Gajim - 2024-07-21

  1. zak

    Is there something to consider when trying to send a file from Gajim to Gajim (both Linux)? I just sent a file, but the recipient tells me he gets no notification or anything. The transfer doesn't work. I see no error message as well.

  2. zak

    It's a bigger file, so Gajim tells me that direct transfer will be used.

  3. zak

    Maybe some port needs to be accessible on receivers side?

  4. zak

    I see this in the debug console: > unable to bind to port 28011

  5. lovetox

    p2p file transfer is not really maintained, so it often does not work

  6. zak

    lovetox, okay. Any idea what I could try though?

  7. lovetox

    in ace file_transfers_port

  8. lovetox

    maybe set a different port

  9. zak

    I tried debugging this without success. With the first try, there is no such message "unable to bind to port 28011", this only happens when I try again because then the port is already in use. I see that port 28011 is open: ``` # netstat -a | grep 28011 tcp6 0 0 [::]:28011 [::]:* LISTEN ``` But then nothing happens. We both tried opening this port in our FritzBoxes.

  10. zak

    I don't know how to go on here further, so I guess it just doesn't work.

  11. zak

    Changing the port didn't help either

  12. lovetox

    its maybe a problem with ipv6

  13. lovetox

    i have no idea, and i dont think its a quick fix

  14. lovetox

    i didnt transfer a file p2p since years

  15. zak

    I reversed self.ais, so tcp was used, but no...

  16. zak

    I think XMPP is a great way to transfer bigger files through the internet between desktop PCs. How do you do that?

  17. lovetox

    i almost never have the need, only within the same LAN and i use a NAS for distributing the files

  18. lovetox

    but i heard of a easy p2p app

  19. zak

    Okay, I don't often have the need either, but sometimes...

  20. lovetox

  21. zak

    Ok, looks good. But can I trust that? It says files will be encrypted and cannot be read by others, but can I be sure?

  22. lovetox

    you can run this locally also

  23. lovetox

  24. lovetox

    the benefit of the website is, people dont have to install apps

  25. zak

    Yes I see that...

  26. zak

    It would still be nice if the p2p code in Gajim can be fixed someday.

  27. lovetox

    obviously :)

  28. lovetox

    still its not easy, Gajim only depends on existing technologies, and for example you need to open ports on the machines etc

  29. lovetox

    its hard to make that seemles

  30. lovetox

    without a server

  31. lovetox

    but this app seems really great

  32. lovetox

    > sudo apt install magic-wormhole > wormhole send > wormhole receive

  33. lovetox

    cant get easier than this

  34. zak

    How do you define who is the recipient resp. sender?

  35. zak

    That xkcd fits perfectly:

  36. lovetox

    You don't need to

  37. lovetox

    Send gives you a keyword

  38. lovetox

    That keyword you give the other user

  39. lovetox

    He specifies it when calling receive

  40. lovetox

    There is a relay sever that does the matching

  41. zak

    okay, so it is not completely independent. you need this relay server

  42. lovetox

    Yes but I think there is a public one

  43. lovetox

    You don't need to run it yourself

  44. zak

    I put 40€ into the pot for fixing p2p in Gajim 😉️

  45. zak

    I think with Conversations it works.

  46. fjklp >❓ Let us know what we should work on by joining our Discord server! every single time.

  47. zak

    We are just trying and it takes ages. 4,4 GB will probably take until the night if not longer.

  48. zak

    with 10 MBit/s upload on my side.

  49. meson

    zak: bandwith isn't the bottleneck?

  50. meson

    If not, try SyncThing maybe?

  51. zak

    I don't know. Shouldn't this be much faster? My netload-plugin tells me I have about 10Mbit/s upload.

  52. Polarian

    > >>❓ Let us know what we should work on by joining our Discord server! > every single time. more concerning is that they are advertising discord while saying how E2EE file storage is important...

  53. meson

    Your fritz box web interfaces should tell you your theoretic maximal connection speeds. Otherwise you could run a simple speed test on both devices, eg to see what's your up/download bandwith (mind that network load might negatively impact the result) Or use netcat to measure the p2p speed

  54. zak

    Yes, it should be 10 Mbit/s and it is 10 Mbit/s.

  55. zak

    So everything looks good so far.

  56. meson


  57. zak

    Funny: My contact downloaded about 80% of the file alread. My upload indicator shows about 30%.

  58. zak

    Funny: My contact downloaded about 80% of the file already. My upload indicator shows about 30%.

  59. fjklp


  60. lissine

    Gajim 1.9.2 is in the Void Linux repos 🎉️

  61. shedar

    arch linux repo 1.8

  62. lissine

    shedar: for Arch linux, the one in the `Extra` repo is 1.8.4 But the one in the `Extra-staging` is 1.9.2 You can install it from that repo to have the latest update now

  63. Polarian

    ooo freebsd ports has 1.9.1, for once its ahead of a linux distro O.O

  64. lissine

    Polarian: freebsd ports actually has 1.9.2

  65. Polarian

    hm weird

  66. Polarian

    when I search my local db I get: gajim-1.9.1 GTK Jabber client

  67. Polarian

    likely the binary port hasn't been shipped yet then :)

  68. lissine

    Perhaps you need to fetch the latest updates from the repo?

  69. lissine

    > likely the binary port hasn't been shipped yet then :) Unlikely. The commit above was 37 hours ago

  70. Polarian

    I have the latest database