Gajim - 2024-09-06

  1. fjklp


  2. Atulya Raaj

    test passed!

  3. raizenxd

    congratulations 🥳️

  4. kalkin

    If i squish a msg recipe and a chat state notification and even a body (maybe) all in one `<message>` stanza, would gajim understand that?

  5. kalkin

    If i squish a msg recipe and a chat state notification and even a body (maybe) all in one `<message>` stanza, would gajim understand that?

  6. fjklp

    kalkin: in case you don't know, you can send customized stanzas from the debug console in gajim. That seems like one way to test.

  7. kalkin

    fjklp: good idea. Thanjs

  8. lovetox

    a receipt cannot have a body

  9. lovetox

    you can try, but that would be really lucky if that works

  10. lovetox

    same with chat state notification

  11. lovetox

    except of course <active>

  12. hyol

    where do I find the option to change the font size?

  13. lovetox

    in preferences

  14. hyol

    Found it. It was buried under theme settings. I had to create an entirely new theme just for this.

  15. cal0pteryx

    hyol: yes, themes is how this works in gajim. You could press ctrl + +/- as well, as is listed in Help > Shortcuts

  16. hyol

    there ought to be a regular option IMO

  17. hyol

    better UX

  18. lovetox


  19. lovetox

    are you on a old Gajim version, in preference is a setting thats called "User Interface Font"

  20. lovetox

    are you on a old Gajim version, in preference is a setting thats called "User Interface Font Size"

  21. sindrake

    I looked in the gajim database and tried to understand the data. I'm espacially interested in finding the same user with various nicknames and keep apart different user with the same nickname.I think someone spoke of an unique identifier for the user in the past. I looked in the database and found the fk_occupant_id and the fk_real_remote_pk, which seem to be an identifier, but I do not really understand how they work. And it seems like there are multiple id's for the same user. Could someone explain it to me or send a link to the documantion explaining the new database (I have only found an explanation of the old database).

  22. lovetox

    fk_ is a foreign key to a different table

  23. lovetox

    are you aware how that works in SQL?

  24. lovetox

    there are 3 situations 1. server does not support occupant-id and its an anonymous chat -> you cannot differentiate users with same nickname 2. Its a non-anonymous chat -> fk_real_remote_pk links to the table where you find the real jid of the user 3. its anonymous chat but server supports occupant-id -> fk_occupant_id is a unique identifier for the user

  25. sindrake

    Ah okay, i started to combine the tables manually. Is the groupchat server or the user server returning the occupant-id/identifier?

  26. lovetox

    groupchat server

  27. marmistrz

    Here's a very simple PR letting users write their messages before they go offline.

  28. marmistrz

    I'm also trying to add draft persistence to Gajim. Here's a WIP, what would be the best place to load these stored drafts?