Gajim - 2024-08-02

  1. ombharamadev


  2. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Allow to search for same string again -

  3. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: GroupChatRoster: Fix hover style scope to avoid hidden scrollbar thumb -

  4. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: Message rows: Use transition for row highlight -

  5. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master change: Search: Use quotes to mark search filter content -

    👍 1
  6. fjklp

    Hell yeah. I've been looking forward to the quoted search filter fix.

  7. fjklp

    I don't think that commit included an update to the search tooltip. I assume we should update that to reflect the change.

  8. fjklp

    It looks like message search is implicitly quoted? Meaning, an unquoted for 'drag drop' will only return results for that complete string. It would probably be good to mention this in the tooltip too.

  9. fjklp

    It looks like message search is implicitly quoted? Meaning, an unquoted search for 'drag drop' will only return results for that complete string. It would probably be good to mention this in the tooltip too.

  10. fjklp

    It looks like message search is implicitly quoted? Meaning, an unquoted search for 'drag drop' will only return results for that complete string rather than treating multiple words as being AND or OR searches. It would probably be good to mention this in the tooltip too.

  11. fjklp

    let me know if you want me to make an issue for this

  12. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: quotation is only for the three keywords from, before, after. An example search would be `from:"fjklp" query` And everything inside quotes is taken for a nickname

  13. cal0pteryx

    The query part did not change its behavior

  14. fjklp

    that's what I thought

  15. cal0pteryx

    But yes, the tooltip needs to be update, thanks!

    👍 1
  16. fjklp

    looks like ubuntu 24.04 has python3-sqlalchemy 1.4.50. I guess that means I still can't run git.

  17. lovetox

    why? use a venv

  18. lovetox

    also we have a flatpak nightly

  19. fjklp

    I'm using the nightly flatpak but sometimes I get impatient :)

  20. fjklp

    Like right now I'd like to see how cal0pteryx fixed the message highlighting

  21. fjklp

    > why? use a venv I need to learn this stuff

  22. lovetox


  23. fjklp

    Would it be possible to merge an already existing new style message database with an old style database?

  24. lovetox


  25. fjklp


  26. lovetox

    why is that relevant

  27. fjklp

    I started using the gajim nightly flatpak when the new database layout was released without migrating my database because I was afraid of corruption, so I was putting it off. Now I have months of logs on the new database and years of logs on the old one.

  28. lovetox

    export logs on the old one, archive it, and be happy with what you got on the old one

  29. lovetox

    export logs on the old one, archive it, and be happy with what you got on the new one

  30. fjklp


  31. fjklp

    I wonder if I could cobble together the sql commands to make a working merge

  32. lovetox

    the situation where i have to look up what someone said a year ago, didnt happen until now

  33. fjklp

    I do it occasionally

  34. lovetox

    my company deletes all messenger logs after 3 months

  35. lovetox

    my company deletes all messenger logs after 30 days

  36. lovetox

    you learn fast not to keep important data in the messenger :D

  37. fjklp

    I'm all for keeping notes, but keeping well-organized notes is difficult in my experience. So I've been leaning on the "self-documenting" nature of chat history a lot.

  38. fjklp

    > my company deletes all messenger logs after 30 days well, that kind of creates an interesting dynamic :)

  39. lovetox

    not really, people simply use messenger only for a quick message, thats it

  40. lovetox

    its like with my parents whole foto collection is essentially low res whatsapp photos, and they access it via whatsapp :D

  41. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: The scrollbar hover problem reminds me of the problem where text in the chat message composition/input field becomes shaded the same as quotes and replies. Might there be a similar bug with the message quoting code where the scope is undefined or wrongly defined and it extends to the message input box somehow? The only problem is that this behavior is oddly highly variable; I don't know how to reproduce it.

  42. fjklp

    > its like with my parents whole foto collection is essentially low res whatsapp photos, and they access it via whatsapp :D lol, sad

  43. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: if you can reproduce it, we can see where it comes from.

  44. fjklp

    Unfortunately I can't. Tried many times.

  45. fjklp

    I'll be typing, it gets shaded, I stop typing. Then new messages from others in chat can make it change. Hitting backspace, then typing the same letter usually will result in no shading. I have no idea how it works. Still trying. It just feels like trying to reproduce might be the wrong path at this point.

  46. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Search: Adapt tooltip to new filter behavior -

  47. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, something like this? where red would be grey?

  48. cal0pteryx

  49. fjklp

    No. I'm not sure what the image implies. For me, the entire text in the input field will change all at once to grey. But it often will "randomly" change between normal and grey shaded. The changes seem to always be caused either by typing a new letter, deleting a letter, or a new message appearing in chat.

  50. fjklp

    There is no change in background color when it happens. The color seems to be the same as quoted message text.

  51. cal0pteryx

    that's no CSS issue I think

  52. fjklp

    I think you might be referring to the thing that happens on line wrapping sometimes.

  53. cal0pteryx

    yes, that one

  54. fjklp

    actually, I'm not sure it's line wrapping, but just multi-line messages.

  55. fjklp

    > that's no CSS issue I think Hmmmm

  56. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: MessageInputTextView: Make background transparent -

  57. cal0pteryx

    either way, that one should be fixed ^

  58. fjklp

    I just have this feeling that it's related to messages being quoted and the context/scope/whatever somehow extending to the message input

  59. cal0pteryx

    but that would not change by typing another letter or deleting one

  60. fjklp

    I'm trying to be careful to not assume too much :) And I'm not saying that I think it is a problem with the CSS here. I _was_ asking if you thought it could be. But now I'm speculating that it could be a bug in whatever library that handles the quoted message shading code.

  61. fjklp

    Maybe I should change the quoted message color to red or something and see if the buggy message input matches that color when it happens.

  62. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, I'm just exploring ;)

  63. fjklp

    which file controls quoting text color?

  64. cal0pteryx

    search for "referenced-message". that's the class which is added to the widget

  65. fjklp


  66. fjklp

    This? And may I have a tip on how to make it red?

  67. cal0pteryx

    Yes, that one. background-color: red

  68. fjklp

    1. background-color: red(@insensitive_fg_color, 0.06); 2. background-color: alpha(red, 0.06); 3. background-color: red; ?

  69. fjklp

    all I did was message things up lol

  70. meson

    fjklp: succeeded? Where do you try to change it? In the source or gtk Inspector?

  71. fjklp

    I'm changing source for my flatpak install. Doesn't matter because it's nightly and will get fixed on next upgrade.

  72. fjklp

    only success on messing up the UI a bit.