attach your debug output

  59. famfo

    okay, will do, thanks

  60. igx423

    Undecided fingerprints??? What is this?

  61. hueso

    igx423: you have not told gajim yet if you trust those fingerprints or not

  62. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master change: Build: Move all configure/build/installation steps into single script -

  63. lovetox

    ^ Link Mauve

  64. lovetox

    Please update the gajim-git pkg build file

  65. lovetox

    you need to run ./ before installing gajim

  66. cal0pteryx

    This commit is important for all package maintainers, right?

  67. lovetox

    yes, but im not aware of other packages pulling daily git

  68. lovetox

    other package maintainers read the changelog once a release is done

  69. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master cq: Fix typos - cfix: Build: Don’t build and install in the same step -

  70. lovetox

    hannibal, there is a icon org.gajim.Gajim.Source.svg in our repo

  71. lovetox

    do you know for what that was? Did some flatpak build tool need this for something, to generate icons or something

  72. bot

    lovetox pushed 3 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Remove obsolete method - refactor: Don’t use reverse dns icon names internally - fix: DBus: Use correct app id -

  73. bot

    lovetox pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: StatusIcon: Simplify finding correct icon - cq: Update pyright excludes -