Gajim - 2024-09-12

  1. nicoco

    lovetox: about the nick change errors, it does not even have to be jid-malformed, for instance try to rename yourself to "nicoco" here

  2. hannibal

    > could you please review and test the nightly build lovetox, sure, but it might take a few days

  3. lovetox

    hannibal, in the .desktop file there is a line `Icon=org.gajim.Gajim`

  4. lovetox

    ahh, we overwrite the original file with the devel

  5. lovetox

    so this works

  6. lovetox

    but afterwards the file is renamed to .Devel and exported

  7. lovetox

    so.. wonder how would the host system pick up that icon

  8. hannibal

    rename-icon modifies that line, too, I assume

  9. steven3k

    Any plans to support the latest version (0.8.3) of XEP-0384, i.e., OMEMO 2?

  10. cal0pteryx

    Yes, but no estimate when ;)

  11. Hugo

    Can I toggle the autojoin flag for a MUC somewhere?

  12. Menel

    Seems all the modern clients switch away from that, and using bookmarks as "am joined to the room" and not the old behavior or a traditional bookmark

  13. Hugo

    I'm not sure what the "modern" or "traditional" behaviour each are, not I don't quite follow. I basically want some noisy channel on my desktop, but don't want them on my phone.

  14. Hugo

    If I understand xep-0402 correctly, I simply want to set autojoin=false for those channel.

  15. cal0pteryx

    Hugo: in the upcoming gajim version, you can set if you want to sync those autojoin settings in general

    👍 1
  16. Hugo

    Channels have two names in the UI, both are called "name". When I go to the "Group Chat Details" window, they are both visible in the same window. The top one is shown in the main channel list, and the bottom one is the name given by the owner/administrator...

  17. Hugo

    ... Wouldn't it be reasonable for the top one to be the same as the bottom one by default?

  18. cal0pteryx

    Hugo: both should be the same, unless you renamed it manually

  19. Hugo

    I didn't rename them manually, but I did join from other clients which _may_ have edited the bookmark name implicitly.

  20. Hugo

    A minor nitpick: I can't select-and-copy from the disabled Name field.

  21. cal0pteryx

    The upcoming version will show the original name in brackets in the contact details view, to avoid confusion

    ❤ 1
  22. Hugo

    Is a "workspace" equivalent to a "<group>"?

  23. cal0pteryx

    No, as groups are for 1:1 contacts only. Workspaces are a different thing, which allows to include group chats. Groups are synchronized between clients, workspaces are not

  24. Hugo

    MUCs can't be in a group. xep-0402 could well have defined an extra field `group` in the bookmark elements.

  25. Hugo

    That ship has sailed tho.

  26. nicoco

    Hugo: XEP-0402 has an `<extensions />` element that could be used for that. The issue is there is no such stuff for 1:1 chats.

    👍 1
  27. Hugo

    For 1:1, contacts have a <group>Friends</group> element in the roster, no?

  28. nicoco

    True, there are roster groups indeed, but that does not map well to gajim workspaces. For instance, one contact can be in several groups. Also, to sync workspaces we probably want to identify them by something a bit more robust than their name I think? Maybe that's not needed. Anyway, I agree that some workspace sync across multiple instances of gajim (or even other clients laters) would be very nice! Relevant issue:

  29. Hugo

    If a MUC can be part of a group, then the concepts of workspace and group would overlap, no?

  30. Hugo

    E.g.: if a MUC can be in a group, then wouldn't groups supercede the need for workspaces?

  31. lovetox


    😆 1
  32. Hugo

    I don't think I really understand workspaces 😅

  33. nicoco

    I think you do but you're overlooking some of the complexity of workspace sync across clients. I've been there 🙂

  34. nicoco

    It's not undoable, but I think there's not clear winner betwen "a custom pubsub node" and "use bookmarks extensions, but then we also need some sort of XEP for roster extensions".

  35. nicoco

    Just user roster groups sounds bad because some users or clients use them for something else IMHO.

  36. nicoco

    For instance, I use roster groups to group contacts by the transport I use, but I want Bob-through-XMPP and Bob-through-whatsapp in the same workspace.

  37. nicoco

    Cheogram (the android client I use) show roster groups as "tags", which is convenient when I want to start a chat with "Bob", I immediately see if it's through transport X or not. This is just an example of group usage that does not map well to gajim workspaces.

  38. lovetox

    workspace is just a mechanism to group chats, whats hard to understand there

  39. Kris

    it is the age old folders vs tags argument.

  40. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master other: Flatpak: Improve separation of nightly and stable build -

  41. lovetox

    hannibal, i tested the changes locally, seems to work now

  42. danielstein

    1.9.4 will deploy soon?

  43. lovetox

    maybe on the weekend

    ❤ 1
  44. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master new: About: Distinguish flatpak stable and nightly -

  45. Hugo

    I initially thought of workspaces as an _alternative_ to groups which also supports MUCs. I understand now that it's actually another dimension on which chats are grouped.

  46. Hugo

    You sort by group and by workspaces with different criteria.

  47. Hugo

    I'm mostly looking for a way to have MUCs in groups, but don't need the extra dimension.

  48. Hugo

    Oh the subject of groups, can I make the contact list render them by group?

  49. lovetox

    i thought we do this

  50. lovetox

    depends on what you mean by "contact list"

  51. lovetox

    if you click your avatar, the roster/contact list will show and it displays contacts by group

  52. lovetox

    if you mean the "Start Chat" dialog

  53. lovetox

    you cannot sort this by group