Gajim - 2024-09-10

  1. fjklp

    > fjklp, thanks for testing so thoroughly :) Thanks for noticing :D

  2. fjklp

    Honestly, my tendency to try to find bugs in gajim kind of seems like a psychological disorder

  3. fjklp


  4. yessikg

    Do you work in QA? You seem to have a knack for finding bugs

  5. fjklp

    I do not, but thanks

  6. fjklp

    lovetox: do you think the changing occupant-id problem is really to blame on the server or maybe the client should deal with it?

  7. cal0pteryx

    xiaoleiw20: contact your server admin

  8. fjklp

    I'm guessing gajim used to have an issue tracker somewhere else and was migrated to the gitlab. There are big time gaps between the earliest issues.

  9. fjklp

    I'm guessing gajim used to have an issue tracker somewhere else and was migrated to the gitlab. There are big time gaps between the earliest issues. Not sure what accounts for that.

  10. fjklp

    I'm guessing gajim used to have an issue tracker somewhere else and was migrated to the gitlab?

  11. cal0pteryx

    Yes, there was Trac before

  12. sch

    Good day! Did anyone has experienced a non-working button "Next" with Ad-Hoc Commands?

  13. sch

    This appears to happens with the new Data Forms view of Gajim.

  14. sch

  15. sch

    Button "Next" is functional on previous versions of Gajim.

  16. lovetox

    What's your version?

  17. lovetox

    That was a bug we fixed in recent commits

  18. sch

    Version 1.9.3

  19. sch

    > That was a bug we fixed in recent commits Thank you

  20. lovetox

    Ah it's not merged yet

    🪲 1
  21. lady piscimisty

    Earlier I was in discussion with someone about the keyboard shortcut to quote/reply the previous message, which is bound to [ Shift ] + [ Ctrl ] + [ ↑ ] on my system. My interlocutor brought up how it does the traditional quote-to-reply rather than the recently added `<reply xmlns="urn:xmpp:reply:0">` type. I was wondering: Should Gajim look into supporting both use cases (possibly with a setting option or a different keybind), or move to the `<reply>` tag based solution?

  22. fjklp

    maybe an entry on how to hats would be a good addition to the gajim faq

  23. fjklp

    maybe an entry on how to use hats would be a good addition to the gajim faq

  24. cal0pteryx

    Right. I'll add one later

  25. sch

    asterix. cal0pteryx. lovetox. Did you receive an email message which starts with "This comment be deleted!"?

  26. sch

    I intend to delete this message

  27. lovetox

    I did not receive anything

  28. cal0pteryx

    sch: please stop pinging everyone

  29. sch

    cal0pteryx. I have pinged to the admins.

  30. sch

    I will not do it again. Sorry.

  31. sch

    lovetox. I will send it to you via PM

  32. sch

    Developers, I encourage you to consider XEP-0277. *Implement microblogging XEP*

  33. sch

    Just adding a parser for such content will do wonders in XMPP.

  34. sch

    Only adding a parser for such content (Atom Over XMPP) will do wonders in XMPP.

  35. sch

    I code with Python and I am willing to assist!

  36. cal0pteryx

    Gajim is not a microblogging client, and in fact viewing atom was once possible, but has been removed

  37. jestar

    maybe it can be implemented by plugin?

  38. sch

    > Gajim is not a microblogging client, and in fact viewing atom was once possible, but has been removed cal0pteryx. This is not about microblogging (who has invented that strange word micro-blog, anyway?), and I am not fond of the word microblogging.

  39. sch

    This is about conveying information in a different view, and Atom Over XMPP iis a good solutio n to it.

  40. cal0pteryx

    As I said, there once was an Atom viewer, but it has been removed

  41. sch

    I did not know that. May you please refer me to the commit of which Atom support has been removed? I am willing to restore that feature.

  42. sch

    cal0pteryx, suppose this scenario:

  43. sch

    cal0pteryx, suppose this scenario:

  44. sch

    I have also depicted an interface to switch chat view and journal view. See (Blasta - An XMPP PubSub Annotation Management System)

  45. sch

  46. sch

  47. sch

    📔️ Atom PubSub posts. ~🔖️ Annotations (of the newly proposed Blasta system)~ You can ignore the latter.

  48. sch

    > wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master > > fix: StatusIcon: Use get_application_id for Gajim icon - > > Also, the messages of bot can be delivered to a PEP node `urn:xmpp:microbloggin:0` instead of interrupting this groupchat.

  49. sch

    An d the messsages can be also delivered as XHTML with all content, which would not require to open the link to read the rest of the content.

  50. sch

    And the messsages can be also delivered as XHTML with all content, which would not require to open the link to read the rest of the content.

  51. sch

    The benefits are great. Please think of it. And *I will assist* to add this feature.

  52. sch

    > Also, the messages of bot can be delivered to a PEP node `urn:xmpp:microbloggin:0` instead of interrupting this groupchat. I was referring to a PEP node of JID

  53. nicoco

    sch: I'd be worried about feature and scope creep if gajim had an atom feed reader. *maybe* some pubsub features could make sense, but I think the maintainer's direction for gajim has been to focus on chat and chat exclusively which sounds reasonable to me. maybe through a plugin?

  54. sch

    nicoco. Yes. A plugin would be good.

  55. sch

    nicoco. concerning to features, I would suppose that it is more related to a proper interface.

  56. sch

    nicoco. Did you receive an email with the deleted message of ticket #4501? If not, then I will send to you the content of that message.

  57. nicoco

    I don't receive any notifications for tickets I am not involved in :)

  58. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: Dataforms: Improve read only form presentation -

    👍 1
  59. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: Control: Improve query to load messages around a timestamp -

  60. cal0pteryx


  61. sch

    HELP! How can I stop Gajim from downloading archived messages?

  62. sch

    Two bots of mmine have constantly sent messages to each other, and I now receive the whole message history of these messages.

  63. sch

    Two bots of mine have constantly sent messages to each other, and I now receive the whole message history of these messages.

  64. lovetox

    you cant

  65. lovetox

    simply wait

  66. seb

    Hello. On Gajim 1.9.3, is there a server admin menu or tool ?

  67. lovetox

    Yes adhoc commands

  68. lovetox

    you can either try Accounts -> Execute Commands

  69. lovetox

    if the server offers the admin action on your account

  70. lovetox

    if not you can use the accounts -> Service discovery and type your domain

  71. lovetox

    and then select the top entry, and click commands

  72. marmistrz

    wurstsalat, is my PR good to go now?

  73. seb

    lovetox, after I tried Account -> Execute Commands, I get en error message "item-not-found". I need to investigate on my server.

  74. r00tobo

    seb, are you an admin ?

  75. seb


  76. seb

    I have no error on server logs

  77. r00tobo

    are you setting the admin = block globally or per vhost ?

  78. cal0pteryx

    marmistrz: not sure, I was only checking your changes, not making sure it works properly

  79. r00tobo

    it is always best for prosody if you use it to set the admin globally so it will be applied to muc components as well

  80. seb

    Yes, it is set globally.

  81. nicoco

  82. nicoco

    is this new way of displaying typing notifications intended?

  83. nicoco

    Some update on being slow for me: now it just won't work at all via git+ssh (web UI works just fine).

  84. nicoco

    SSH debug logs show it's stuck at `debug1: Connecting to [2001:41d0:203:1ce9:100::1] port 22.`

  85. seb

    > Yes, it is set globally. So, to end my admin ad-hoc problem: I was miss configured my Prosody server instance. I have enabled globally the module pubsub and defined a pubsub component. After removing pudsub from modules_enabled, it work.

  86. nicoco

    If I force IPv4 it looks like it works but I cannot read my fork apparently? Exemple: ``` $ git push -4 ... The namespace you were looking for could not be found ... ```

  87. cal0pteryx

    nicoco, it's an idea. the typing indicator in the chat banner on top makes little sense, it should be close to the bottom, where new messages appear. also it should not block the view, and the chat should not jump

  88. nicoco

    I see, it does block the view if you want to see who is typing in a group though :)

  89. cal0pteryx

    ideas welcome

  90. cal0pteryx

    in group chats without description (the second line below the name), it was especially furiating, because the chat would scroll up a bit once somebody was typing :D

  91. nicoco

    Maybe, instead of needing to click on it to see who is typing, "open" it while the mouse hovers?

  92. nicoco

    > in group chats without description (the second line below the name), it was especially furiating, because the chat would scroll up a bit once somebody was typing :D Indeed, I noticed that

  93. cal0pteryx

    I haven't yet figured out how to work the mouse-enter/leave event on overlay children :P

  94. nicoco

    Ha! Joys of GUI :P

  95. nicoco

    Doesn't it look better on the right side maybe? it hides avatar if there is no row merging? Or maybe with some transparency?

  96. nicoco

    Doesn't it look better on the right side maybe? It hides the participant avatar of the last person to have sent a msg (if there is no row merging). Or maybe with some transparency?

  97. cal0pteryx

    I tried opacity, but that looks weird to me

  98. cal0pteryx

    right-hand side can be far away, depending on your monitor

  99. nicoco

    Well for arabic speakers (and other LTR languages) it is far away already from the "start" of the input box.

  100. nicoco

    Anyway, I can live with it, but I'm not 100% convinced it's an improvement over the banner area in the current state. I do agree with your objections about it being up there.

  101. nicoco

    Is inside the input box (on the opposite side of the "start" of the text) an option maybe?

  102. lovetox

    yeah why not simple a line above the input box?

  103. lovetox

    if nobodies typing it will simply look like a bit of space between the last message and the input box

  104. nicoco

    that would make the view "jump" I guess, unless the space is always reserved

  105. nicoco

    ~that would make the view "jump" I guess, unless the space is always reserved~

  106. lovetox

    yeah always reserve it ..

  107. nicoco

    I'm not fond of the idea of losing screen real estate, but this is less an issue for the elite HiDPI monitor users ;)

  108. lovetox

    its one line of text

    🤷‍♀ 1
  109. nicoco

    `Fixes "next" button staying greyed out...` is good to merge for me

    👍 1
  110. Menel

    Just as info, it seems has an ipv6 record but doesn't work with it. Some federating servers might get problems if they don't ha dle that well. > IP: 2001:41d0:203:1ce9:100::1 > Connection: [Not OK] > dial tcp6 [2001:41d0:203:1ce9:100::1]:5269: i/o timeout > IP: > Connection: [OK]

  111. nicoco

    ^ This is consistent with my issues accessing with the git CLI

  112. cal0pteryx

    Thanks for investigating

  113. seb

    When I discover the services of my server with the menu Account -> Discover services, then select a gateway and click on the `Browse` button, does it send a disco item request ?

  114. cal0pteryx

    seb: you can check for yourself by looking at the debug console's xml log

  115. cal0pteryx


  116. seb

    I checked and yes, it send a disco items request

  117. seb


  118. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Dataforms: Fix completion of single list forms -

  119. steven3k

    Hello, I'm doing some experimentatoin with omemo and I'm trying to get gajim to change its device keys (which seem to be accoutn specific, at least I have different fingerpritns for different accounts). I deleted and re-added the account in Gajim but somehow I get the same keys back. I also checked in $HOME/.config/gajim but I found nothing relevant there, including in the settings.sqlite database

  120. steven3k

    so the question is... where are keys stored?

  121. lovetox

    can i ask why are you trying to do this?

  122. steven3k

    I set up my own sever and I was playing around with conversations (the android app). From they drocumentation is not clear what happens when a user you trusted connects with a new device. I would hope/expect that messages are *not* encrypted for the new device, so I'm trying to test this out.

  123. steven3k

    I set up my own sever and I was playing around with conversations (the android app). From their drocumentation is not clear what happens when a user you trusted connects with a new device. I would hope/expect that messages are *not* encrypted for the new device, so I'm trying to test this out.

  124. steven3k

    I set up my own sever and I was playing around with conversations (the android app). From their documentation is not clear what happens when a user you trusted connects with a new device. I would hope/expect that messages are *not* encrypted for the new device, so I'm trying to test this out.

  125. steven3k

    looked up in the source, it's in MY_DATA/omemo_ID.db, where MY_DATA is $HOME/share/gajim

  126. mike

    > I set up my own sever and I was playing around with conversations (the android app). From their documentation is not clear what happens when a user you trusted connects with a new device. I would hope/expect that messages are *not* encrypted for the new device, so I'm trying to test this out. Is that not explained by the "Blind Trust Before Verification" setting?

  127. mike

    But if you specifically mean whether old messages are decrypted by new devices, no they are not, since OMEMO has perfect forward secrecy

  128. steven3k

    > Is that not explained by the "Blind Trust Before Verification" setting? That's what I read, but it does not explicitly say that so I was trying to make sure

  129. steven3k

    > But if you specifically mean whether old messages are decrypted by new devices, no they are not, since OMEMO has perfect forward secrecy I was asking whether new messages are decrypted by new devices that have not been trusted yet

  130. steven3k

    Works as expected, I get a nice "This message was encrypted with OMEMO, but not for your device." message :D

  131. mike

    steven3k: a good read:

  132. steven3k

    > steven3k: a good read: > Yeah, I read that

  133. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: JingleFileTransfer: Fix message data argument -