Gajim - 2024-07-27

  1. noizette

    Hey so, I have several accounts set, but when I "disabled" some (toggling the button in "managing accounts" window) I see in debug console that they still try to connect and stuff. Is that the supposed behavior? Is it just supposed to hide them from gui, not "disable" them?

  2. noizette

    Aand also, I had some muc on a server. The server has been reinstalled (snikket to ejabberd, the import_prosody has failed..) so those MUC doesn't exist anymore on server, but they also immediately disappeared in my gajim, do I have a way of getting back the history?

  3. noizette

    I can see they still are in logs.db

  4. lissine

    > do I have a way of getting back the history? You can use the search feature, and check the 'Search All Chats' option. Then click any of the results from the 'hidden' room

    👍 1
  5. lissine

    > do I have a way of getting back the history? You can use the search feature, and check the 'Search All Chats' option. Then click any of the results that belong to the 'hidden' room

  6. noizette

    Yeah, I just recreated the same rooms (and added the same subdomain for muc for them to correspond) and pew pew, here they are :)

  7. noizette

    But I couldn't make the dm from muc appear, so your strategy was a better one! thanks

  8. noizette

    I have the same error as mentioned in Self-signed cert on ejabberd server, trying to http_upload some files returns a "the signing certificate authority is not known".

  9. noizette

    The issuer seems to finally resolve that by "adding self-signed cert to Trusted root CA", though I'm quite bad at understanding this level of certificates meaning, and can't really tell what this mean/how this should be done, if it's server side, at cert generation, or client side?

  10. noizette

    any help appreciated (even tho im going to sleep right now)

  11. concerto

    How do I prevent Gajim from flashing the window for each new message/highlight?

  12. fjklp

    concerto: Gajim > Preferences > Advanced > Advanced Configuration Editor > use_urgency_hint

  13. concerto

    Thanks fjklp

  14. ri

    Hi, I recently started using Gajim as my computer client and I love it. Since I'm used to Conversations and its support for calls, it was a bad surprise to me and my friend group when we found out that gajim doesnt support that yet

  15. ri

    I have several questions about that. Is support for calls (like those in Conversations) being worked on? or is it put on some waiting list... Also, does Gajim's STUN server option function? since I've read that Gajim lacks proper voice/video calls support somewhere in the repo and idk if it's meant by that the STUN option doesn't work either; I'll try this anyways

  16. lovetox

    a stun server is for calls, calls do not work, so not sure what you need a stun server option for

  17. lovetox

    and yes generally its beeing worked on, but dont hold your breath that it will soon work

  18. ri

    I have that stun server option in my ui so I had some hope lol; Thank you for your response, I'm happy to hear that it's being worked on ever so slightly, besides, waiting is fun!

  19. mizah

    Running Gajim from source :D

  20. mizah

    Having a read through the source code, maybe I can contribute a bit at some point :3

  21. mizah

    Tried writing my own client for a while, but I soon realized that it's way too much work for one person... But perhaps I could improve something more established

    👍 2
  22. lovetox

    yes thats a good idea :)

  23. mizah

  24. mizah

    Maybe I can fix whatever this is...

  25. meson

    a missing icon in your theme

  26. mizah

    Issue is probably in however Gajim got packaged in NixOS

  27. mizah

    I've got the project open and running in an IDE, so might as well take a peek at what's supposed to be there

  28. mizah


  29. mizah >:3 Found it

  30. mizah

    Now to go find how to add that to the nix package

  31. mizah

    Looks like nixpkgs doesn't have a package for icon-theme-symbolic; time to figure out how to package that, lol

  32. mizah

    What is this arcane... "Yeah, just run this weird Ruby script we have in here"

  33. mizah

    Why do I have to compile a set of icons?

  34. mizah

    ***why do I need to pull in inkscape***

  35. mizah

    With a hard-coded path, *of course*

  36. mizah

    Now I see why the damn icon is missing, holy crap

  37. mizah


  38. mizah


  39. mizah

    I give up. This is the way of madness.

  40. mizah

    I'd have to package "gnome icon tools" too, whatever that is.

  41. mizah

    Who knows what other arcane dependencies this thing wants.

  42. mizah

    I'm not doing this for 9 tiny icons

  43. amogus

    gnome is bloat

  44. mizah

    Nah... I think they actually improved on this point, but the symbolic icons appear to be considered legacy

  45. mizah

    Oh someone else

  46. mizah

    What the heck is a "theme index file"

  47. fjklp

    I thought gajim keeps debug logs up until debug logging was disabled and re-enabled? Under what conditions does it clear out old debug logs?

  48. lovetox

    3 days

    👍 2❤ 2
  49. deport

    lovetox: Hey. I was asking in XSF chat about the requirements of replies. I asked there since I figured it's not a gajim problem.

  50. lovetox

    every client decides themself when to show a reply or not, its a decision in the GUI

  51. lovetox

    In Gajim we show the menu, when the message has a proper <stanza-id> element, and you dont have the role "Visitor"

  52. lovetox

    if you dont see it, i bet the MUC does not add a stanza-id element

  53. lovetox

    but you can easily check this with View -> Debug Console, it shows you all stanzas that come in

  54. deport

    How does gajim decide whether to show the option to reply?

  55. deport

    maybe that's what you meant?

  56. deport

    for the muc in question, there is no button to make replies

  57. deport

    > In Gajim we show the menu, when the message has a proper <stanza-id> element, and you dont have the role "Visitor" I don't understand this. Which message?

  58. deport

    oh, stupid me. I get it.

  59. deport

    yes, it looks like the server does not add a <stanza-id>. Thanks.

  60. noizette

    > I have the same error as mentioned in > Self-signed cert on ejabberd server, trying to http_upload some files returns a "the signing certificate authority is not known". Any hint? Asking everybody to add cert to trusted root ca seems difficult :/

  61. noizette

    The same cert is used and accepted for connections and everything, why is this not usable for http_upload specifically?

  62. lovetox

    because we dont have that implemented

  63. noizette

    ok, how can I help to make that happen?

  64. mizah

    Welp... I give up, but I got some distance in, lol.

  65. meson

    mizah: thanks for looking into it 👍

  66. mizah

    This was definitely way too much effort for a couple of tiny icons, lol

  67. mizah

    Still is, btw... I'm stuck on it

  68. mizah

    ...but bedtime. Can't work on this if I'm a zombie

    💯 1