Gajim - 2024-09-07

  1. sindrake

    > groupchat server lovetox: I tried to understand the Data of one specific groupchat (I'm the Admin and only I could See the jids, Not sure If this makes any difference). As far as I see it seems like there is an occupant-id. If combine the table message and occupant, I get multiple ID's for the same person. Sometimes I have the fk_real_remote_pk of the user (only of I have written in a 1:1 Chat too) and sometimes I do not have the information. But I get still multiple ID's for the same person (sometimes only one, sometimes 3 different ID's). Thats Not what I would expect, so I'm wondering how this could Happen. Do you have any ideas?

  2. sindrake

    I looked in the table occupant and saw that an User coul appear multiple times (more than two times) with the same fk_real_remote_pk but different ID in the same groupchat. Also this is unexpected.

  3. cal0pteryx

    marmistrz: Gajim already stores message drafts. Where did you get the impression that it didn't?

  4. marmistrz

    Hmmm, looks like my knowledge was outdated

  5. marmistrz


  6. lovetox

    sindrake, yes thats unexpected, but we can only process what the server sends us, do you use ejabberd?

  7. sindrake

    lovetox: yes the groupchat server uses ejabberd.

  8. lovetox

  9. lovetox

    we saw something similiar on other servers

  10. lovetox

    i suspect its a ejabberd bug in the occupant-id impl

  11. kinTa

    howto use otr with gajim

  12. kinTa

    seems removed from plugins repo

  13. cal0pteryx

    kinTa, you can't. please use OMEMO or PGP

  14. kinTa

    switch to pidgin? pity

  15. kinTa

    thank u bro

  16. cal0pteryx

    or rethink your choices

  17. kinTa

    is there something to bridge xmpp and telegram ?

  18. cal0pteryx

    Slidge possibly

  19. cal0pteryx

    Nice, Gajim just got a Hat :)

  20. lovetox

    now we just need a GUI to actually set the hats :)

  21. cal0pteryx

    I guess there already is some adhoc form?

  22. lovetox

    ah yeah that was via adhoc possible

  23. lovetox

    but i guess no user will discover this so we could make a gui for that

  24. bot

    lovetox pushed 3 commits to branch gajim/master feat: XEP-0317 (Hats) - imprv: Indicate modified contact name in info dialogs - fix: MessageRowActions: Enable scrolling while cursor rests on action -

  25. cal0pteryx

    yay, I missed you, bot

  26. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master change: ChatControl: Show typing indicator in a separate widget - chore: DOAP: Add XEP-0317: Hats -

  27. fjklp

    uhhhh. I have a weird problem going on right now. I sent a private message to asterix (from this muc) weeks ago. He has some automated message that gets sent to anyone who sends him a message. I just returned to gajim now and had messages from him. When I view the private chat with asterix, I get this automated message from him sent to me a few times per second, but it stops when I stop viewing that chat. Looking at debug logs, they are actually new messages I believe.

  28. fjklp

    every time I view that chat, I get spammed

  29. lovetox__

    asterix, do you have the anti spam plugin active?

  30. fjklp

    I don't understand how it sends messages only when I view the chat

  31. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: because you're sending chatstates maybe? And the anti spam measure reacts on stanzas instead of messages? Dunno

  32. fjklp

    are chatstates sent when you are only viewing the chat but not typing?

  33. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master fix: Hats: Make struct compareable -

  34. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Menu: Fix 'Mark as read' action not sending read marker -

  35. ghazouani1985

    Does gajim work on droidian the interface is not showing up properly

  36. ghazouani1985

  37. lovetox

    if you are asking if Gajim is a smartphone client, then no

  38. ghazouani1985

  39. ghazouani1985

    > if you are asking if Gajim is a smartphone client, then no yes

  40. amogus

    ghazouani1985: is landscape mode any better?

  41. ghazouani1985

    > ghazouani1985: is landscape mode any better? no

  42. ghazouani1985

  43. cal0pteryx

    ghazouani1985, Gajim is not made for mobile

  44. ghazouani1985

    ok thinks