Gajim - 2024-08-20

  1. novice8

    @lovetox: About dead XMPP accounts (possibly) triggering a keyring popup, unfortunately (fortunately?) it probably cannot be debug logged. The once dead accounts came back alive! I'll see whether they go dead again.

  2. mkf


  3. fjklp

    I (or someone) should just setup a local prosody instance and test.

  4. fjklp

    novice8: How did it go again? You had an account and when gajim couldn't connect due to the account being offline, gajim would prompt you for a password?

  5. novice8

    @fjklp. When an XMPP account went dead, I began to get a popup saying that the keyring was not unlocked and demanding the Linux password. So, that's a temporal coincidence, from which I inferred that the one might be the cause of the other. Whereupon I deactivated the dead XMPP account, and I stopped getting the keyring popup, another temporal coincidence, which tends to strengthen the causal hypothesis. So I wanted to debug log. But the XMPP account came back alive, depriving me of an opportunity to log.

  6. cal0pteryx

    novice8: Gajim needs the account's password in order to check whether the account is dead or not. I don't see an issue with that. Disable and delete it if it's dead :)

  7. novice8

    @cal0pteryx. Thanks, but the keyring popup wanted my Linux user account password. In a previous discussion here, lovetox thought a dead XMPP account and a prompt for the Linux user account password should not correlate (which I agreed with) but thought debug logging may be worthwhile. But now that the XMPP account is no longer dead, I cannot reproduce the problem. That's all. In all event, I have no current problem.

  8. cal0pteryx

    novice8: Gajim only ever asks for your keyring's password (which might trigger some other password prompt for you)

  9. dubiyah


  10. dubiyah


  11. novice8

    @cal0pteryx. Thanks. But I probably misspoke. When I said "my Linux user account password" I meant the keyring password. (The popup would say something like: You keyring did not get unlocked.) Only, it so happens that my Linux user password = keyring password.

  12. novice8

    But the weird thing was that, by the time I get the popup asking to unlock the keyring, the keyring had ALREADY been unlocked--which I could tell by the fact that Gajim had no problem logging me into my live XMPP accounts. That wy we thought "it made no sense."

  13. novice8

    The only datum was the coincidence of the XMPP account going dead and the keyring popup begining to appear and also the coincidence of my deactivating the dead XMPP account and the keyring popup's disappearing--which suggests a causaul link (thoughit makes no sense). That was it. Again, thanks. At present, I cannot reproduce the problem. So in a sense, I am all set.

  14. resoli

    Hello, error at first step of the wizard for setting my key for OpenPGP encryption:

  15. resoli

  16. resoli

    v1.9.3 flatpak, plugin 1.6.0 from flathub

  17. lovetox

    kill your pgp agent and try again

  18. resoli

    ``` $ pgrep -af gpg-agent 2661 gpg-agent --homedir /home/resoli/.var/app/org.gajim.Gajim/data/gajim/openpgp/resoli@MY.DOMAIN --use-standard-socket --daemon 2699 gpg-agent --homedir /home/resoli/.var/app/org.gajim.Gajim/data/gajim/openpgp/rob@ANOTHER.DOMAIN --use-standard-socket --daemon ```

  19. resoli

    then after `killall gpg-agent` I retried, but the error remains

  20. lovetox

    maybe try to disable one account

  21. lovetox

    i remember this has something to do with multiple pgp-agent are running

  22. lovetox

    never got to the bottom of it

  23. lovetox

    you can also try if debug logging shows more about the error