Gajim - 2024-08-08

  1. fjklp

    bread is pretty good

  2. fjklp

    > Hosting there is cheap ;) hmm, I hadn't heard that

  3. julian

    > Hosting there is cheap ;) I'd like to see that proven

  4. lissine


  5. julian

    Thank you, I'll look into that

  6. epic

    >> I've noticed it before but looking at the providers list reminds me. Why is Germany so dominant in the xmpp space? > I would say it's Europe in general, and the Germans just stand out there. because Germany is more into privacy from a cultural perspective

  7. zayd [telepath]

    > I've noticed it before but looking at the providers list reminds me. Why is Germany so dominant in the xmpp space? a lot of big vps providers are german

  8. zayd [telepath]

    hetzner, contabo, netcup (i think)

  9. fjklp-temp

    I'm sure the answer is "no" but anyone have any idea why gajim would try to connect to if I have no account there?

  10. mkf


  11. cal0pteryx

    fjklp-temp: check the debug console's xml output

  12. fjklp

    hmm, might have been a file upload being downloaded. I guess I didn't remember clicking on a file upload.

  13. betarays

    I don’t know if this is because I’m not on the latest version (I’m on the latest that Arch Linux packages), but I noticed that when right-clicking a link in a quote, options in the menu will appear greyed out (like the quote itself) For example: >

  14. hueso

    is there any way to force reload MAM? I'm missing messages that were sent while my computer was sleep a few minutes ago

  15. cal0pteryx

    betarays: some people reported an issue like this, yes. But it seems to be a GTK issue (the framework Gajim uses)

  16. betarays

    oh, okay, it’s known then

  17. betarays

    because at first I thought the options were disabled when clicking on some links

  18. resoli

    hueso: it happens to me as well in v1.9 series (never seen before). Messages not syncronized between gajim on different machines, when one is off for more than 1-2 days

  19. hueso

    I've been off for only a few hours

  20. lovetox

    hueso, in a group chat?

  21. lovetox

    or single chat

  22. hueso


  23. hueso

    I'm on ejabberd 21, buddy is on metronome 4

  24. lovetox

    sounds like you dont have MAM enabled

  25. lovetox

    check Advanced -> Archiving Preferences

  26. lovetox

    should say "Always"

  27. hueso

    it is in always. I don't usually have problems with MAM but this weird quirk

  28. lovetox

    so what are you missing?

  29. lovetox

    one message? more? were they encrypted?

  30. lovetox

    can you reproduce it, go offline write a few messages, go online

  31. hueso

    I'm missing all the (omemo) messages exchanged during the few offline hours, both inbound and outbound; gajim pc was suspended

  32. hueso

    so basically I suspended my computer and chatted with Conversations for a while expected to see all the messages upon resuming PC. other chats catched up, some other didn't. Will try to reproduce. Just left the computer again, when I come back I will double check global and individual MAM settings.

  33. hueso

    sorry about the sloppy redaction, I'm on the go and english is not my native

  34. lovetox

    its probably a encryption problem then

  35. lovetox

    but then you should have seen the message, with an error

  36. lovetox

    next time you come online simply check View -> Debug Log

  37. lovetox

    for errors

  38. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: SearchView: Don't hide username filter on reset -

  39. jstein

    Hi, I just bumped Gajim to 1.9.3 on Gentoo. There is a non critical warning: ** (gajim:553711): WARNING **: 00:03:09.924: expected enumeration type void, but got PyGLibOptionArg instead after starting Gajim. Are you aware of this?

  40. jstein

    After starting 1.9.x for the first time it converts the DB. But I saw no warning when starting 1.8.x again with the new DB.

  41. lovetox

    ignore it, its just some warning

  42. jstein

    For me that is fine. But it will start to annoy, when many users will ask me about that message in our Gentoo package. Likely it is easy to fix, isn't it?

  43. jstein

  44. jstein

    is it a known bug, that the dropdown menu is not printed properly on the first click?

  45. jstein

    I rebuilds, when I scroll once

  46. fjklp

    > is it a known bug, that the dropdown menu is not printed properly on the first click? I'm pretty sure this is a gtk issue. I've been affected by it for many years. Gtk is garbage.

  47. fjklp

    unless it really is something that the application can control? I know I've experienced it in a number of applications.