Gajim - 2024-08-16

  1. fjklp

    I don't know whether to say it's a bug but in gnome 46, desktop notifications no longer show avatars from gajim.

  2. Nicolas V.

    Hello everyone, I am looking to implement another correction language in Gajim 1.9.3 flatpak. For now I just see in the contextual menu Langue>english (different version) . Thanks for the help.

  3. lovetox


  4. lovetox

    not sure where flatpak takes the languages from

  5. lovetox

    try this

  6. jonas’

    how do I send a message starting with `/` in gajim?

  7. jonas’

    (`/say /fnord` does not seem to be a thing, unlike many other clients)

  8. fjklp

    you can use a space first

  9. fjklp

    other than that I don't think you can

  10. meson

    jonas’: use a double slash

  11. meson


  12. meson

    But it should tell you that. Which version do you use?

  13. jonas’

    /foo works, thanks

  14. jonas’

    this is gajim 1.8.4

  15. meson

    Okay, this hint only has entered like 4 weeks ago in 1.9.3

  16. jonas’

    1792 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.

  17. jonas’

    ^ that's my problem then :)

  18. gunther34


  19. cloud

    Hi, one friend of mine (A) cannot read omemo-encrypted messages from another friend (B) in a private group. Friend B confirmed to have the fingerprints of A with me. A can read my messages but not B's. Is there any way to debug or solve this?

  20. cloud

    Hi, one friend of mine (A) cannot read omemo-encrypted messages from another friend (B) in a private group. Friend B confirmed to have the fingerprints of A. A can read my messages but not B's. Is there any way to debug or solve this?

  21. cloud

    The error is "This message was encrypted with OMEMO, BUT .."

  22. lovetox

    the message after "but" is rather important to diagnose the problem

  23. cloud

    "OMEMO and could not be decrypted.", "OMEMO, but not for your device." some messages of B have the first error, others have the second error

  24. cloud

    according to the screenshot A shared