Gajim - 2024-08-14

  1. wisteria

    hello, I'm not sure why but I cannot get themes to work. I downloaded and moved dracula.css to .config/gajim/theme, and after restarting the app multiple times, it still doesnt show up in the theme drop down menu. If it's to any help, I'm on EndeavourOS with XFCE as my DE.

  2. fjklp

    wisteria: are you using flatpak?

  3. wisteria

    > wisteria: are you using flatpak? Yes, I couldnt get gajim to even start while using either the pacman or the aur package

  4. fjklp

    I don't think I've ever set themes in gajim the way you describe so I can't help there. You can set themes for flatpak like this

  5. wisteria

    Seems to work now after the first set of commands, thank you very much!

  6. fjklp

    you're welcome

  7. justin

    I'm trying to use the Gajim flatpak version. I have previously used the debian repo version and my password was saved in KWallet. When I try to use the Flatpak version it doesn't seem able to save my password into Kwallet with an error that starts with "(E) gajim.c.passwords Save password failed" and ends with a full stack trace.

  8. justin

    I'm not a flatpak expert, but is there something easy I can check?

  9. fjklp

    justin: feel free to post the error here

  10. justin

    024-08-13T21:32:43 (E) gajim.c.passwords Save password failed

  11. fjklp

    I don't use kwallet for credential storage, so I don't exactly know. I'm on ubuntu. The stack trace says "maybe libqca-ossl is missing". Does that package exist in your repos? My system has already installed libqca-qt5-2-plugins and libqca-qt5-2. Could be one of those?

  12. justin

    Does that need to be a flatpak package or a base system package?

  13. fjklp

    I'm assuming base system

  14. fjklp

    I don't actually know

  15. fjklp

    I don't know flatpak well

  16. justin

    libqca-qt5-2 is installed. The credential saving worked on Gajim when installed from deb.

  17. dxpx

    Environments in flatpak are isolated from system. You may need to check where the flatpak sandbox locates

  18. fjklp

    is there anyone here running gajim flatpak in kde?

  19. hannibal

    there is a hole in the sandbox to store the password


    For some of my contacts, I have no line break in the chat window, for most others I do. Is there an option to enforce the line break?

  21. lovetox

    its a bug, if you have a long link in the chat view

  22. lovetox

    either delete that message or wait until its not loaded anymore because you have more recent messages

    👍 1
  23. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Fix wrapping lines for long words -


    > its a bug, if you have a long link in the chat view Thanks. Will this bug be fixed in a future release? I've read the linked page "fix: Fix wrapping lines for long words", but I don't know what to do with it.

  25. fjklp

    > 024-08-13T21:32:43 (E) gajim.c.passwords Save password failed > lovetox: I don't know if you know the solution to this

  26. lovetox, yes it willbe

    ❤ 1
  27. lovetox

    justin, you need to install libqca-qt5-2-plugins

  28. lovetox

    then restart your system

  29. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Don’t fail on missing env var -

  30. justin

    > justin, you need to install libqca-qt5-2-plugins That fixed it! Thanks!

  31. binairy

    issues with gajim

  32. binairy

    1. gets in a connection loop with expired certs

  33. binairy

    2. anonymous sasl mechanism missing for connect

  34. binairy

    3. missing a do-not-download-avatars feature

  35. binairy

    2. nvm,

  36. binairy


  37. lovetox

    Why do you not want to download acatars

  38. lovetox

    Why do you not want to download avatars

  39. epic

    because it's less bloat

  40. r00tobo

    use IRC

  41. lovetox

    epic: there is always an avatar. The question was, why not download the one the user publishes

  42. lissine

    epic: you may like TUI xmpp clients like profanity or poezio

  43. epic

    well personally I usually prefer avatars