Gajim - 2024-08-26

  1. magicum

    > weird, but seems like a sever issue probably > > is this your server? Yes, this is my own server. However, nothing related to the issue I can found in the log.

  2. magicum

    lovetox: What is more weird, in ~/.cache/gajim/avatars I can see my avatar file

  3. magicum

    lovetox: So I assume Gajim is doing that ok, and the problem is in displaying avatar picture in the gui

  4. magicum


  5. magicum


  6. lovetox

    you can gather detailed debug logs with `gajim -l gajim.c.m.useravatar=DEBUG`

  7. magicum

    thank you, I will try

  8. magicum

    Hm, absolutely nothing related to my avatar in the log when running with that parameter.

  9. magicum

    However, urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata - exists and has data urn:xmpp:avatar:data - exists but empty when checked in Accounts->Advanced->PEP configuration

  10. magicum

    Hm, not exactly... urn:xmpp:avatar:data actually has data, but when I click on "show content" it looks empty. However if select all and copy/paste to text editor from empty window it has proper data I believe

  11. magicum

    When I do test and change my avatar in another client (Conversations in Android), then when I check urn:xmpp:avatar:data in Gajim, it really changes, so I believe XMPP on server-client levels working ok, properly updating data. Howver Gajim still shows my avatar in the left bottom corner as general letter M on blue background.

  12. lovetox

    Did you copy the log command?

  13. Magicum

    Yes sure, copied, run, checked the log output and found absolutely nothing about my avatar there

  14. lovetox

    Please send the output

  15. Magicum

    I also have a feeling that I'll need to wipe my account and re-create from scratch as I assume there might be something wrong

  16. Magicum

    lovetox: Sometimes to shows as below:

  17. Magicum

    2024-08-26T16:39:26 (W) gajim.gtk.profile Unable to get access model for urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata: Error from item-not-found 2024-08-26T16:39:26 (W) gajim.gtk.profile Unable to get access model for urn:xmpp:avatar:data: Error from item-not-found

  18. Magicum

    However, they do have data inside

  19. lovetox

    Hmm seems the server does not let us query it

  20. lovetox

    I would try to look in server debug logs at that time of query

  21. lovetox

    It will probably reveal some kind of database issue or mod issue

  22. lovetox

    You should ask in the server support channel for help

  23. Magicum

    I run Prosody, the same as you, all required mods are there: pep, vcard_legacy, etc

  24. lovetox

    I can not comment on that

  25. Magicum

    I still suspect a db might be the reason though, that's why I am planning to wipe everything on server and re-create from scratch. Account/server were created about 9 yerrs ago and may have some issues I think

  26. lovetox

    The server answers that the data is not there

  27. lovetox

    So it's very clearly a server problem

  28. Magicum

    ok, if server doesn't provide with that data, how the Gajim can show this?

  29. Magicum

  30. lovetox

    It's a different query

  31. lovetox

    I never seen this problem, looks like something is fucked up on the server

  32. Magicum


  33. lovetox

    Whicc can easily happen with mods that are not compatible with each other

  34. lovetox

    That's why I recommend to ask in the prosody channel

  35. cynic

    Hello. New messages don't show up when the window is maximized. I know that there are new messages because on the roster I see the preview. But they do not appear on the chat section.

  36. cynic

    Even messages that I send, they do not appear.

  37. cal0pteryx

    cynic: which version?

  38. cynic


  39. Buster

  40. Buster

    > Stuck at removing an account. 1.9.3 (Windows)

  41. Buster

    > Stuck at removing an account. Version 1.9.3 (Windows)

  42. cynic

    damn, Alpine is too far behind

  43. cynic


  44. astanad_

  45. hyol

    I can't find my copntacts' OMEMO keys.

  46. hyol


  47. lovetox

    In the contact info

  48. hyol

  49. hyol


  50. hyol

    I looked there

  51. hyol

    Couldn't find any fingerprint

  52. hyol

    "here" meaning "Details"

  53. hyol

    I clicked on that

  54. Kris

    huh, what version of Gajim has a hamburger menu at the bottom like thaz?

  55. Kris

    huh, what version of Gajim has a hamburger menu at the bottom like that?

  56. hyol

    IIRC I installed it from the Debian repos

  57. Kris

    please share the version info from the help/about section

  58. Kris

    but most likely you are on a very outdated version if you use the Debian stale repos

  59. Kris

    latest is 1.9.3

  60. Kris

    best installed as a Flatpak

  61. hyol


  62. hyol

    Is it more up-to-date in the Fedora repos?

  63. hyol

    (I'm running QubesOS with two templates installed and chose Debian because I was more familiar with it)

  64. hyol

    >1.7.3 Are there any security vulns I need to be aware of?

  65. groked

    > Is it more up-to-date in the Fedora repos? I somehow have Gajim installed from outside the Fedora repos.

  66. groked

    version 1.7.3

  67. groked

    $ sudo dnf search installed gajim [sudo] password for burgh: Last metadata expiration check: 0:19:44 ago on Mon 26 Aug 2024 08:14:39 AM CDT. No matches found. $ dnf search gajim Last metadata expiration check: 9 days, 9:40:54 ago on Fri 09 Aug 2024 04:10:02 PM CDT. ================================================ Name Exactly Matched: gajim ================================================ gajim.noarch : Jabber client written in PyGTK

  68. groked

    I'm not sure if it is even older in the repo. Can you tell?

  69. groked

    > best installed as a Flatpak Maybe that is what I have, but need to update it?

  70. Kris

    well, up to you, but we can't really answer support questions for massively outdated versions here.

  71. Kris

    update first and see if your issue persists.

  72. hyol


  73. hyol

    Might switch to Arch

  74. moparisthebest

    Good move, pretty silly to run distros with ancient software only to try to run up to date software with flatpak...

  75. hyol

    Looks like Gajim there is much more up to date:

  76. hyol

    Flatpak is inconvenient and possibly less secure with QubesOS anyway.

  77. anontor

    > Might switch to Arch You can run an updated gajim version in a python virtual environment.

  78. anontor

    > Good move, pretty silly to run distros with ancient software only to try to run up to date software with flatpak... snaps and flatpaks are isolated from the main OS.

  79. moparisthebest

    >> Good move, pretty silly to run distros with ancient software only to try to run up to date software with flatpak... > snaps and flatpaks are isolated from the main OS. Meh. If you want isolation run them on a seperate computer or in a sandbox tool on yours. Mixing (poor) package management with (poor) sandboxing isn't helpful

  80. anontor

    > Meh. If you want isolation run them on a seperate computer or in a sandbox tool on yours. > > Mixing (poor) package management with (poor) sandboxing isn't helpful I am assuming you are talking about flatpaks and I am not saying you are wrong but their is the fabolous snaps.

  81. Emil


  82. moparisthebest

    snap is proprietary which makes it entirely useless for distributing free software period. flatpak is just a poor package manager and a poor sandbox that, as far as I can tell, only exists because gnome wants control over a store like Apple? And/or so people who choose to run old software by choosing Debian or similar can work around their choice by running up to date software too? Doesn't make much sense to me.

  83. Kris

    flatpack contrary to Snap is not tied to a single store

  84. mebs

    i use debian and most of the time it has prety recent versions of gajim

  85. mebs

    sometimes new gajim requires som newer python libraries and cannot be added to stable backports, but still it is not delayed too much.

  86. anontor

    The snap store is proprietary.

  87. anontor

    You can use a rolling distro but enjoy your bugs and exploits.

  88. cynic

    and package management mishaps

  89. cynic

    snap is unacceptable, won't ever touch it

  90. cynic

    I keep missing channels, I only know I received them because they appear on the sidebar preview

  91. cynic

    I keep missing messages, I only know I received them because they appear on the sidebar preview

  92. cynic

    I keep missing messages, I only know that I received them because they appear on the sidebar preview

  93. cynic

    And they get stuck there forever.

  94. meson

    > Might switch to Arch On Fedora the package just got a new maintainer, let's hope the best

    ❤ 1
  95. meson

    > Might switch to Arch On Fedora the package just got a new maintainer, let's hope for the best

  96. Kris

    but Fedora has excellent Flatpak support so I guess it doesn't matter that much. Still nice to know they are working on packaging.

  97. moparisthebest

    > You can use a rolling distro but enjoy your bugs and exploits. > and package management mishaps None of this ever happens though, it's only Debian and Ubuntu users complaining about old broken software everywhere, why keep living like that when there's a better way? :'(

  98. fjklp

    I thought Arch is supposed to be bleeding edge? Gajim 1.9.3 was released on July 29 but didn't make it into Arch Extra-Testing repo until August 16.

  99. deimosBSD

    arch is driven by volunteers

  100. Kris

    > I thought Arch is supposed to be bleeding edge? Gajim 1.9.3 was released on July 29 but didn't make it into Arch Extra-Testing repo until August 16. scandalous!

  101. Kris

    anyways... I think Fedora has the best compromise between stability and up to date packages...

  102. deimosBSD

    one can also just make their own pkgbuild

  103. fjklp

    my point is just that you can't have it both ways. Is it bleeding edge or is it sometimes bleeding edge?

  104. fjklp

    I thought that was one of the main selling points of Arch

  105. deimosBSD

    submit a patch

  106. deimosBSD

    it's also august and most civilized countries have the month off

  107. moparisthebest

    > my point is just that you can't have it both ways. Is it bleeding edge or is it sometimes bleeding edge? fjklp: no it's not bleeding edge, it's just the latest released versions of software, you know, the ones with all the bugs fixed

  108. moparisthebest

    Anyway I agree with Kris I hear Fedora keeps packages up to date too so is a good option

  109. moparisthebest

    Anyway I agree with Kris I hear Fedora keeps packages up to date too and so is also a good option

  110. fjklp

    from what I've seen fedora does look pretty good on package freshness