Gajim - 2024-08-30

  1. jcwww

    Hello, does gajim 1.9.3 support windows 7 64bit? After I install gajim 1.9.3 and run it, a dialog popup and inform that api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll is missing. But gajim 1.7.3 can run without problem

  2. Mike Yellow

    jcwww, never.

  3. Mike Yellow

    The last version that supports Windows 7 64bit is 1.7.3.

  4. Mike Yellow

    Due to Python official.

  5. jcwww

    Thanks! I have also notice that gajim 1.7.3 use python "3.10", but the latest python which support windows 7 is "3.8".

  6. jcwww

    does it means that gajim modify the python 3.10 to make it support windows 7?

  7. Mike Yellow

    I do not think so... Developers have no plan to specially support Windows 7.

  8. Mike Yellow

    When they found that 1.8.0 does not support Windows 7, they did not plan to modify.

  9. Mike Yellow

    It looks like the fact that 1.7.3 supports Windows 7 was an accident.

  10. jcwww

    ok, I will stay 1.7.3 before upgrade to windows 10/11

  11. cal0pteryx

    Python dropped Windows 7 support. So _maybe_ Gajim works, or it crashes with some random dll error like the one you posted :) And yes, we only support OSes within their official support period.

  12. amogus

    > ok, I will stay 1.7.3 before upgrade to windows 10/11 upgrade to linux. ignore the memes, its not hard for most use cases

  13. jestar hello, I am using biboumi and I get a question, should the identity `('conference', 'irc') ` use the `ToplevelAgentBrowser` ? because when it is conference it should be same as muc

  14. cal0pteryx

    jestar: that code hasn't been touched in ages. But also, Biboumi wrongly advertised 'conference' for quite a while. I think that's been fixed now.

  15. jestar

    yes, biboumi wrongly advertise the gateway as conference

  16. cal0pteryx


  17. fjklp

    it would be nice if someone donated a server to the gajim project :)

  18. fjklp

    though maybe hardware is not the problem

  19. interloper

    Has anyone had any luck getting a voice call going on Gajim? I've got Prosody set up along with Coturn. Works great on Conversations but on Gajim it's totally borked

  20. Kris

    interloper: gajim uses an older standard that is incompatible with conversations etc.

  21. interloper

    that's a shame. Are there other clients that work on this same standard? is there an XEP?

  22. interloper

    wonder if I can get it working on prosody

  23. cal0pteryx

    interloper: try Dino

  24. interloper

    cal0pteryx, it works with Dino, that's nice. Weirdly enough I can't find the option to call in Dino's UI but that's Gnome for ya

  25. cal0pteryx

  26. cal0pteryx

    Right at the top

  27. interloper

    Doesn't show for me

  28. betarays

    I’m receiving high frequency spam in MUC PMs, it seems to be slowing down my client enough that it takes time to send new messages, is there any way this can be mitigated?

  29. betarays

    (apparently the slowness is only in the given MUC)

  30. mike

    Leave the MUC or report it to the moderators/admins of the MUC I would assume

  31. betarays

    > Leave the MUC or report it to the moderators/admins of the MUC I would assume well, it’s so high frequency that my messages have trouble going through…

  32. kali [she/they]

    you could try another client temporarily?

  33. betarays

    > you could try another client temporarily? I think the issue is with the stanzas that need to be handled by the client, if all of the spam needs to be handled before seeing that the message was sent…

  34. betarays

    I can try another client/device though

  35. betarays

    wow, Conversations puts MUC PMs inline…

  36. lovetox

    either try to contact one of the moderators via PM

  37. lovetox

    if thats not possible, leave the MUC, try to join tomorrow again

  38. betarays

    > either try to contact one of the moderators via PM I did send a message to one of the moderators, but they’re not necessarily active right now

  39. betarays

    I guess some anti-spam measures could be implemented on their server

  40. betarays

    also, I’m not receiving spam anymore but messages still take time to send, so I guess the issue is with the MUC itself

  41. betarays

    I’m guessing XEP-0377 and XEP-0191 aren’t for MUC PMs?

  42. lovetox


  43. lovetox

    also it does not help

  44. lovetox

    if someone dos you with traffic

  45. lovetox

    it does not even help if we drop the message at the client

  46. lovetox

    basically server needs to stop it before it reaches us

  47. lovetox

    but this is normally no problem, because mods ban the people

  48. lovetox

    and if not, yeah then dont hang out in this non-moderated chat anymore

  49. betarays

    I think the server is what's having issues, not the client