Gajim - 2024-07-16

  1. novice8

    Hello, when I edit the display name of Firefox in the Manjaro Linux start menu, Gajim can no longer load linked Internet page in Firefox. I am not sure who can fix this but am raising it with both Manjaro and here. (Also not that critical for me. I can just not edit the display name.) See this more details:

  2. novice8

    Sorry you'll have to scroll up to top, or use this link:

  3. epic

    I dont use manjaro, btw

  4. epic

    feels like such an arch based distro brings more surface for bugs

  5. cal0pteryx

    epic: that's totally irrelevant here

  6. cal0pteryx

    novice8: gajim should only request to open a browser. Not sure, maybe we had a setting for that. You can check Preferences > Advanced. But that's the only thing which comes to my mind

  7. novice8

    cal0pteryx: Thanks. I couldn't find anything promising in Advanced Configuration Editor (not that I am good at finding things of this sort). If Gajim is hard set to request only a browser, then the solution may have to come from the Manjaro end.

  8. John

    novice8: does this affect the opening of URL's in other applications or just gajim?

  9. John

    this might be the equivalent of doing xdg-open in the terminal

  10. novice8

    John: Only Gajim. Even after Firefox's display name change, xdg-open opens to browser. This was valuable info. Thanks. (Apologies if the message doubles up. Somehow the first one did not appear in my Gajim.)

  11. lovetox

    We use Gio for opening stuff, and that again uses different stuff depending on the distro

  12. lovetox

    It's a deep rabbit hole. But it's certainly no Gajims issue

  13. meson

    Do I need to install or change sth in order to make drag and drop a file into Gajim Flatpak possible on Fedora40 KDE Plasma Wayland?

  14. meson

    xdg desktop portals (kde, gtk, gnome) are installed

  15. cal0pteryx

    hannibal ^ ?

  16. cal0pteryx

    I'd like to document required packages to get gajim flatpak fully integrated. meson could you post the packages you installed?

  17. meson

    ``` flatpak 1.15.8 xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4 xdg-desktop-portal-kde 6.1.2 xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 1.15.1 xdg-desktop-portal-gnome 46.2 Gajim 1.9.1 flatpak GTK-Version: 3.24.42 GLib-Version: 2.80.2 PyGObject-Version: 3.48.2 ```

  18. cal0pteryx


  19. novice8

    On editing Firefox's name in start menu affecting Gajim's ability to open links in Firefox, it would appear that it was not "just Gajim." There were other consequences outside Gajim. If intereseted, you can see that in the same posted I linked before, or here:

  20. hannibal

    meson: what Gajim version?

  21. meson

    hannibal: as posted above, 1.9 1

  22. meson

    hannibal: as posted above, 1.9.1

  23. hannibal

    Missed that :)

  24. hannibal

    meson: can you create an issue?

  25. meson

    hannibal: done

  26. Jorge

    Hi. Good afternoon from Brazil!

  27. Jorge

    > In "Maximum message length", I have provided "1", which should block spam messages. It did not work. I am still being spammed.

  28. Jorge

    At least the spam rate has reduced.

  29. Jorge

    For each spammer, Gajim says I have received a message from a stranger; so it seems they are no longer adding me as contact.

  30. Jorge

    Oh wait, that's on Conversations (the smartphone app). In Gajim I have not seen recent spam

  31. Jorge

    Can I block contacts in batch?

  32. Jorge

    I still have my workspace polluted with a lot of past spam.

  33. lovetox

    right click block

  34. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master other: Flatpak: Add note about xdg-desktop-portals -

  35. Link Mauve

    cal0pteryx, actually the description is wrong, for sending a file (that is, opening a file picker on the host) you only need xdg-desktop-portal-gtk or xdg-desktop-portal-kde, every other one (notably xdg-desktop-portal-gnome) are about the rest of the desktop integration.

  36. cal0pteryx

    I see, thanks!

  37. Link Mauve

    Multiple portal implementations can provide the same endpoint, it’s then up to your desktop environment to order them correctly.

  38. Link Mauve

    And to this day, only GNOME and KDE do this properly that I know of…

  39. Link Mauve

    All smaller DEs fail to load them correctly, relying on the user to install exactly the wanted one(s).

  40. Link Mauve

    Note that this isn’t only about flatpak, portals also get used outside (much more in GTK 4 than it was in 3 though).

  41. meson

    And they will maybe be used a lot more in the future to secure plasma software :) > Moving towards a "portals first" approach in our frameworks > Improve portals for sharing content between sandaboxes

  42. meson

    And they will maybe be used a lot more in the future to secure plasma software :) > Sandbox all the things! > Moving towards a "portals first" approach in our frameworks > Improve portals for sharing content between sandaboxes