Gajim - 2024-07-10

  1. fjklp

    I'm experiencing that mentions seem to randomly cause or not cause a desktop notification, but mentions seem to always cause my tray icon to change, at least lately. Are desktop notifications caused via dbus? I'd like to figure this out.

  2. meson

    > Are desktop notifications caused via dbus? I fjklp, looks like it:

  3. meson

    > Are desktop notifications caused via dbus? fjklp, looks like it:

  4. fjklp

    meson: I know it uses dbus - I see messages from gajim in dbus-monitor- but I don't know if that's the mechanism by which the notifications are caused. I don't know enough. It seems like every little thing that happens in any software causes dbus messages.

  5. fjklp

    meson: sorry, I looked again. I guess this tells me that it *does* use dbus. Thanks.

  6. ong


  7. fjklp


  8. lovetox

    why is dbus important

  9. lovetox

    its just a linux technology to pass messages between different applications

  10. fjklp

    > why is dbus important Because I need to know whether to blame gajim for not generating desktop notification or to blame the notification system, right?

  11. fjklp

    > why is dbus important Because I need to know whether to blame gajim for not generating desktop notifications or to blame the notification system, right?

  12. fjklp

    The idea being that I would compare dbus messages between when a desktop notification show and when it doesn't show and see if there is a difference

  13. fjklp

    If you want, I can just make an issue and not bother with that. Easier for me.

  14. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: is there a way to reproduce it?

  15. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: Not that I know of. But it seems to flip between producing or not producing a notifications often in chats where I know I *do* get notifications for mentions sometimes. I've been sending messages to myself in a muc with just my 2 accounts in it and it produces a notification every time, so far.

  16. fjklp

    I don't know if there is some hidden rule on when and when not to produce notifications

  17. cal0pteryx

    fjklp: window focus / focused char plays a role

  18. fjklp

    I believe I've had multiple different conditions where notifictions only sometimes show

  19. fjklp

    1. someone else sends any message in a private group chat. Notification usually show up but now always. Tray icon always changes. 2. Being mentioned in a public group chat. Notifications usually show but not always. Tray icon always changes.

  20. fjklp

    well, there are other conditions like gajim has focus or not

  21. fjklp

    and these are chats that are *not* muted

  22. epic

    Hmm, apparently selecting text only works for 1 message

  23. meson

    epic: you can select several messages with the 3-dot hover menu and then press the copy button un the bottom

  24. meson

    epic: you can select several messages with the 3-dot hover menu and then press the copy button on the bottom

  25. epic

    oh lol

  26. meson

    What determines the link color? I couldn't find the right CSS class for it. Issue: On Adwait (Dark) it looks fine, but for Breeze (Dark) the color is too faint or has too less contrast against the background.

  27. meson

    What determines a link color in a message? I couldn't find the right CSS class for it. Issue: On Adwait (Dark) it looks fine, but for Breeze (Dark) the color is too faint or has too less contrast against the background.

  28. cal0pteryx

    meson: see CSS nodes section

  29. cal0pteryx

    Ah nice, there is a .keycap style class for shortcuts :)