Gajim - 2024-06-30

  1. fjklp

    > Yes, I have. MonarchIC: Does the message go through?

  2. fjklp

    What happens?

  3. MonarchIC

    > MonarchIC: Does the message go through? In the end it did. Gajim on Ubuntu exhibits a few weird issues. The 1 I mentioned earlier and later on it would not connect to a public Jabber server when Brave PWA Movim and Cheogram on GrapheneOS did. That seems to have cleared up as well. I am a relative newbie on the Jabber front and I guess I still have master the ecosystem...

  4. fjklp

    Yeah. There are all sorts of problems that can crop up at various points in the system. It's hard to say what happened when you couldn't connect without getting more info. You can always enable debug logging in Gajim>Preferences>Advanced. The folder icon there will show you where they are saved. Otherwise, you can start gajim from a terminal with `gajim -v` to print to the terminal output.

  5. MonarchIC

    The terminal command will certainly come in handy in the future

  6. test934284


  7. test934284

    everything is temporary

  8. amogus

    test934284: doom is eternal

  9. test934284 removed by lovetox


  10. test934284 removed by lovetox


  11. test934284 removed by lovetox


  12. test934284 removed by lovetox


  13. test934284 removed by lovetox


  14. test934284 removed by lovetox


  15. test934284 removed by lovetox


  16. test934284 removed by lovetox


  17. test934284

    any1 can send me some good xmpp rooms?

  18. test934284

    amogus, you are a very mean person in DM

  19. danielstein


  20. danielstein


  21. test934284

    shut up

  22. MonarchIC

    Please, moderators, shut him up...

  23. zayd [telepath]

    > shut up what the fuck are you even on about

  24. test934284 removed by lovetox


  25. amogus

    zayd [telepath]: dont feed the troll

  26. test934284 removed by lovetox


  27. test934284 removed by lovetox


  28. a moderator removed a message


  29. a moderator removed a message


  30. a moderator removed a message


  31. a moderator removed a message


  32. a moderator removed a message


  33. a moderator removed a message


  34. a moderator removed a message


  35. a moderator removed a message


  36. a moderator removed a message


  37. a moderator removed a message


  38. a moderator removed a message


  39. MonarchIC

    The issue of group chats showing turning circles and a noticication that I am offline, which I am not. I am now typing this from Movim instead, which clearly does what's expected. Anyone encountered this before and how did you solve the problem?

  40. MonarchIC


  41. MonarchIC

    After a very long time the turning circles disappeared and the notifications that I am offline are gone again. The message I wrote from Movim doesn't show up in Gajim now...

  42. MonarchIC

    The turning circle apparently mean 'Joining Group Chat...'

  43. cal0pteryx

    MonarchIC: when you click on a chat with a loading spinner, you'll see a message that it's trying to join/fetching messages

  44. MonarchIC

    When I hover over the turning circles

  45. MonarchIC

    The connection in Gajim is lost again

  46. MonarchIC

    in place of the turning circles there is now a lightning symbol

  47. MonarchIC

    When I hover over that it says 'Not connected'

  48. MonarchIC

    In the meantime, Movim has no problem connecting at all

  49. MonarchIC

    I guess, it probably isn´t an issue of the server since Movim and Cheogram have no problems

  50. cal0pteryx

    MonarchIC: you don't need to guess, there is a Debug Console in Gajim which prints the protocol bits behind all the things you're seeing in the client

  51. MonarchIC

  52. MonarchIC

    That's the log

  53. MonarchIC

    The problem only exists with the server chat groups

  54. lovetox

    MonarchIC, if there is not much activity in Gajim, we send a ping to the server, if this ping is not answered withing 10s, Gajim disconnects

  55. lovetox

    after the ping was sent which you can see in the log searching for "125471431561744", your server send 2 MAM messages, but never answered the ping

  56. lovetox

    is this your own server?

  57. MonarchIC

    > is this your own server? No, a public server somewhere in Spain

  58. lovetox

    next step in my opinion would be to contact the server admin, to ask for help in debugging this

  59. lovetox

    if this is reproduceable you can see from the log when we send a ping, and give the admin the timestmap, and ask why the ping is never answered

  60. MonarchIC


  61. MonarchIC

    Thanks for the tips

  62. MonarchIC

    Is there a service you would recommend moving to for regular chat groups?

  63. MonarchIC

    I have recently bit the bullet and got on board the JMP Chat/Snikket/Cheogram offering

  64. MonarchIC

    I intended to limit that to family and friends

  65. MonarchIC

    But I read that it might be best to stick to paid services

  66. lovetox

    are you saying you pay for hosting the xmpp server with snikket?

  67. lovetox

    if so, i dont really understand why you would need another xmpp account on another server to join groupchats

  68. MonarchIC

    I have had this account for a number of years now. I recently subscribed to JMP Chat, which is basically a +1 USA DID based service and includes a Snikket instance for no extra charge

  69. MonarchIC

    I best get all my eggs in the JMP Chat/Snikket/Cheogram basket, for Android, that is

  70. fjklp

    I just noticed that hyperlinks in the room description have a different color than other hyperlinks. It looks like the description hyperlinks are the color used by adwaita dark, while other hyperlinks are following my gtk theme.

  71. fjklp

    I just noticed that hyperlinks in the room description have a different color than other hyperlinks. It looks like the description hyperlinks are the color used by adwaita dark, while other hyperlinks are following my gtk theme, which is not adwaita dark.

  72. lovetox

    it follows the link color gajim sets

  73. lovetox

    but i think we can remove the url color in gajim, i think its obsolete now

  74. lovetox

    ic_, i updated the omemo-dr package

  75. lovetox

    try now if it still wants to deinstall gajim

  76. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master ci: Allow to force debian deployment -

  77. ann

    is it possible to clean chat window (Ctrl+L in old gajim) in newer versions?

  78. cal0pteryx

    ann: no

  79. Deant

    No but if I remind well (sorry but I'm on the phone by now) you can setup an auto delete of your history. After 1 day i.e.

  80. ann

    how to make gajim load big chats (with 5+ years of MAM history) load a bit faster than 1 minute?

  81. lovetox

    We only load 1 dax

  82. lovetox

    We only load 1 day

  83. lovetox

    In groupchats

  84. lovetox

    For single there is the history sync dialog where you can sync whole history in one go

  85. Joseph Fourier[p]

    hello, i just wanted to say thanks for making rich replies a thing in the latest version of Gajim, means a lot to me

  86. lovetox

    Good to hear :)

  87. ic_

    lovetox installed omemo-dr but it still wanted to remove gajim so I let it go thinking it may install but I get error, I think the package depenancy is incorrect Unsatisfied dependencies: python3-omemo-dr : Depends: python3 (< 3.12) but 3.12.2-1 is to be installed Error: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

  88. lovetox

    Question is what package depends on python 3.12

  89. lovetox

    Hm Debian unstable has 3.12

  90. Codimp

    Hey, is there a reason Gajim don't show image preview by default?

  91. ic_

    lovetox it looks like gajim-nightly is the broken package

  92. ic_

    lovetox looks like python3omemo-dr did not install Package python3-omemo-dr has no available version, but exists in the database. This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list

  93. lovetox

    Codimp, because people dont want to download random images in group chats

  94. Codimp

    ok, good reason, thanks

  95. lovetox

    ic_, i think i know the problem, i will try to rebuild the packages

  96. ic_


  97. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: MessageRowActions: Fix widget margin in RTL mode -