Gajim - 2024-07-14

  1. Sally

    There is an issue, I hope I can describe it enough: There is a chat between me and my friend, we both type in Arabic (Right to Left), lately, we shared long links from like amazon, aliexpress .., and links in English (Left to Right), then after that, when ever I write or receive in Arabic, I can't see them, I have to make the app window very big to see, and some time I can see some, and the other time I can't see anything.

  2. fjklp

    Sally: Interesting. I am able to reproduce it. It is due to a bug workaround that was required recently due to a bug in a text rendering library. The fix prevents wrapping lines, except between words. So when you post a long link, it widens the text view beyond the screen size, which causes the right aligned text to go to the right margin, which is now outside of the screen.

  3. fjklp

    Sally: here is an issue regarding it.

  4. fjklp

    in the meantime, I know you can hold the shift key and scroll down with the mouse scroll wheel to scroll to the right to see text there

  5. Sally

    please look at these two images:

  6. Sally

  7. Sally

  8. Sally

    The first one, I can't see which has been written in Arabic,

  9. fjklp

    yes, I think I understand

  10. Sally

    but with the second one, I maximize the window, so I was able to see all messages.

  11. fjklp

    I was able to reproduce it

  12. Sally

    fjklp, You are right, it is the same problem, thank you.

  13. Sally

    fjklp, Good idea about the shift key with scrolling mouse.

  14. Sally

    fjklp, I am glad, that has been opened a report regarding that.

  15. Sally

    Thank you fjklp

  16. fjklp

    I'll let the devs know about this too

  17. fjklp

    no problem

  18. Sally

    fjklp, I've already updated the link with additional related problem. Thank you.

  19. fjklp

    excellent. you're welcome.

  20. xiaopi8

    I forgot my jabber password, does anyone know how to retrieve it?

  21. xiaopi8

    Please help me, great gods

  22. fjklp

    xiaopi8: usually gajim saves it to the system keyring

  23. xiaopi8

    > xiaopi8: usually gajim saves it to the system keyring Bro, where should I check it?

  24. fjklp

    do you always manually enter the password when starting gajim?

  25. xiaopi8

    > do you always manually enter the password when starting gajim? yes

  26. fjklp

    you might be out of luck

  27. xiaopi8

  28. fjklp

    check your keyring with whichever tool for your desktop environment

  29. fjklp

    seahorse let's you browse the gnome keyring

  30. fjklp

    but I have no idea if it's there, might not be

  31. xiaopi8

    I don't understand now, I'm sad

  32. fjklp

    are you on linux?

  33. xiaopi8


  34. fjklp

    in that case I probably am not able to help

  35. fjklp

    but it might not be saved anyway

  36. xiaopi8

    Okay, brother, it’s okay, I believe there will be kind people to help me!

  37. fjklp

    you could try asking in

  38. dislive5

    > Okay, brother, it’s okay, I believe there will be kind people to help me! ... hi,- but what system are you on, then ?

  39. fjklp

    replies do not summon people

  40. dislive5

    oh,- sry

  41. xiaopi8

    > ... hi,- but what system are you on, then ? Windows

  42. dislive5

    xiaopi8: hi,- ( I know those password storage problems myself a lot, too ) but unfortunately will have look through the documentations and read several tuto's if you want to try to get back ...account -details or passwords... you need links to read ?

  43. xiaopi8

    What should I do?

  44. dislive5

    as fjklp said;- did you ask already in the ?? ... will have to go through the different gajim documentations to see if you could find the location for the important gajim systems storage locations on your system ...

  45. dislive5

    f.e. >

  46. dislive5


  47. dislive5

  48. dislive5

    > Windows > On Windows all data is stored in %APPDATA%/roaming/gajim

  49. fjklp

    xiaopi8: I don't use windows so I'm fairly clueless. It looks like gajim might store passwords in something called credential manager or credential locker

  50. dislive5

    xiaopi8: .. ?? --

  51. xiaopi8

    It's a bit hard to find.

  52. xiaopi8

    I'm going to break down

  53. dislive5

    xiaopi8: ( ...don't you break down,...pls ! ) ...did you look for : > > On Windows all data is stored in %APPDATA%/roaming/gajim ?!

  54. xiaopi8

    > xiaopi8: ( ...don't you break down,...pls ! ) > ...did you look for : > > On Windows all data is stored in %APPDATA%/roaming/gajim ?! Where can I view this database?

  55. xiaopi8


  56. fjklp

    dislive5: are you sure that's where passwords are stored?

  57. fjklp

    seems more like it would be configuration data

  58. fjklp

    xiaopi8: have you tried opening the run menu and typing 'credential'?

  59. lovetox

    No, can you login with Gajims? Then simply use the change password dialog, if you can't login the password is not stored

  60. xiaopi8

    > xiaopi8: have you tried opening the run menu and typing 'credential'? Which Run Menu?

  61. xiaopi8

    > No, can you login with Gajims? Then simply use the change password dialog, if you can't login the password is not stored I have the password I had before the change, but now my password has been changed by someone else and I can't log in now

  62. fjklp

    you should have said that before

  63. fjklp

    at the start

  64. xiaopi8

    Sorry, I forgot about this.

  65. fjklp

    I'm guessing you will not be able to get access. I think all you can do is talk to the server admin, but without an account recovery method being in place, imagine it's hopeless

  66. fjklp

    I'm guessing you will not be able to get access. I think all you can do is talk to the server admin, but without an account recovery method being in place, I imagine it's hopeless

  67. dislive5

    fjklp: ... hi ,- be sincere ,- I am not sure because I don't use windows either ! ..-- but I searched several docu's for this problem and quotet 'one ... ...

  68. fjklp

    dislive5: it doesn't even matter now

  69. dislive5

    fjklp: yes ,- I see

  70. fjklp

    dislive5: where did you come up with this use of hyphens? I've never seen that done in my life.

  71. xiaopi8

    Where should I find the administrator of the server?

  72. dislive5

    fjklp: ... well,- sry ...again,- give me one second to translate your message and maybe I 'll get a chance to learn how to use this dino chat correctly ... ;-) ...-- just wanted to try to help and learn here for myself but I am not really used to use often puplic chats ... So, now you teach me 🙂 , please

  73. fjklp

    dislive5: oh, maybe a translator is the cause. Not sure. I was just curious about your use of the '-' character as I've not seen it used as you do. You don't need to worry about it :)

  74. xiaopi8

    dislive5:Can you please tell me where I can find the server administrator of

  75. fjklp

    xiaopi8: email . Otherwise, we really can't do more to help you here.

  76. dislive5

    fjklp: ,- really ,- the cause is to try to elabourate my chat abilities ...-- but I am true when I say, that I am really intersted in this password - keyring data problem ...

  77. xiaopi8

  78. dislive5

    xiaopi8: well, I feel sorry about but then pls. follow the instruction from fjklp and try to reach the admin for your jabber account id by emailing if this is xmpp provider of yours

  79. tron0x8


  80. tron0x8

    i get service unavailable error when chat my friend

  81. Nepptün

    do you know if there is a OTR olugin for gajim ?

  82. Nepptün

    do you know if there is a OTR plugin for gajim ?

  83. cal0pteryx

    Nepptün: there is none

  84. meson

    > > here we go: experimental OTR plugin for Gajim, now updated for 1.9. Posted by ann

  85. meson

    > > here we go: experimental OTR plugin for Gajim, now updated for 1.9. Posted by ann some while ago

  86. cal0pteryx

    OTR does not work for multi-device setups and there are several other protocol-inherent issues with OTR. Gajim had an official plugin, but it has been removed for reasons above

  87. Nepptün

    That's bad news

  88. Nepptün

    can you tell me where this old oficial plugin of gajim is ?

  89. Nepptün

    The reason is that Thunderbird is only suporting OTR

  90. Nepptün

    meson, thank you I will take a look

  91. Link Mauve

    Nepptün, Thunderbird is an extremely bad and unmaintained XMPP client, you should recommend your contact to switch to a better one.

  92. Nepptün

    Yes, but sometimes it is more important to bring people to xmpp

  93. Nepptün

    and Thunderbird is very popular

  94. Nepptün

    and some people think that they could give xmpp a try

  95. Link Mauve

    Then those people will see XMPP as this old half-broken chat thingy. :)

  96. Link Mauve

    Same thing for the people using Pidgin for instance.

  97. Nepptün

    it is working perfect for the beginning ..

  98. Nepptün

    I know you are right

  99. Nepptün

    but in the real world it is not working

  100. pedro.ataide removed by cal0pteryx


  101. Nepptün

    normal people are no nerds, and they do not like nerdy things

  102. Nepptün

    Thunderbird they have already

  103. Nepptün

    and since the latest thunderbird it also supports mam and carbons

  104. Nepptün

    so lets make OTR work and get new users

  105. Nepptün

    I love to also have a omemo plugin for thunderbird

  106. a moderator removed a message


  107. Nepptün

    or better a pgp plugin

  108. Kris

    > and since the latest thunderbird it also supports mam and carbons wow, they actually improved something about their xmpp client? I thought it was close to removal due to total neglect since many years.

  109. Kris

    just use TLS encrypted communications with these people. e2ee is not the hill I would die on with people that can't be bothered to install a better client.

  110. Nepptün

    they improved a lot

  111. Kris

    the xmpp part? I have strong doubts

  112. Kris

    didn't they go all in on Matrix?

  113. Nepptün

    yes the xmpp part

  114. Nepptün

    only thing missing is omemo

  115. Kris

    hmm, maybe I should have another look then. Someone external contributing?

  116. lovetox

    Nepptün, otr is broken, does not work with mam, does only work with online device

    👍 1
  117. lovetox

    if you tell your contacts to use it, they will soon leave xmpp, because the core thing that the thing should provide, chatting, will only work half of the time

  118. lovetox

    someone who uses thunderbird as his chat client, has no threat model that needs e2e encryption, i would argue

  119. cal0pteryx

    > yes the xmpp part Nepptün: do you have a link?

  120. Nepptün

    the thunderbird xmpp client has OTR and it is working with MAM, all I need is a OTR plugin for gajim

  121. Nepptün

    So the thunderbird client is sending me a a OTR message and I must tell him, please sentd it unencrypted because my gajim client can not encrypt e2ee

  122. Nepptün

    I also started to nugg thunderbird people, to implement omemo

  123. Nepptün

    but it is complicated

  124. Nepptün

    because thunderbird is developed in countries where omemo is unknown

  125. Nepptün

    and somebody must break the ice

  126. Kris

    so I just tested it on Thunderbird 128.0esr, and at least on that version MAM for group chats is still not existing. You are using some development release?

  127. Kris

    Nepptün, TLS is not "unencrypted"

  128. Nepptün

    What have you tested? thunderbird ? I a gajim plugin to work

  129. Kris

    Thunderbird XMPP client. and it is as bad as I remember

  130. Nepptün

    I installed rgunderbird and my friend also and we clould chat using OTR

  131. Nepptün

    I installed thunderbird and my friend also and we clould chat using OTR

  132. Nepptün

    my problem is I want to chat with him using gajim

  133. meson

    > Nepptün: do you have a link? looks nothing like being under heavy development:

  134. Kris

    and? it is still a really bad client and OTR is insecure and abandoned

  135. meson

    the last bug fix for XMPP was in Dec 2022, the last minor feature in Oct 2021

  136. Nepptün

    you seem to not understand what I say.

  137. meson

    > the thunderbird xmpp client has OTR and it is working with MAM, all I need is a OTR plugin for gajim it supports MAM? There's a still open bug report:

  138. Kris

    in my test, it definitly didn't support it just now. Maybe only for 1:1? Didn't test that

  139. cal0pteryx

    The last new feature commit in thunderbirds xmpp implementation has been in 2019. Nepptün this looks like Thunderbird's xmpp development has stalled, which is not news to me.

  140. Nepptün

    But I am in need of a OTR Plugin for Gajim. Why is this connected to MAM capabilities of Thunderbird ?

  141. Kris

    because you said you needed it to communicate with Thunderbrid users

  142. cal0pteryx

    Nepptün: there is only this experimental plugin which has been linked. There won't be an official plugin

  143. Nepptün

    Does it work for you ?

  144. Nepptün

    I can not add the zip

  145. cal0pteryx

    I haven't tested it

  146. cal0pteryx

    It's not from the gajim developers. No support

  147. lovetox

    you need to talk to the author of that plugin

  148. c

    Hello lovetox, I write in thunderbird

  149. c

    And I can query the mam

  150. lissine

    Nepptün: why not simply ask your friend to use Gajim?

  151. lovetox

    c, how do you know?

  152. lovetox

    there is also muc history, its a method how mucs sent history before mam exited

  153. lovetox

    there is also muc history, its a method how mucs sent history before mam existed

  154. lovetox

    only because you see old messages, does not mean you have mam

  155. c

    MAM is when you can access the history bevore you where in the room. I can scroll back

  156. lovetox

    no, MAM is a specific archive spec on the server

  157. lovetox

    muc history exists for 20 years

  158. c

    but lovetox, please confirm me that I cannot have a OTR plugin because Thunderbird is not supporting MAM ? Right ?

  159. cal0pteryx

    c: no, that's wrong. OTR does not work with multiple devices.

  160. lovetox

    im not sure what you are talking about, i never said you cannot use OTR because tb has not MAM

  161. lovetox

    i said OTR does not support MAM

  162. lovetox

    so even if thunderbird has MAM, you cannot decrypt any messages coming from there

  163. lovetox

    OTR is a online, resource based encryption, you can only chat with a single other device, and it needs to be onlne

  164. lovetox

    if you download any otr messages on another device via MAM, you will only get gibberish

  165. cal0pteryx

    You could also say that OTR is not fit for the demands of today

  166. c

    I see , you mus treat every device as a separate user

  167. c

    2 devices are 2 users

  168. cal0pteryx

    c: what?

  169. cal0pteryx

    OTR is not suitable for today's messaging. That's regardless of which client implements it

  170. c

    okay okay .. :)) I google for suitable ;-)

  171. Jorge


  172. Jorge

    I have a massive spam problem in XMPP.

  173. Nepptün

    Someone gas given you attention. Be happy :))

    🙂 1
  174. Jorge

    I have enable "Ignore unkown contacts", but i still get a dozen spam per day from unknown contacts.

  175. mcneb10

    do you control your homeserver?

  176. Jorge

    > Someone gas given you attention. Be happy :)) I am not that lonely!

  177. Jorge

    > do you control your homeserver? No, it is

  178. mcneb10


  179. mcneb10

    well there is not very much more you can do then

  180. mcneb10

    is the spam coming from MUC dms?

  181. mcneb10

    in gajim you can hide unknown contacts and that should fix it

  182. Jorge

    > is the spam coming from MUC dms? I don't known what is a "MUC dm". The spam comes from strangers who add me as contact then send direct messages.

  183. Jorge

    I have already enabled Accounts -> Manage Account -> Privacy -> Ignore Unknown Contacts. A couple minutes ago I have tried to disable it then immediately reenable, attempting to convince XMPP to make it effective. I doubt it will work.

  184. meson

    Jorge, there's a plugin in Gajim called `Anti Spam` to block incoming requests and messages from strangers

  185. Jorge

    > Jorge, there's a plugin in Gajim called `Anti Spam` to block incoming requests and messages from strangers I have tried Gajim's Anti Spam plugin. It provided spammers a challenge question, but they are able to answer it.

  186. Jorge

    Either they are doing it manually, or they are using AI.

  187. Nepptün

    Jorge, are they uning omemo but are the messages unencrypted ?

  188. Jorge

    In fact, that plugin was still active. I have now disabled it.

  189. meson

    Isn't there also an option to completely deny all incoming requests?

  190. meson

    > It provided spammers a challenge question, but they are able to answer it. Isn't there also an option to completely deny all incoming requests?

  191. Jorge

    > Jorge, are they uning omemo but are the messages unencrypted ? Most spam is unencripted, bot a few are OTR (which I can't decipher).

  192. Nepptün

    there is a plugin for omemo who makes omemo default

  193. Nepptün

    this allows any other user to get your online status and fingerprint

  194. Jorge

    I have now reenabled to Anti Spam plugin but provided random gibberish as the anti spam "answer". Let's hope this will work.

  195. Jorge

    The plugin should provide spammers with a question, and they will not guess the answer because I provided random gibberish as the supposedly correct answer.

  196. Nepptün


  197. Jorge

    The anti-spam "question" is: > Please do not add me as contact. I am under massive spam attack. Contact me first elsewhere.

  198. Jorge

    In "Maximum message length", I have provided "1", which should block spam messages.

  199. meson > Developers of #Dino @dino, #Kaidan @kaidan, #Libervia @Goffi, #Monal @Monal, #Prose @prose, #Renga (#HaikuOS) and even #Debian and #ejabberd met in #Berlin to work on e.g. "#XEP-0394: #MessageMarkup" Cool, looks like XEP-0394 is going to lift off slowly in other clients :) issue #11781

  200. cal0pteryx

    > there is a plugin for omemo who makes omemo default There is no such thing

  201. Nepptün

    This module disables access control for all OMEMO PEP nodes (=all nodes in the namespace of eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.*), giving everyone access to the OMEMO key material and allowing them to start OMEMO sessions with users on this server.

  202. Nepptün

  203. ong

    Nepptün: server operator can do anything get entropy exists as well

  204. ong

    get entropy for len can filter out otr messages

  205. cal0pteryx

    A prosody server plugin. And no, no default