Gajim - 2024-08-05

  1. Mike Yellow

    Why the width of the chat history area can be longer than the width between its two boundaries since 1.9.0 ? It looks it happens only in Chinese chat environment, buggy, inconvenient.

  2. fjklp

    Mike Yellow: It's due to a workaround for a bug. It is annoying.

  3. fjklp

    it happens wherever there is a long word or string such as a long URL

  4. Mike Yellow

    Thank you.

  5. misteki

    hello everyone, its my first time using xmpp/jabber, and gajim is making it all really easy for me, really enjoying this piece of software :)

  6. fjklp

    I'm happy to hear that misteki :)

  7. misteki

    thanks, i've already got a couple of friends on here as well, we're trying to move away from discord since, its discord :P

  8. misteki

    this has served as a really nice replacement so far

  9. fjklp

    misteki: nice. I wish more discord users were willing to move to xmpp.

  10. fjklp

    A gajim user called tyroz told me in a pm that he's trying to send messages here but is not able to. When he tries, he gets an omemo error message "the group should be non-anonymous or member-only". He says there is no option to use omemo in this chat. I can see his typing notifications when he is typing in the gajim chat. He is on gajim 1.7.3, debian bookworm.

  11. misteki

    > misteki: nice. I wish more discord users were willing to move to xmpp. what's the situation like with voice/video chat on xmpp?

  12. mkf

    everyone claims it exists but I'm yet to see someone who did it

  13. misteki

    yeah, i heard about some sort of service that would provide something like that (forgot the name) but other than that it's been hard to find info

  14. misteki

    so may as well ask you guys

  15. fjklp

    > what's the situation like with voice/video chat on xmpp? It's currently unsupported in gajim. There are two different merge requests for making 1 to 1 voice chat work, but they are incomplete and inactive. It's likely to get done some day but no one can say when. For now, voice chat supposedly works in Dino and Conversations (android).

  16. fjklp

    I believe it's 1 to 1 voice chat only for those

  17. misteki

    hm i see

  18. resoli

    > I believe it's 1 to 1 voice chat only for those Dino should support many to many call as well

  19. misteki

    well we'll see how it goes lol

  20. fjklp

    > Dino should support many to many call as well Oh, nice. I had no idea. Thanks for mentioning it. I really ought to try this stuff out.

  21. fjklp

    > A gajim user called tyroz told me in a pm that he's trying to send messages here but is not able to. When he tries, he gets an omemo error message "the group should be non-anonymous or member-only". He says there is no option to use omemo in this chat. I can see his typing notifications when he is typing in the gajim chat. He is on gajim 1.7.3, debian bookworm. lovetox: I just wanted to make sure you see this in case you have time for it later

  22. Will

    Guy, when i try to discover news on my acvount with Gajim, the rooms are all didplayed in chinese characters, no english ones. How can i fix it?

  23. lovetox

    Diasable omemo?

  24. Will

    Guy, when i try to discover new rooms on my account with Gajim, the rooms are all displayed in chinese characters, no english ones. How can i fix it?

  25. fjklp

    from what they said, omemo cannot even be enabled for this chat

  26. fjklp

    Will: how are you discovering rooms?

  27. fjklp

    Will: Interesting. You are right. Every single public server on is chinese. That is not the standard or expected way to discover chats. The way you are doing it with service discovery is only searching on your server, To do a global search, either go to the Gajim menu at top, or press the + button >Start Chat > press the globe icon, enter search term and press enter.

  28. fjklp

    If I remember correctly, this channel listing method is truncated, so that's probably why we only see chinese characters. They sort to the top of the list

  29. Will

    Ok, thanks, will try

  30. Kris

    fjklp: yes ejabberd only returns 100 entries, alphabetically sorted and apparently Chinese characters come first.

    đź‘Ť 1
  31. Kris

    This question came up before.

  32. Kris

    The the response from the admin was also: don't use that discovery option on our server.

  33. fjklp

    > The the response from the admin was also: don't use that discovery option on our server. why?

  34. Kris

    Because it is not very helpful on a server with thousands of channels

  35. kinTa

    hello, everyone here

  36. debacle

    Maybe better check out interesting MUCs with the "Global Group Chat Search" (planet symbol upper right corner in the "Start / Join Chat..." dialog? It should have the same information as

  37. debacle

    Will: Maybe better check out interesting MUCs with the "Global Group Chat Search" (planet symbol upper right corner in the "Start / Join Chat..." dialog? It should have the same information as

  38. The Wild

    > Yup

  39. The Wild

    As there already been a share here the latest article by Saotok about XMPP+OMEMO ? I'd rather avoid double posting Clarifying my intentions: Not interested in starting a heated debate or attacking anyone. But a constructive discussion interests me a lot if some are available/care to share their view I'm not knowledgeable much about all this, it seems most critics are fair (talking about facts, not the tone of said articles) Although, Soatok does seem to praise Signal without pointing some of its problems like potential compromising of phone number

  40. The Wild

    Sorry for previous post (weirdly "pasted" on my end). Using Monocle and I don't know what I did for that behaviour

  41. Kris

    The tl;dr of that article is: would be nice if XMPP clients would update to the latest version of the OMEMO specs.

  42. Kris

    The rest is just opinion without much substance.

  43. 222m5

    I don't think it has been shared here; so for those interested:

  44. meson

    Kris: indeed. 222m5 not worth sharing

  45. Kris

    I think it was an interesting read.

  46. Kris

    Good to have someone with crypto experience look at OMEMO and conclude that is is basically good specs with some minor implementation issues.

  47. Codimp

    > The rest is just opinion without much substance. yep but we will pay for it for at least 5 years and we must prepare debunking it on wikis because every new one will bring it up to us now...

  48. Kris

    Their review of OLM was much worse.

  49. Codimp

    now every newcomer interested in security will run away from XMPP if they don't see a direct counter-argument to this article

  50. Kris

    People that conclude from that article that xmpp+OMEMO is unsafe are security larpers. No real loss.

  51. lovetox

    i think this is all security theater

  52. t

    It's politics. Anybody using a network spawned by Meta which can not be federated and enables metadata analysis as baseline does not have security as their primary focus.

  53. lovetox

    the article feels more like a critice that many xmpp clients implement various protocol version and he/she does see this as some kind of risk that one of them does maybe something wrong

  54. lovetox

    also the whole critice against conversations codebase sounds like that

  55. lovetox

    of course thats true, if you have 72 people implementing the same crypto protocol your chances are high someone does it wrong in the end

  56. lovetox

    but thats the nature of a decentralized protocol

  57. Kris

    they mention a practical attack vector on Omemo v0.3 in group chats. But that one is fixed in v0.8, and I don't see that many people using OMEMO in groupchats for other reasons anyways.

  58. lovetox

    hm Kris, i dont read it that way

  59. lovetox

    > Historically, this was exploited in “abuse reporting” scenarios, but as I explained in my Threema disclosures, it can sometimes come up in group messaging scenarios. > But if you’re in a setup where you only have one valid key for a given ciphertext, *that’s not really a problem*.

  60. lovetox

    thats all so vague, something can happen *sometimes* in certain scenarios ..

  61. Kris

    yeah, nothing to lose sleep over

  62. The Wild

    > Sorry for previous post (weirdly "pasted" on my end). Using Monocle and I don't know what I did for that behaviour It is a loss I feel Not the tech people The challenge I'm worried about with people like this presenting opinion with such authority, is that people very basic or no knowledge of security, people looking for tools to avoid so type of surveillance, coming for non technical background,... Might get wary of XMPP+OMEMO, shutting it down as a solution for organising and being more free from big tech actors This would make the work of convincing people and making them switch to such technologies harder And the article seem to not be careful of this. And the fact that the move to a better XMPP+OMEMO will CĂ´me in conjunction with a wider adoption and people, knowing it's flaws, pushing and hopefully contributing to making it better

  63. Kris

    they want everyone to move to Signal and are very clear about that.

  64. Kris

    the advantages of XMPP+OMEMO over signal are in regards to metadata, not e2ee.

  65. lovetox

    people should not fear crypto problems in my opinion, people should fear platforms, as we see in the EU, its easy to just pass a law and then the platform weakens its security or simply cannot operate anymore in the EU

  66. lovetox

    not sure what use signal is for people if they simply are not able to provide any service anymore

  67. lovetox

    every platform service is one vote away from closing down or providing backdoors for agencys

  68. The Wild

    And that's a major issue They gesticulate all along attacking "evangelist of a particular technology" while praising a particular app with seemingly no effort to explain Still think there's good points in there I avoided the talk about the tone, but it seems pretty provocative for no necessary reason

  69. Kris

    they have a whole series of articles on the topic.

  70. Kris

    that they don't repeat all that in each article is understandable

  71. The Wild

    Oh yes, absolutely

  72. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master feat: Integrate into account creation wizard -

  73. aquatarkus

    > the advantages of XMPP+OMEMO over signal are in regards to metadata, not e2ee. what, how?

  74. aquatarkus

    > The tl;dr of that article is: would be nice if XMPP clients would update to the latest version of the OMEMO specs. yes, that's the one real issue that they pointed out

  75. aquatarkus

    at least from what I understood

  76. aquatarkus

    the user being able to use OMEMO or not is a good feature

  77. aquatarkus

    the person who wrote the article clearly just doesn't really like xmpp, and they don't like the user having agency over their own decisions in regards to privacy and seecurity

  78. aquatarkus

    the person who wrote the article clearly just doesn't really like xmpp, and they don't like the user having agency over their own decisions in regards to privacy and security

  79. Ichtyx

    > of course thats true, if you have 72 people implementing the same crypto protocol your chances are high someone does it wrong in the end Btw why not only one omemo implementation in rust and all other lib relate to that through Wasm ?

  80. Kris

    > what, how? XMPP allows you much better to control where metadata is accessible and who has access to it. While Signal can claim to have overall less metadata, it's all centralized on US based AWS servers, which is much worse than having small bits and pieces of it scattered over many different servers mostly run by well meaning hobbyists in the EU.

  81. Kris

    and if you want you can minimize the spread much more, with Signal you can only hope that there isn't some backdoor installed on those centralized servers.

  82. aquatarkus


  83. aquatarkus

    sealed sender is still not fixed is it

  84. Kris

    seal sender is a nice idea, but pointless on centralized infra.

  85. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Notifications: Prevent loading of windows_toasts on unsupported Windows versions -

  86. tron0x8


  87. Link Mauve

    Ichtyx, you don’t need wasm outside of the browser, you can compile to native code instead.