Gajim - 2024-07-11

  1. redhotchili-palmer


  2. redhotchili-palmer

    Can you hear me?

  3. fjklp

    redhotchili-palmer: yes

  4. redhotchili-palmer


  5. fjklp

    Am I right that there is no issue or MR involving the idea that replies should cause a notification like mentions?

  6. fjklp

    I suppose the converse view would be that one should add the recipient's nick to cause a notification

  7. fjklp

    I'm curious if anyone else has an opinion on this

  8. zak

    lovetox: There is a new PR for libproxy to hopefully solve the DIRECT problem. But I guess it is not so easy to test until the code has been merged into GLib?

  9. zak

    But then again, it is just a PR for now, so it will never be integrated into GLib this way. Maybe we can hack the fix into GLib of Gajim somehow?

  10. redhotchili-palmer

    I registered XMPP today. I wanted to make sure my communication was working.

  11. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: I think it's mentioned in the activity center issue

  12. fjklp


  13. fjklp

    I actually don't see that mentioned there

  14. lovetox

    zak: libproxy is a library, why do you think it gets integrated into glib

  15. lovetox

    We can build the lib with msys

  16. zak

    lovetox: Ok, I expressed it wrong. I meant it is used by GLib.

  17. lovetox

    It takes some effort but we can build libproxy and the exchange the dll on your machine

  18. zak

    If you can do that I will test it.

  19. zak

    Why is there a libbluray-2.dll inside the Gajim directory? 🤔

  20. zak

    Does Gajim playback Blu-rays? 😆

  21. lovetox

    We cannot review every dll a lib installs

  22. zak

    I know. It was not meant as criticism.

  23. lovetox

    Not taken as one 😃

  24. cybertwice


  25. cat_petter_2012

    guys i have a problem with legacy pgp addon after setting up pgp with guy i talk with everything works fine, we can talk to each other and we don't miss messages but after closing and re-opening gajim my encrypted messages are not being delivered to recipient gajim (1.9.1) is from flatpak with only GNOME Application Platform 46 installed

  26. lovetox

    enable debug logging

  27. lovetox

    and look for errors

  28. lovetox

    you can also try and check, View -> Debug Console -> Log

  29. user1

    Asslam o alikum

  30. cat_petter_2012

    > enable debug logging yes, there is an error

  31. cat_petter_2012

    potential problem: ERROR: pkdecrypt_failed 83886166

  32. cat_petter_2012

    decryption don't work

  33. cat_petter_2012

    secret keys are fine (they are specified in pgp settings in both clients correctly)

  34. cat_petter_2012

    hey, maybe gajim needs password for these keys

  35. cat_petter_2012

    yeah, it seems to be the problem of gajim forgetting passwd to key (and the problem is also related to slim DM which i'm using)

  36. cat_petter_2012

    I was able to use pgp only because of gpg caching the passphrase and when there is no cache gajim won't be able to decrypt message i'm still don't know how to make gajim ask for this passphrase

  37. lovetox


  38. lovetox

    check your gpg agent config

  39. lovetox

    normally gajim tries to decrypt or encrypt, and gpg agent should ask you for the pass

  40. cat_petter_2012

    don't see gpg-agent.conf in ~/.gnupg/

  41. cat_petter_2012

    created one and configured it to use pinentry-gnome3, but still no prompt from gajim when receiving pgp message

  42. cat_petter_2012

    the problem now seems to be that gajim not asking for pgp passphrase, but it can use it if it is cached

  43. meson

    I am kinda intrigued by Dino 0.4.4's style of displaying images. Here's a comparison between Dino (the button only appears on hover) and Gajim. Could you imagine such a style too for Gajim? It definitely looks less heavy and I also like the rounded corners somehow:

  44. meson

  45. cal0pteryx

    It surely looks nice. I would like to keep the meta data display though. Could be an overlay which shows on hover, semi-transparent, showing file name/size and a "more" button ?

    👍 1
  46. cat_petter_2012

    probably special setting in menu will work better like having a switch from big image mode (like dino) to display metadata mode (like now)

  47. cat_petter_2012

    still waiting for video thumbnails tho

  48. cal0pteryx

    Special setting? Big image mode?

  49. cal0pteryx

    Dino is based on gtk 4. Video player widgets come for free there

  50. lovetox

    looks very big to me

  51. lovetox

    like you can max fit 2 on your laptop screen

  52. lovetox

    the cleaner look i like though

  53. lovetox

    i think metadata on overlay is a good idea, and menu options behind a button

  54. lovetox

    ah i forgot we have a setting for size

  55. lovetox

    so this should not be an issue

  56. meson

    > ah i forgot we have a setting for size Great, but just in code or somewhere in the UI?

  57. meson

    I cannot find the right setting.

  58. lovetox

    Preference chats

  59. meson

    Thanks! I had overlooked it

  60. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: ChatListRow: Indicate received file for encrypted messages -

  61. meson

    So roughly 450 px is what Dino uses as a maximum. The size thing though is, their size is responsive to the window size.

  62. meson

    So roughly 450 px is what Dino uses as a maximum. The nize thing though is, their size is responsive to the window size.

  63. meson

    So roughly 450 px is what Dino uses as a maximum. The nice thing though is, their size is responsive to the window size.

  64. meson

    Meaning it shrinks, when you shrink the window.

  65. lovetox

    thats probably a gtk4 thing

  66. lovetox

    in general i dont think big pictures is a nice thing

  67. lovetox

    thats a chat application not a photo viewer

  68. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: SearchView: Prevent burst of db queries when holding enter -

  69. meson

    > thats a chat application not a photo viewer Depends on the use case. Scrolling through a Photography MUC with bigger pictures is more fun. :)

    🤔 1
  70. fjklp

    are there differences in used icons between flatpak and other packages?

  71. fjklp

    I want to make an issue related to icon problems but I don't know if I need to check on things other than flatpak

  72. meson

    And if you don't need to open a picture in am externa viewer because it's otherwise too small, that's a big plus imo

  73. meson

    And if you don't need to open a picture in an external viewer because it's otherwise too small, that's a big plus imo

  74. cal0pteryx

    meson, you can configure preview size. if it's too small for you personally, it's easy to increase it

  75. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, there might be, since library versions can be different in flatpak compared to those on your system

  76. cal0pteryx

    generally gajim uses a mix of gtk icons (available from the selected theme) and additional shipped icons from other icon packs (or custom ones)

  77. fjklp

    how does gajim select an icon in non-flatpak cases?

  78. cal0pteryx

    it asks the system for an icon for a given identifier

  79. cal0pteryx

    the system can then deliver whatever it wants^^

  80. fjklp

    I see, thanks

  81. fjklp

    I suppose at present I should just concern myself with flatpak-centric icons

  82. cal0pteryx

    fjklp, hard to say because I don't have a clue what the issue might be

  83. meson

    cal0pteryx: I know, I've increased it and it works fine as long as I almost use a fullscreen window. When tiling it by half the image becomes relatively too big. :) I will patiently wait to the day when we are ready to migrate to gtk4 or maybe even 5 by the time :D

  84. cal0pteryx

    ah, I always use 80%-ish size and never change it

  85. fjklp

    anyone know if you can use the GTK inspector in flatpak?

  86. fjklp

    > anyone know if you can use the GTK inspector in flatpak? Yes. Do `GTK_DEBUG=interactive flatpak run org.gajim.Gajim.Devel`

  87. cal0pteryx

    thanks! added that to the Wiki

    👍 1
  88. yessikg

    Is there a way to organize chats into groups (or folders)?

  89. cal0pteryx

    yessikg, yes, use Workspaces!

  90. yessikg

    Ah, ok that makes sense

  91. fjklp

    if only I had any idea how to use it

  92. fjklp

    I thought it would be a simple task to select an obect and print its file path

  93. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: those are in-depth questions. I'd like to know what's wrong, high-level

    👍 1
  94. cal0pteryx

    Gtk inspector shows you the icon name

    👍 1
  95. cal0pteryx

    That's what gajim queries

  96. fjklp

    Sadly, this is the only chat where I can assume that my reactions will be seen. An unfortunate product of mixed-client protocols.