Gajim - 2024-07-04

  1. karcio

    Yes gajim is installed from official arch repo

  2. The Wild

    Latest update is really nice It's great to see more modern interaction be implemented Thx for the great work

  3. Mike Yellow

    When outputing history, the sequence was from old to new, now it is reversed. Is it by design?

  4. cal0pteryx

    Mike Yellow: you mean history export?

  5. cal0pteryx

    The Wild: thank you

  6. Mike Yellow

    > Mike Yellow: you mean history export? Yes.

  7. Joseph Fourier[p]

    hai :D

  8. Kris

    Just FYI: message moderation is broken with ejabberd 24.06 and Gajim 1.9.1

  9. Kris

    Probably because Ejabberd broke backwards compatibility and Gajim does not yet support version 0.3.0 of xep-0425

  10. Kris

    Probably because Ejabberd unintentionally broke backwards compatibility and Gajim does not seem to support version 0.3.0 of xep-0425 yet.

  11. cal0pteryx

    Gajim should support both old and new

  12. Kris

    Yet somehow this combination fails.

  13. Kris

    The ejabberd dev mentioned that the fallback to pre 0.3.0 is somehow borked, so gajim must somehow end up using that.

  14. Kris

    Apparently it still deletes the message from mam, but the rest fails

  15. Kris

    OK there is an ejabberd patch now that should fix it

  16. Jorge

    Hi. My workstation (Gajim 1.9.1 on Gentoo) cannot decrypt messages sent from my personal laptop (also Gajim 1.9.1 on Gentoo) or my GrapheneOS smartphone (Conversations), and vice-versa: my personal laptop and my smartphone cannot decrypt messages sent from my workstation.

  17. Jorge

    On the device tab, from every device I have already trusted both other devices.

  18. cal0pteryx

    Kris: thanks for the feedback!

  19. lovetox

    Jorge: delete the fingerprint in Gajim of the device that does not work

  20. lovetox

    And restart

  21. Jorge

    I was impatient and: 1. Closed Gajim 2. Moved ~/.local/share/gajim away 3. Restarted Gajim

  22. Jorge

    That fixed the problem, but I cannot decrypt past messages on my workstation. I don't use Gajim much on the workstation, but still mildly annoying.

  23. Jorge

    Can I import the decryption keys from the old .local/share/gajim?

  24. Jorge

    lovetox, 👆️

  25. Kris

    OMEMO doesn't allow decrypting past messages

  26. Jorge

    lovetox, or should I undo the procedure? Then I would presumedly recover old history, losing only the messages received since I first executed the procedure (today approximately 13:55).

  27. Jorge

    Kris, is it not possible to implement something like Element's export/import room encryption keys?

  28. Kris

    Not really. Element is using much weaker e2ee that cycles keys rarely.

  29. lovetox

    Jorge: no idea, you just removed all data and gajims created everything new

  30. lovetox

    It does not matter what you do you will miss messages

  31. lovetox

    Don't do this again. Only because you have a pro lem with one device you don't need to fuck your whole installation

  32. Jorge

    It seems that solved the problem. Thank you lovetox__ !

  33. Jorge

    lovetox__, let me try to understand Accounts -> Manage Account -> <the-account> -> Encryption (OMEMO) -> Clear Devices... That only clears the local Gajim's record of devices keys for *my own account*, correct? That will not erase Gajim's record of trusted keys for my contacts, correct?

  34. lovetox

    It clears the announced publik keys on your server, afterwards every device of yours publishes it's key again. It's a mechanism that you can show your contacts that some devices of yours are not available anymore

  35. lovetox

    You should press that button only if all your devices are online

  36. Jorge

    > You should press that button only if all your devices are online You mean that all my relevant XMPP devices should be simultaneously online when I press that button? Or does it suffice that I can bring them online within a short time?

  37. lovetox

    Short time is enough, the problem is only devices that are online can re announce there public key, so contacts which write you in the meantime will only encrypt to the published decices

  38. Jorge

    > Jorge: delete the fingerprint in Gajim of the device that does not work Now I understand that pushing the "Clear Devices..." button clears the announced public keys on my XMPP server. So when I delete a device fingerprint, does it also delete the public key *from the server*?

  39. lovetox

    no, it just destroys your local session with that device, on restart Gajim queries the public keys of that device and when you send a message it will build a new session

  40. Jorge

    > And restart In what order? Assume I have devices P and F1..Fn, that is, n devices Fi that function well among themselves and one problematic device P that does not function well with any other. As I understand, I should: for((i = 0; i < n; ++i)); do delete P's fingerprint from device F${i} restart F${i} done

  41. Jorge

    The other procedure that makes sense would be: for((i = 0; i < n; ++i)); do delete P's fingerprint from device F${i} close F${i} done for((i = 0; i < n; ++i)); do start F${i} done

  42. Jorge

    Obviously the order within the F set does not matter.

  43. Jorge

    My question is whether I should completely fix each F device before moving to the next (procedure one above) or I should first ensure that all devices have had P's key deleted and are simultaneously closed, then start them all (procedure 2).

  44. lovetox

    you think this way to complicated

  45. lovetox

    you find the device that has the problem, and delete the fingerprints of the other devices there

  46. lovetox

    thats it

  47. lovetox

    then send a message and a new session will be established automatically with all other devices

  48. Jorge

    The message should be sent from the problematic device?

  49. lovetox

    from the device the deleted the fingerprint

  50. lovetox

    from the device that deleted the fingerprint

  51. Jorge

    Thank you!

  52. lovetox

    but really you shouldnt get into this situation often

  53. lovetox

    if you see this often then something is wrong

  54. lovetox

    for example you cannot trivially restore stuff from backup, all sessions will be broken

  55. lovetox

    if you have one device inactive for a long time, like thousands of messages, other devices will stop to encrypt to that inactive device

  56. lovetox

    if you then turn it on after a month, you will see a lot of "could not decrypt" but thats totally expected and nothing is wrong

  57. lovetox

    you need then to send a message from that inactive device, so other devices see that its active again

  58. lovetox

    in this process sometimes something can break, and then maybe you have to reset the session with some devices

  59. lovetox

    for the normal day to day devices like desktop and your phone, you should not see any problem ever

  60. lovetox

    i have sessions with friends that are years old

  61. lovetox

    its only if you fuck around with backups, restore, or have devices that are online twice a year, where problems start

  62. lovetox

    on rare occassions a misconfigured or buggy sever can also cause problems with key distribution

  63. lovetox

    in any case, dont do drastic actions like, deleting everything, reinstalling, etc

  64. lovetox

    its always better to investigate the problem, and this support chat is quite active, so you will always get help here