Gajim - 2024-07-15

  1. John

    is there anything unusual going on with the xmpp server (this one)?

  2. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: for these GTK issues, there is nothing Gajim can do. These need to be fixed in GTK directly

  3. cal0pteryx

    John: what are you observing?

  4. cal0pteryx

    Should be alright?

  5. John

    gajim is suddenly asking me for my password for my account but I see that it's in the keyring

  6. John

    nothing has changed

  7. John

    happens every time I restart it

  8. John

    Looking at the debug log, I see that the output for my account is different

  9. John

    2024-07-15T06:45:46 (I) gajim.client | Connect

  10. John

    that's the account above

  11. John

    then a normal account that connects below

  12. John

    2024-07-15T06:45:46 (I) gajim.c.settings | Set account settings:

  13. John

    There is no 'Request password from keyring' for the account

  14. John

    The main problem I want to solve here is that gajim is asking for a password when the correct password is already in the keyring. This should never happen.

  15. meta

    hi, is there a way to get a shareable url to my xmpp contact?

  16. John

    meta: what do you mean? you want to simply send a url? you want to invite them to a group chat?

  17. meta

    something like a "contact me" link, that shows them how to get XMPP and probably add me to their contacts

  18. John

    I only have a vague sense that this does exist, so I don't have the complete answer. Hopefully someone will chime in.

  19. John

  20. debacle

    John, just wanted to post the same stuff ;-) Also, if your server does not support invitations, Jabber ids have this widely supported URI format: for a single contact and for a group chat.

  21. John

    I've never setup a account. I guess they are free? I _think_ they do what you want.

  22. John

    It's a good question though. I should actually know about that. That is the kind of stuff that would make xmpp more widely viable.

  23. John | ( Set error: StreamError.SASL, no-password, None

  24. lovetox

    John: seems we cannot read the passowrd

  25. lovetox

    Probably you have multiple keyrings installed

  26. lovetox

    And the wrong one has priority

  27. lovetox

    You need to look at the start of the debug log

  28. John

    my other accounts login fine, all using the same keyring and nothing on my system has been changed around this

  29. John

    look for what in the debug log?

  30. 山河 邮箱联系地址: removed by cal0pteryx


  31. John

    (I) gajim.c.passwords | Found keyring backend: (priority: 0) (I) gajim.c.passwords | Found keyring backend: keyring.backends.libsecret.Keyring (priority: 4.8) (I) gajim.c.passwords | Found keyring backend: keyring.backends.chainer.ChainerBackend (priority: 10) (I) gajim.c.passwords | Found keyring backend: keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring (priority: 5) (I) gajim.c.passwords | Select keyring.backends.chainer.ChainerBackend (priority: 10) backend

  32. a moderator removed a message


  33. John

    when I use the `keyring` command to query my account password, it works with no backend specified and with libsecret, chainer, or SecretService specified. It seems like the problem is something else?

  34. me

    hello everyone, why Gajim doesnt work in debian??🤔️

  35. Kris

    Have you tried the flatpak?

  36. meson

    > hello everyone, why Gajim doesnt work in debian??🤔️ CC debacle

  37. debacle

    I use Gajim on Debian all the time. It works as good as it is.

  38. debacle

    me What do you mean by "doesn't work"? Doesn't do the dishes? :-) Does it fail to install? Does it crash? Do emoji have the wrong size? Are A/V connections broken? (Hint: They are!)

  39. debacle

    me What do you mean by "Debian"? unstable/testing/stable/other? amd64/arm64/armhf/other?

  40. me

    > Have you tried the flatpak? i did download gajim still doesnt work or maybe only support ubuntu or something like that

  41. cal0pteryx

    me: please read the chat.

  42. me

    > me What do you mean by "doesn't work"? Doesn't do the dishes? :-) Does it fail to install? Does it crash? Do emoji have the wrong size? Are A/V connections broken? (Hint: They are!) or maybe only support debian 13 trixie

  43. me

    because i already download gajim and click it, and then doesnt pop up it look like crash or something

  44. meson

    I've got a contact who uses two clients Gajim and Conversations. For both clients I've got an OMEMO key, but according to the contact info, one device has never been seen, though they are online with it. Now, this causes the issue that messages from and to this device can't be decrypted. Any idea what to check for?

  45. kali [she/they]

    > because i already download gajim and click it, and then doesnt pop up it look like crash or something me, if you type `gajim` in terminal, what does it say?

  46. me

    > > because i already download gajim and click it, and then doesnt pop up it look like crash or something > me, if you type `gajim` in terminal, what does it say? i already did, still nothing,... maybe something like gtk3 or 4🤔️

  47. meson

    > I've got a contact who uses two clients Gajim and Conversations. For both clients I've got an OMEMO key, but according to the contact info, one device has never been seen, though they are online with it. > Now, this causes the issue that messages from and to this device can't be decrypted. Any idea what to check for? same for their Gajim: the key is there, but only the Conversation's client has been "last seen", but my Gajim client

  48. me

    i went to website gajim and read it it said latest 1.9.1 only supoort debian 13 and debian unstable, but unfortunately my debain 12 bookworm 1.7.3

  49. me

    take it look,

  50. Kris

    So just install the flatpak version for 1.9.1

  51. meson

    I see `omemo_dr.session_manager | ( No such signedprekeyrecord! 27545` in the logs, when I receive an OMEMO message from the Gajim device, which "has never been seen"

  52. Kris

    Its vastly improved over 1.7.3

  53. lovetox

    meson: you need to delete the fingerprint

  54. lovetox

    And restart

  55. meson

    but why does it happen in the first place? Does my contact need to do the same?

  56. cat_petter_2012

    > i went to website gajim and read it it said latest 1.9.1 only supoort debian 13 and debian unstable, but unfortunately my debain 12 bookworm 1.7.3 I was thinking maybe I should just use debian sid as daily driver

  57. meson

    > Does my contact need to do the same? Apparently not.

  58. meson

    Thanks lovetox, still, when you have time, I'd be interested to know the backgrounds of why this bug occurs :)

  59. debacle

    me The correct way to install Gajim on Debian is `sudo apt install gajim` — did you do that? Because you said "downloaded" which can mean many things. What does `dpkg -l gajim\*` say?

  60. me

    > me The correct way to install Gajim on Debian is `sudo apt install gajim` — did you do that? Because you said "downloaded" which can mean many things. What does `dpkg -l gajim\*` say? i already know about sudo apt install gajim, i did this already it was on there app when i clicked on it no show up nothing i dont know why what wrong with that 🫤️

  61. me

    but anyways it ok forget about it i just uninstalling gajim and , i perfer using over gajim

  62. lissine

    > I was thinking maybe I should just use debian sid as daily driver cat_petter_2012: I recommend using rolling release distros e.g. Void Linux

  63. lovetox

    meson, means this is a first message that someone sent to you, but it used a signedprekey which is not in your local database

  64. lovetox

    most likely reason is, we deleted the prekey too early

  65. lovetox

    currently Gajim deletes it after 15 days

  66. lovetox

    i think i will raise that

  67. meson

    I quickly started reading on how OMEMO works. [1][2] So the signed Signed PreKey (SPK) gets published on a PEP node, right? If it's not in the local database yet, why can't Gajim fetch it from the server? > Those basically are the first halves of a DH-handshake, *which can* – along with some other keys of the user – be uploaded to a server prior to the beginning of a conversation. is the _which can_ the catch? I feel like I should read more before asking too many questions and revealing my lack of knowledge :) [1] page 7 fig, 8 Prekeys [2] #From DH to X3DH

  68. meson

    > The identity key lasts indefinitely. It is possible that Alice sends a message using a signed prekey that was already updated by Bob. For that reason, Bob should keep a few old signed prekeys in storage, so that he does not need to discard those messages. How long this should be is not specified, but the specification should include at least a guideline and/or upper bound for this lifetime. Seems to relevant too.

  69. meson

    > The identity key lasts indefinitely. It is possible that Alice sends a message using a signed prekey that was already updated by Bob. For that reason, Bob should keep a few old signed prekeys in storage, so that he does not need to discard those messages. How long this should be is not specified, but the specification should include at least a guideline and/or upper bound for this lifetime. Seems to relevant too.

  70. lovetox

    we cyclethe signedprekey

  71. lovetox

    on pep is only the current one

  72. lovetox

    its complicated, but basically someone sends you a message or builds a session with that pre key, but you never answer and the session is never completed

  73. lovetox

    after 15 days we delete this prekey

  74. lovetox

    and then the contact sends you another message which runs into this error then

  75. meson

    I see, thanks.

  76. epic

    What's the easiest way to disable taskbar icon flashing @ new messages, on linux?

  77. epic

    What's the easiest way to disable Gajim's taskbar icon flashing @ new messages, on linux?

  78. lovetox

    Try advanced config

  79. lovetox

    Urgent gint

  80. lovetox

    Urgent hint

  81. epic

    aha! so that's what they meant with ACE haha

  82. cal0pteryx

    those are vitamins!

  83. John

    lovetox: Haven't you said in the past something like if the server responds that an authentication attempt fails, gajim doesn't know why, so gajim just prompts the user for their password in case wrong password is the reason?

  84. lovetox

    from your description it sounded like your password works, you just have to put it in everytime

  85. lovetox

    did this start recently?

  86. lovetox

    did you change your password?

  87. John

    I used to log in automatically with no issues using the keyring. Just startted yesterday. No changes that I made.

  88. John

    none that I know of

  89. John

    I have other accounts enabled that login automatically with no issue at present

  90. John

    it could be a change in IP address

  91. John

    it could be a change in IP address, that's the only change I can think of

  92. John

    Also, what is the logic on gajim fetching avatars? I've been in the chat about 14 hours total now and I see no avatar for this chat. I see an avatar in the participant list for lovetox and cal0pteryx, but I don't see their avatar in the chat view.

  93. John

    Also, what is the logic on gajim fetching avatars? I've been in the chat about 14 hours total now and I see no avatar for this chat (the gajim logo for group chat). I see an avatar in the participant list for lovetox and cal0pteryx, but I don't see their avatar in the chat view.

  94. John

    actually, I guess the fetching logic is irrelevant if it's showing one place and not another.

  95. lovetox

    John hard to say without full debug logs

  96. John

    for the login or for avatars?

  97. John

    I guess I'll continue to try to locate the cause, maybe send you logs later