Gajim - 2024-07-06

  1. Kojin

    why when I type a "note to self" it says "No devices found to encrypt this message to. Querying for devices now…"

  2. fjklp

    gajim does not encrypt messages to itself and I guess you have omemo enabled

  3. Kojin

    > gajim does not encrypt messages to itself and I guess you have omemo enabled Okay, so does that mean the "notes to myself" will not be encrypted?

  4. fjklp

    Kojin: yes, I think it is not possible to encrypt these. I don't know if there is any technical reason why gajim won't encrypt to itself but it won't.

    👍 1
  5. Kojin

    > Kojin: yes, I think it is not possible to encrypt these. I don't know if there is any technical reason why gajim won't encrypt to itself but it won't. Good to know, thanks for helping! Before I go, is there any way to use this on a mobile phone such as Apple or Android?

  6. fjklp

    You mean the note to self thing?

  7. Kojin

    > You mean the note to self thing? Gajim

  8. fjklp

    I think it's possible to get it to work on Mac os, not android. There are mobile apps that work on ios and android. Conversations and Cheogram are popular android options.

    👍 1
  9. fjklp

    also, not ios

  10. Kojin

    > I think it's possible to get it to work on Mac os, not android. There are mobile apps that work on ios and android. Conversations and Cheogram are popular android options. You been a great help! One last question, I created a group and when I turn on my encryption option, and type a test message it says "To send an encrypted message, you have to decide whether to trust the device of your contact." and will not display the message. and gives me a button for "mange trust" but I don't see any where to add anything.

  11. fjklp

    Hmm, I thought the default setting was to 'trust by default', so I'm not sure why you are seeing this.

  12. Kojin

    > Hmm, I thought the default setting was to 'trust by default', so I'm not sure why you are seeing this. Yeah, that's what I thought too because the setting is on.

  13. Kojin

    I didn't change anything.

  14. fjklp


  15. Kojin

    I haven't change anything.

  16. fjklp

    in Accounts>Manage Accounts>your account>Encryption, is Blind Trust on?

  17. Kojin

    > in Accounts>Manage Accounts>your account>Encryption, is Blind Trust on? Yeah.

  18. fjklp

    If you click the shield icon at bottom right in that chat (this might be the same "manage trust" window), you should see a section that says 'Devices connected with "the name of this chat"'. In the list, each device has a shield icon at left. Are they all half shields?

  19. Kojin

    let me check

  20. Kojin

    > If you click the shield icon at bottom right in that chat (this might be the same "manage trust" window), you should see a section that says 'Devices connected with "the name of this chat"'. In the list, each device has a shield icon at left. Are they all half shields? Nope the box is empty

  21. Kojin

    Nothing shows up

  22. fjklp

    are there other people present in this chat? Is this a 1 to 1 chat or a group chat?

  23. Kojin

    > are there other people present in this chat? Is this a 1 to 1 chat or a group chat? I created it just for testing it out before inviting friends.

  24. Kojin

    So no one is inside the group but me.

  25. fjklp

    ah, I think that is the reason

  26. fjklp

    I get that it seems like you should be able to send the message. This is the same problem as with the 'note to self'

  27. fjklp

    I think I have experienced the same confusion before

  28. fjklp

    I'd actually like to know why gajim cannot encrypt messages to self too

  29. fjklp

    Gajim requires a chat partner to send encrypted messages to, otherwise it will not send a message when omemo is enabled

  30. Kojin

    lol, yeah it was confusing me for sure.

  31. Kojin

    Makes since now that I know how the encryption functions based on our discussion.

  32. fjklp

    One option, with a group chat, is to create a second account and have it join too. Then you can test alone.

    👍 1
  33. Kojin

    I just figured when encryption is enabled that means it hides the info from the main server.

  34. fjklp

    Same with 1 to 1 messages, if you needed to test that

  35. Kojin

    > One option, with a group chat, is to create a second account and have it join too. Then you can test alone. Yeah, I can do that.

  36. Kojin

    Guess its setup in a different way then what I am use to.

  37. Kojin

    Still enjoy this layout a lot because its more modern than most encrypted chats.

  38. Kojin

    So far a big fan of Gajim

  39. fjklp

    Nice! I'm glad you are liking it.

  40. lissine

    > also, not ios If you're talking about Omemo-encrypting note to self messages, it works on Monal (ios) and on Conversations (android)

  41. Kojin

    You been a big help, thank you for taking the time and helping me, I do appreciate it.

  42. fjklp

    Lot's of work is getting done on it lately, so gajim should keep improving

  43. fjklp

    no problem Kojin

  44. fjklp

    > > also, not ios > If you're talking about Omemo-encrypting note to self messages, it works on Monal (ios) and on Conversations (android) Interesting, good to know

  45. lissine

    It should work on Gajim as well. Doesn't it?

  46. fjklp

    I don't think so

  47. Kojin

    I'm going to head out, thank you again.

  48. lissine

    fjklp: It works for me with Gajim 1.9.1 using a prosody 0.12.4 self-hosted server. You likely have a problem with your setup

  49. fjklp

    huh, I thought either lovetox or calopteryx told me it's not possible

  50. fjklp

    actually, it is working for me now

  51. lissine

    AFAIK it's just like sending an Omemo message to anyone else, but you encrypt using your own devices' keys

  52. fjklp

    yeah, I thought it should be possible

  53. lovetox

    it is, you simply need a second device

  54. lovetox

    there is no encrypting to self in OMEMO

  55. lovetox

    you can only encrypt to other devices, be it your own or the ones of a contact

  56. fjklp

    then how is it possible that I'm able to use the Note to myself chat with omemo enabled. I have the xml console opened and it is encrypted.

  57. fjklp

    I also see no reason why we wouldn't be able to encrypt to our own key

  58. lissine

    fjklp: If I'm understanding correctly: When you send an Omemo message to someone else, it's not encrypted for the decice that sent it, because it's already decrypted there

  59. fjklp

    that makes sense, but I have to wonder _who_ the message is being encrypted to in the note to myself

  60. lissine

    In which scenario? Only one client or multiple?

  61. fjklp

    note to myself

  62. lissine

    It's encrypted to your other clients

  63. fjklp

    ah shit, there is another client

  64. fjklp

    After clearing my the device list for the account, trying to use omemo in note to myself gives the message "No devices found to encrypt this message to. Querying for devices now…". Now it makes sense.

  65. fjklp

    I still don't know why we can't encrypt to our own key.

  66. lissine

    I did the following: Created a new accoung using Conversations Sent a couple of omemo messages to myself on it Logged in to the account on a Conversationa fork In 'note to myself' it says 'Message was not encrypted for this device'

  67. lissine

    > I still don't know why we can't encrypt to our own key. Apparently, it works on Conversations.

  68. lissine

    lovetox: comments on the above?

  69. lovetox

    no idea what they do

  70. fjklp

    I guess I need to just study XEP 0384

  71. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master feat: Optionally unregister from group chats on close -

    🤗 1
  72. zak

    Morning lovetox, I see you reverted the commit for the system proxies. Did you find something new?

  73. lovetox

    yeah this does not work like i imagined it to

  74. lovetox

    it does not get the system proxies

  75. lovetox

    i opened a glib issue, this seems like a bug, i will fix it one way or another in the next version

  76. zak

    Thank you. Let me know when I can test something.

  77. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Notifications: Fix icon path for Windows toast notifications -

  78. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Improve group chat leaving dialog text -

  79. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: SynchronizeAccounts: Fix dialog for starting with unavailable account -

  80. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: MessageRowActons: Hide quick reactions on narrow screens - cfix: MessageRowActions: Increase offset for merged rows -

  81. lovetox

    zak, we will go with a option in the proxy settings that will be named something like "ignore system proxies"

  82. lovetox

    it seems Windows has only one proxy setting, and its expected that application determine itself if they want to use it or not

  83. lovetox

    while on gnome you can configure multiple proxies per protocol

  84. zak

    Okay. Cannot you get a list of the proxys and then filter any invalid ones?

  85. zak

    Something like `if proxy.startswith("http"): ignore...

  86. zak

    Something like `if proxy.startswith("http"): ignore...`

  87. zak

    Just a thought

  88. lovetox

    no because nobody is forced to add the protocol in front

  89. Kojin

    Hello again! I have something new to ask today. Is there anyway to make subgroups from one main group chat kinda like additional chat rooms so you don't have to create new groups with new invites for each topic?

  90. meson

    Kojin: you mean something like Matrix Spaces?

  91. Kojin

    > Kojin: you mean something like Matrix Spaces? More like rooms or channels, otherwise you have to create new group chats for each topic you might want to setup.

  92. Kojin

    My guess, that maybe its not a feature yet?

  93. meson

    Or more like Threads?

  94. Kojin

    > Or more like Threads? or threads would be something helpful too 😉

  95. Kojin

    Still like Gajim as is but those improvements would set it over the top of many other chatting tools.

  96. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: GroupchatRoster: Fix menu not pointing to cursor -

  97. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master change: Remove gajim-url theme parameter -

  98. rom1dep

    Kojin: and how would that work, exactly?

  99. Kojin

    > Kojin: and how would that work, exactly? I was suggesting a feature to have work space with you can invite people to that will have access to whatever you create inside the workspace allowing you to have multiple chats in 1 setting without having to invite your friends/family/members to each group chat you create.

  100. Kojin

    > Kojin: and how would that work, exactly? I was suggesting a feature to have work space where you can invite people to that will have access to whatever you create inside the workspace allowing you to have multiple chats in 1 setting without having to invite your friends/family/members to each group chat you create.

  101. Kojin

    > Kojin: and how would that work, exactly? I was suggesting a feature to have work space where you can invite people to that and the people will have access to whatever you create inside the workspace allowing you to have multiple chats in 1 setting without having to invite your friends/family/members to each group chat you create.

  102. Kojin

    So in short, basically allow inviting to work spaces which grants permissions to all chats inside the work space.

  103. fjklp

    Kojin: I don't know if you saw the followup conversation earlier about encrypting messages to yourself. The one exception where you _can_ encrypt messages to yourself is if you have multiple clients in a chat, both using the same account. Then, because of the other device, you can send omemo messages in a chat where only you are there with one account.

    👍 1
  104. fjklp

    An example might be that you have Gajim and Conversations both using the same xmpp account

  105. Kojin

    > Kojin: I don't know if you saw the followup conversation earlier about encrypting messages to yourself. The one exception where you _can_ encrypt messages to yourself is if you have multiple clients in a chat, both using the same account. Then, because of the other device, you can send omemo messages in a chat where only you are there with one account. Yeah, I did. It made since to me that was what was going on but creating the second account and testing worked.

  106. Kojin

    > Kojin: I don't know if you saw the followup conversation earlier about encrypting messages to yourself. The one exception where you _can_ encrypt messages to yourself is if you have multiple clients in a chat, both using the same account. Then, because of the other device, you can send omemo messages in a chat where only you are there with one account. Yeah, I did. It made sense to me that was what was going on but creating the second account and testing worked.

  107. fjklp

    That works too :) Then you don't need a second client.

    💯 1👍 2
  108. Kojin

    > That works too :) Then you don't need a second client. It wasn't a big deal to me, I was just trying to test things out. I have a good feel for things now.

  109. Kojin

    Just wish there was a better way to setup a work space where others could chat in all the chats without inviting to each one by one.

  110. cal0pteryx

    Kojin: regarding spaces, see

  111. cal0pteryx

    There are ideas, and there are efforts to create a standard

  112. Kojin

    > There are ideas, and there are efforts to create a standard Yeah, I figured as much. Its pretty common with other chat apps but those are bloaty and data hungry lol.

  113. Kojin

    I also understand that features come at the cost of the developers time and I appreciate that.

  114. fjklp

    cal0pteryx: didn't you say that the bug where input text becomes dark is a gtk bug? Mind giving me the link to that issue if there is one?

  115. Kojin

    > Kojin: regarding spaces, see Yeah, this is pretty much what I was talking about 👍