Gajim - 2024-09-03

  1. meson

    kalkin: have you heard that Fedora Gajim got a new package manager since two weeks or so?

  2. kalkin

    meson: what do you mean by new package manager?

  3. meson


  4. meson

    Not manager ( y )

  5. kalkin

    > kalkin: have you heard that Fedora Gajim got a new package manager since two weeks or so? No I haven't. What does it mean? Is someone actively working on upgrading packages? Is this someone even here in the channel?

  6. kalkin

    I did some research yesterday. As far as I understand theoretically it shouldn't be an issue using 3.19 of protobuf, but this depends on the changes to their python api. Worst case I will need to add handling of older python protobuf library to omemo-dr

  7. Parnikkapore

    Please do! The Bazel issue is also holding off upgrading Gajim in Guix proper

  8. meson

    kalkin: sorry no time, check the mailing list, former was Andreas, now the ne one has their mail on the package update issue on bugzilla

  9. kalkin considers what would be simpler, dig through MLs, bugzilla, communicate with humans or just do it

  10. kalkin considers what would be simpler, dig through MLs, bugzilla, communicate with humans or just do it himself

  11. meson

    kalkin: won't hurt to work with the maintainer imo :)

  12. painrelief


  13. painrelief

    How do I overcome this prompt

  14. painrelief

    Server-to-server connection failed: policy-violation (Communication with this domain is restricted) (remote server timeout)

  15. cal0pteryx

    painrelief: check your server logs

  16. lovetox

    painrelief, it means your server does not allow you to chat to this domain

  17. lovetox

    it can only be fixed on the server

  18. sch

    Finally. Gajim version 1.9.3 is available on Arch Linux.

  19. Magicum

    Oh, in standard repo, not in extra-testing-whatever?