Gajim - 2024-08-07

  1. hzr

    Btw, it's only me or gajim 2 previous version had issue? on me on they not on appear again on taskbar or i messed up some setting?

  2. Kris

    no problems with the official flatpak on Linux here.

  3. Kris

    what OS are you using?

  4. hzr


  5. hzr

    at some point in past they showing up on taskbar but now anymore

  6. hzr

    *i forget which update but somehow now they not appear on lastest version

  7. hzr

  8. fjklp

    hzr: is there _no_ icon in the taskbar or has the icon changed? I'm experiencing a problem where the tray icon normally appears as three dots.

  9. hzr

    > hzr: is there _no_ icon in the taskbar or has the icon changed? I'm experiencing a problem where the tray icon normally appears as three dots. no icon at all (if you see the screenshoot above)

  10. fjklp

    Ok. I wonder if it's related to my problem. Do you get an icon showing up when someone mentions you or in any case?

  11. hzr

    > Ok. I wonder if it's related to my problem. Do you get an icon showing up when someone mentions you or in any case? never

  12. hzr

    all i had if normal icon when gajim opened

  13. hzr

    normally if i close it they will hide himself on taskbar on right side of icon like what discord did but at some point after few update they not appearing anymore

  14. hzr

    on past i thought they will fix it maybe on next update but now after few update they still dissapear

  15. karlo.mueller

    Hey guys, how can I clear a chat? I mean not delete the chat but all the messages..

  16. hannibal

    hzr: if I remember right, Windows provides settings to show/hide taskbar icons, have you checked these?

  17. hzr

    > hzr: if I remember right, Windows provides settings to show/hide taskbar icons, have you checked these? Yeah do u see arrow on my screenshoot? on the side of internet speed tracker? all hidden app will go to there like what discord icon... on past gajim appear on there but after few update they stop to appear til now

  18. hzr

    this is the issue

  19. hannibal

  20. hannibal

    hzr: Do you see gajim in the taskbar settings, under taskbar corner icons?

  21. hannibal

    hzr: Do you see gajim in the taskbar settings, under taskbar corner icons (see link above)?

  22. hzr

    > hzr: Do you see gajim in the taskbar settings, under taskbar corner icons (see link above)? bruh i already explain on image above or maybe you just don't see my message so i will attach it again the icon of gajin doesn't appear on any of that Previously? yes it appear but now it's not

  23. hzr

    that's the issue

  24. hannibal

    I'm talking about this settings window

  25. fjklp

    > Hey guys, how can I clear a chat? I mean not delete the chat but all the messages.. karlo.mueller: If you mean to remove it from gajim but not from the server: at the top right, click group chat details button > settings > remove history

  26. hzr

    > I'm talking about this settings window bruh it's same things booth on off... the image isn't showing up

  27. hzr

    default is off... then the gajim will appear under arrow up section

  28. cal0pteryx

    hzr: did you check Gajim's preferences? It has a preference for that

  29. cal0pteryx

    karlo.mueller: no, there isn't

  30. fjklp

    > karlo.mueller: no, there isn't what does the remove history button in group chat details do?

  31. fjklp

    nevermind, I just tested it and it does remove all chat history from the chat

  32. cal0pteryx

    Remove the chat's history.

  33. fjklp

    I thought that is what he was asking for

  34. fjklp

    he didn't specify if he meant on the server, but I noted that it was only for gajim

  35. hzr

    > hzr: did you check Gajim's preferences? It has a preference for that give me preferences that u think works all i know is preference from attached image above i did some modification on past and still not works now i changing them on their original setting... if u had any, u can send it on here

  36. cal0pteryx

    hzr: check preferences > advanced > ace for "tray". Not on a computer right now

  37. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: no, it's about clearing, not deleting

  38. hzr

    for anyone who maybe not get what error i had

  39. hzr

    > give me preferences that u think works > all i know is preference from attached image above > i did some modification on past and still not works > now i changing them on their original setting... if u had any, u can send it on here wait let me check

  40. hzr

    > hzr: check preferences > advanced > ace for "tray". Not on a computer right now this ones right?

  41. cal0pteryx

    Hm, not what I was searching for. Which gajim version is that?

  42. 222m5

    > hzr: sounds like something related to minimize/close to tray, if that setting still exists try changing it… might help your issue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  43. karlo.mueller

    > > Hey guys, how can I clear a chat? I mean not delete the chat but all the messages.. > karlo.mueller: If you mean to remove it from gajim but not from the server: at the top right, click group chat details button > settings > remove history Yeah I mean just locally, but this applies only for Group Chats, I have a private Chat with someone and there is no option to remove history..?

  44. hzr

    > > > hzr: sounds like something related to minimize/close to tray, if that setting still exists try changing it… might help your issue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ btw where u guys answering me? why it looks like my previous explanation isn't shown up on you guys and yes i already try those things... i try all possible solution booth inside windows or gajim itself and still no one works

  45. hzr

    > Hm, not what I was searching for. Which gajim version is that? lastest '-'

  46. mrdoctorwho

    1-line wide code snippets are unreadable because of the horizontal scrollbar. Should I file an issue?

  47. meson


  48. fjklp

    mrdoctorwho: There's already an issue for this. Feel free to thumb up the issue and add a comment that it effects code snippets if you like.

    ❤ 1
  49. anontor

    is their a setting for storing gajim chat's just in ram and not written to a disk?

  50. Ichtyx

    > Ichtyx, you don’t need wasm outside of the browser, you can compile to native code instead. native code ? what's that

  51. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: the provider list did refresh in gajim once, but times out every time since then

  52. fjklp

    anontor: I don't think this is possible presently. There is a setting under `Accounts > Manage Accounts > your account > Privacy > Keep Chat History`. If set to 'until gajim is closed', gajim will write messages to a file called logs.db-shm while it is running, then it deletes that file when gajim is closed. If you are concerned about the possibility of data recovery, I don't think gajim can do it purely in memory.

  53. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: they claim to have fixed the DNS issues. Maybe it takes some time to propagate

  54. cal0pteryx

    > is their a setting for storing gajim chat's just in ram and not written to a disk? anontor: no

  55. fjklp

    anontor: you could always do your own custom setup with tmpfs probably, being careful to set it to never swap to disk. Surprisingly I haven't seen a guide for this.

  56. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: how long ago was it fixed?

  57. anontor

    > anontor: you could always do your own custom setup with tmpfs probably, being careful to set it to never swap to disk. Surprisingly I haven't seen a guide for this. I had thought about doing tmpfs. I was curious if their was a setting in gajim.

  58. anontor

    > anontor: I don't think this is possible presently. There is a setting under `Accounts > Manage Accounts > your account > Privacy > Keep Chat History`. If set to 'until gajim is closed', gajim will write messages to a file called logs.db-shm while it is running, then it deletes that file when gajim is closed. If you are concerned about the possibility of data recovery, I don't think gajim can do it purely in memory. I understand thanks.

  59. fjklp

    anontor: `man tmpfs` says it supports the noswap mount option. Other than that, simply disable all swap on the system when using tmpfs.

  60. fjklp

    warning: I don't really know if this is safe

  61. anontor

    > warning: I don't really know if this is safe I understand. I am familiar with it.

    👍 1
  62. fjklp

    Alright. It's not DNS resolution this time. g-tls-error-quark: Peer failed to perform TLS handshake: Error receiving data: Connection reset by peer (3)

  63. fjklp

    and it still takes more than 15 seconds to load in the browser. Their server has a problem I think.

  64. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: yesterday evening

  65. cal0pteryx

    Works fone for me

  66. cal0pteryx

  67. cal0pteryx

    Works for me

  68. cal0pteryx

    Anybody seeing problems with the link I posted?

  69. fjklp

    > > This consistently takes around 18 seconds to load in the browser. This is not normal compared to loading other URL's.

  70. fjklp

    > > This consistently takes around 18 seconds to load in the browser, for me. This is not normal compared to loading other URL's.

  71. cal0pteryx

    No, it's slow for me too, but not that slow :) I'm not denying there could be problems, just wanted to get an overview

  72. fjklp

    Hopefully we can get it to be fast/normal :)

  73. lovetox

    > > takes one second

  74. lovetox

    maybe trace the connection and see where it is slow

  75. fjklp

    Ok, it was particular to the IP address I was using. I switched it and it's now between 1-2 seconds. I'd still like to figure out what is up with that address.

  76. fjklp

    might still be good to get feedback in case there are others affected

  77. lovetox

    there are multiple tools that show you how many machines you hop until you reach the server

  78. lovetox

    type traceroute

  79. lovetox

    though i never learned to really read the output :D

  80. fjklp

    > though i never learned to really read the output :D this is the problem I have

  81. fjklp

    I've noticed it before but looking at the providers list reminds me. Why is Germany so dominant in the xmpp space?

  82. fjklp

    I'm pretty happy to see the providers list integrated 🙂

  83. Kris

    > I've noticed it before but looking at the providers list reminds me. Why is Germany so dominant in the xmpp space? I would say it's Europe in general, and the Germans just stand out there.

  84. Kris

    But strong French presence as well

  85. lissine

    Hosting there is cheap ;)

  86. Codimp

    Proud 🥐🥖