Gajim - 2024-08-04

  1. fjklp

    hmm, I'm not sure how picky to get on reporting all the things that might be "wrong" with the message search as I assume we are trying to get by without going full complexity of word splitting and everything

  2. fjklp

    so it's difficult to say what I expect search to do differently when I know that the full possible capabilities are probably a fairly time consuming project that won't be happening right now

  3. fjklp

    I wonder if it would make sense to build filters into the gui instead of interpreting them from the single search query, as a means to make it easier

  4. fjklp

    I'm wondering if the ability to search for messages from multi-word nicks was delayed because it is like opening a can of worms :)

  5. lovetox__

    what can of worms, its now quoted, whats the problem?

  6. fjklp

    it just seems like trying to do this without word splitting and extra code makes some difficulties

  7. fjklp

    I'm writing a bug report

  8. fjklp

    it's done

  9. cal0pteryx

    That's how a quick fix turns to making a gui overhaul required :P

  10. cal0pteryx

    Maybe I just revert the fix and be done

  11. fjklp


  12. fjklp

    I need to start learning do code, damn it

  13. fjklp

    I need to start learning to code, damn it

  14. cal0pteryx

    I had planned to do this via gui anyway

  15. fjklp

    Oh. Well, that does seem like it would require less work overall.

  16. cal0pteryx

    It's certainly easier to determine filters then

  17. meson

    cal0pteryx: do you have some UI concept in mind? I know the Dolphin maintainers are debating on overhauling their UI amd created some mockups. However, a good search UI seems to be hard.

  18. meson

    cal0pteryx: do you have some UI concept in mind? I know the Dolphin maintainers are debating on overhauling their UI and they've created some mockups. However, a good search UI seems to be hard.

  19. cal0pteryx

    meson, an expander containing three filters: one entry for username, and one date selector (+ display label) for before and after

  20. cal0pteryx

    that way, filters can be present on demand

  21. cal0pteryx

    and due to proper input handling, we make it less error-prone

  22. meson

    Could that be made generic enough to use it also for a media browser? (I've not had time yet, but I feel motivated at some time in the future)

  23. meson

    Anyway sounds good to me

  24. cal0pteryx

    I'd do that once we get there :)

  25. cal0pteryx

    it's not super-complex

  26. meson

    The media browser? Okay, I put it off my list :P

  27. meson

    The media browser? Okay, I put it off my list ;)

  28. cal0pteryx

    :D 2h tops

  29. cal0pteryx

    but yes, a media browser with filters would be nice

  30. meson

    You say you'd write a media browser in 2hours? easy :D

  31. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master feat: Search: Add user interface for message filters -

    👍 2
  32. fjklp

    oh wow

  33. fjklp

    I look forward to checking it out

  34. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master refactor: Move some datetime utils and improve imports -