Gajim - 2024-09-01

  1. erik

    Thanks for all the latest additions: I love the reactions and message replies!

  2. erik

    (Too bad Conversations can't see them yet)

  3. cal0pteryx

    :) hopefully soon

  4. Codimp

    Hi everyone, just upgraded to Gajim 1.9.3 (landed in Archlinux since 2 days)

  5. Codimp

    I was wondering if some of you open Gajim not fullscreen but only on a part of the screen? because it's my case and now the chat part of the window is not sized correctly, messages are overflowing on the right of the windows instead of being wrapped to the next line

  6. cal0pteryx

    Codimp, that's an issue which will be fixed in the next version

  7. cal0pteryx

    It's connected to line wrapping being broken

  8. Codimp

    make sens, thanks cal0pteryx ^^

  9. meson

    cal0pteryx: I think after a month I couls try to gently poke Matthias Klaassen about the issue?

  10. meson

    cal0pteryx: I think after a month I could try to gently poke Matthias Klaassen about the issue?

  11. meson

    cal0pteryx: I think after a month I could try to gently poke Matthias Clasen about the issue?

  12. cal0pteryx

    meson, yes, I think he's also been working on font-rendering stuff before, so this should fit well

  13. meson

    Yeah, the patch which has introduced the regression is his and git blame says he also worked around the assert / linebreak stuff

    šŸ‘ 1
  14. hannibal

    Are they still fixing gtk3 issues?

  15. meson

    I think so

  16. meson

    But this is about libpango, so should affekt both gtk3/4

  17. Link Mauve

    Yes, gtk3 is still in maintainance mode, and should be at least until gtk5, maybe more.

  18. moparisthebest

    Gtk5 will just be an announcement from the gnome devs: > everyone should move to macOS instead, we all did years ago

  19. Link Mauve


  20. Link Mauve

    Can you stop your trolling around GNOME please?

  21. Link Mauve

    Also the GTK devs are mostly unrelated to GNOME.

  22. Link Mauve

    Besides the occasional contribution.

  23. interloper

    yeah humor isn't allowed around these parts

  24. moparisthebest

    Link Mauve: only when they stop trolling me trying to ruin the rest of the ecosystem with breaking gtk4 changes, flatpak, and Wayland nonsense šŸ˜

  25. Link Mauve

    If it wasnā€™t constantly derogarive it would be fine.

  26. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, which breaking change happened since gtkā€Æ4.0 again?

  27. interloper

  28. interloper

    to name a few

  29. moparisthebest

    I'm not making issues up, I use Dino and gtk4 has changed the way you set dark mode 4 times in less than a year, then broken clicking links

  30. Link Mauve

    There is the upcoming linear RGB change happening for the next release or the one after, but thatā€™s because people want HDR apparently.

  31. Link Mauve

    interloper, breaking changes for a new major version is ok, but moparisthebest explicitly said gtk4 had breaking changes.

  32. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, Dino uses libadwaita for its theme, not GTKā€™s.

  33. Link Mauve

    Complain to them.

  34. moparisthebest

    The reason for breaking clicking links was "now you have to run a daemon for link clicking to work because flatpak"

  35. Link Mauve

    That one is by GNOME btw.