Gajim - 2024-08-17

  1. novice8

    Hello, it seems that, if Gajim (in Linux) is trying to log into an dead server (so the status is "CONNECTING"), then you get the keyring popup ("The login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into your computer").

  2. novice8

    The guess is based on these facts: 1. I am running four Manjaro VMs, only two of which has Gajim installed and running. 2. At about the same time, the Gajim instances failed to log into certain accounts (all at, and I began to get the keyring popup in machines in which Gajim was running (but not in machines where Gajim was not running). 3. When I turned off the dead accounts, the keyring popup stopped appearing.

  3. novice8

    I don't need help fixing the issue (it's been fixed as above). But (just out of curiosity) was that supposed to happen (i.e. a dead xmpp account causing keyring popups)?

  4. fjklp

    novice8: could you enable debug logging and see if the authentication fails for that account?

  5. fjklp

    Gajim should not ask for a password if it fails to connect but if it fails an authentication attempt, I think it makes sense that it does. I actually think we should maybe improve the message it gives in that case but I don't remember what it is.

  6. fjklp

    Gajim should not ask for a password if it fails to connect but if it fails an authentication attempt, I think it makes sense that it does ask for a password. I actually think we should maybe improve the message it gives in that case but I don't remember what it is.

  7. fjklp

    >"The login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into your computer" Sorry, I somehow missed that. I doubt that makes sense.

  8. lovetox

    cloud, B should try to delete the fingerprints he has of the devices of A where he cannot decrypt the messages

  9. lovetox

    then restart the client and try to send a new message to A

  10. lovetox

    this can also be done in single chat, does not need to be the groupchat

  11. lovetox

    novice8, Gajim asks on every connection attempts the password, dead account or not

  12. lovetox

    seems rather a problem that as the message says, your keyring was not unlocked at the time gajim asked for the password

  13. novice8

    @fjklp: Thanks. "I doubt that makes sense." <= Does that mean you no longer think debug logging would shed any light? If you still recommend debug logging, please give a short instruction on how.

  14. lovetox

    its weird if you say this only happend after an account was dead

  15. novice8

    @lovetox: Here are some additional facts. 1. I log into Manjaro at startup with a password (i.e. automatic login disabled). 2. Until the accounts went dead, I never got a keyring popup. 3. When I have both a dead account and a good account, I get keyring popups. 4. When I turn off the dead account, leaving on only the good account, then no more popupos.

  16. lovetox

    yeah that is weird, but not much we can do without debug logs

  17. lovetox

    keyring access is handled by a library, could be that it misinterprets whats happening

  18. lovetox

    you can enable debug logging in preferences -> Advanced

  19. lovetox

    but of course you would need to reproduce the problem

  20. novice8

    Okay, I will enable debug logging > activate the dead account > quit Gajim > start Gajim again > wait to receive a keyring popup.

  21. lovetox

    yes that would be great

  22. novice8

    At that point, where would I find the debug logging file?

  23. lovetox

    there is a button in preferences that opens the folder

  24. novice8

    Got it (~/.local/share/gajim/debug/). The button loaded the folder in Gwenview (a picture viewing app). Other than installing both Gajim and Gwenview, I didn't do anything with e.g. default app. Again, I don't need this fixed, but thought you might find it interesting.

  25. lovetox

  26. novice8

    @lovetox: Thanks!

  27. debacle

    Sometimes I have a flaky connection. Typically, connection drops and recovers within seconds. As soon as Gajim realises, that connection is down, the input field becomes read-only and I have to stop typing. This can be pretty annoying. I'ld prefer to continue writing, even multiple messages to various contacts, and either only "Send Message" is disabled or (better for me, but probably harder to realise), Gajim automatically sends messages as soon as the connection comes back.

  28. cal0pteryx

    debacle: yes, sending messages while offline is on the list :) this is just a fix

  29. debacle

    cal0pteryx Good! So I don't have to repair my Ethernet cable 😇️

  30. lucky9988

  31. lucky9988

    Consult everyone, what does it mean to show no synchronization here, can it be synchronized

  32. Nicolas V.

    > try this lovetox it works perfectly

  33. lovetox

    great, i added it to our FAQ

  34. lovetox

    lucky9988, means you have multiple accounts in Gajim, and they dont have the same status

  35. lovetox

    this is nothing bad, maybe you want both accounts to have a different status

  36. cloud

    is there a way to change omemo keys in gajim?

  37. justin

    >> justin, you need to install libqca-qt5-2-plugins > Is there any way that that situation can be avoided through setting dependencies? It would be nice if that info was at least here:

  38. lovetox

    cloud, change? you can delete your omemo.db, but why would you need to do this?

  39. cloud

    lovetox: for the issue from before, thanks

  40. lovetox

    that will not solve your issue

  41. lovetox

    i already told you what you need to do

  42. cloud

    could you explain me why wouldn't it solve the issue?

  43. lovetox

    because you have a problem with one single contact now

  44. lovetox

    after you delete your omemo keys, you will have problem with all contact

  45. cloud

    > Hi, one friend of mine (A) cannot read omemo-encrypted messages from another friend (B) in a private group. Friend B confirmed to have the fingerprints of A. A can read my messages but not B's. Is there any way to debug or solve this? as I understand, if A changes key then B will use the new key

  46. lovetox

    i think you misunderstand what i said

  47. lovetox

    you have a problem with one contact, open a single chat with that contact, go to the fingerprint dialog

  48. lovetox

    and delete the fingerprints you have for that contact

  49. lovetox

    then restart and write them a message

  50. cloud

    the clients of B are Dino and Conversations, sorry

  51. cloud

    the clients of B are Dino and Conversations, sorry for not writing it

  52. cloud

    also A doesn't have too many contacts

  53. cloud

    also B tried to re-create their account on their device without success in the past

  54. lovetox

    did you try what i wrote you now 2 times though?

  55. cloud

    I tried to do it from Conversations but I'm not sure it can be done, I was suggested to delete and re-add account from list of Contacts but there is no new exchange of keys

  56. cloud

    should B install gajim to do this?

  57. erik

    > should B install gajim to do this? Does that help you to do what lovetox said you need to do?

  58. cloud

    >> should B install gajim to do this? > Does that help you to do what lovetox said you need to do? friends are offline, so I was asking some question asking if I understood correctly. Also your retarded rhetorical question doesn't help in any way, giving a hint why would this solve the issue would give me more trust in you :)

  59. cloud

    >> should B install gajim to do this? > Does that help you to do what lovetox said you need to do? friends are offline, so I was asking some question asking if I understood correctly. Also your highly useful rhetorical question doesn't help in any way, giving a hint why would this solve the issue would give me more trust in you :)

  60. cloud

    erik bro, do you have any idea what is the issue? Or should I reboot the pc to fix the issue?

  61. cloud

    have a good one