Gajim - 2024-06-29

  1. flexx

    > flexx: > ( I absolutely don't want to bother,- just maybe help a bit ... ) > (... hi,- I would have sent you a screenshot of my gajim settings but I think it is not okay to do in here ?!) > the way : if you like and have the time to read some lines; in case you didn't recognised already before .. --maybe it helps, too ? > >> > >> > > ( I am just a normal user and no gajim expert for sure !) You dont bother at all! I appreciate the help and for your time. Thank you I will look into it.

  2. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master feat: Show participant avatar in MUC notifications -

  3. fjklp

    was the page deprecated at

  4. fjklp

    was the page deprecated at ?

  5. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master feat: Make HTTP links clickable in room descriptions -

  6. fjklp

    nevermind, I figured it out

  7. fjklp now mentions , but there was not xep list. Then I noticed that there is a button at the bottom of the page to 'Show Supported XEPs'

  8. fjklp now mentions , but there was no xep list. Then I noticed that there is a button at the bottom of the page to 'Show Supported XEPs'

  9. cal0pteryx

    In saw no reason in maintaining this list in two places, that's why I linked to

  10. fjklp

    Understandable. It's easy for me to say (since I don't have to do it), but maybe one could mirror the other.

  11. cal0pteryx

    It's actually the same data source. The only difference is that we needed to keep a file from up to date in order to render current versions of xeps

  12. cal0pteryx


  13. fjklp

    I guess there is no way to merge my db from old gajim db with my new gajim db?

  14. fjklp

    I know that I can convert the old to new, but I want to merge

  15. ic_

    On Debian sid nightly and the du for the last several days has wanted to remove Gajim and python3-omemo-dr I think it may be related to the recent Python update.

  16. nicoco

    lovetox__, in a commit you changed `if string is None` to `if not string`, interestingly PEP8 recommends not doing so: > Comparisons to singletons like None should always be done with is or is not, never the equality operators. I wonder if that's a personal taste/preference or if there is another justification for this?

  17. lovetox

    you should not do this to test for None

  18. lovetox

    but we need to test for None and empty string

  19. lovetox

    if you just check for None, you needlessly run the full method for an empty string

  20. lovetox

    ic_, hm could well be, i think omemo-dr is build for python 3.10

  21. lovetox

    does debian sid already has 3.11?

  22. nicoco

    Oh right, returning early with empty string here makes sense, thanks for the explanation!

  23. ic_

    currently sid has python3 3.11.8-1 latest version 3.12.2-1

  24. lovetox

    i will try to update the package

    👍 1
  25. MattJ

    lovetox, yes, the site detects OS

  26. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Remove unnecessary space between quotes -

    👍 1
  27. MonarchIC

    When I try to pick up a chat I started in Cheogram on my phone, in Gajim in Ubuntu, I get the error "No devices found to encrypt this message to. Querying for devices now…"

  28. MonarchIC

    What could be the issue?

  29. fjklp

    MonarchIC: have you tried sending the message again after getting that error message?

  30. fjklp

    that reminds me, I always get that message, I believe repeated 3 times, the first time I try to send an omemo message in a given chat. This really should be fixed.

  31. fjklp

    maybe I should make an issue

  32. ubq323

    is there a way to turn off the emoji reaction selector thing that now appears whenever i hover over any message

  33. fjklp

    > is there a way to turn off the emoji reaction selector thing that now appears whenever i hover over any message I don't think so

  34. ubq323

    why not?

  35. ubq323

    i can't scroll through messages without a giant brightly coloured popup floating in front of them

    🤣 2
  36. lovetox

    What's your screen size?

  37. ubq323


  38. lovetox

    ok, i have that too and dont have that problem, can you not make gajim wider?

  39. lovetox

    and are you saying you are happy if the quick reactions are gone, but the overlay is still there with the other buttons?

  40. ubq323


  41. lovetox

    i think a "Dont Show Quick Reactions" Setting is in the realm of possibilities, but the overlay will never go away

  42. lovetox

    it has functionality that would otherwise simply unavailable

  43. ubq323

    that's reasonable

  44. lovetox

    is that just because if you go with the mouse to the overlay, the scrolling does not work anymore?

  45. lovetox

    so if we make it scroll even with mouse over the overlay, that solves also your problem?

  46. ubq323

    i can scroll

  47. ubq323

    it's just kind of obtrusive

  48. ubq323

    since it covers up some of the message text

  49. ubq323

    and is more visually attention-grabbing than the mssage text

  50. ubq323

    due to the brightly coloured emoji

  51. ubq323

    i think in option to not show the emojis (and having that functionality available through the 'add reaction' button)

  52. ubq323

    would be good

  53. ubq323

    an option*

    👍 2
  54. lovetox

    i added a feature request on the tracker

  55. ubq323

    thank you

  56. MonarchIC

    > MonarchIC: have you tried sending the message again after getting that error message? Yes, I have.

  57. MonarchIC

    When I try Cheogran and Movim instead, it works just fine

  58. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  59. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  60. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  61. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  62. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  63. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  64. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  65. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  66. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  67. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  68. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  69. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  70. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  71. 自闭症患者 removed by lovetox


  72. a moderator removed a message


  73. a moderator removed a message


  74. a moderator removed a message


  75. a moderator removed a message


  76. a moderator removed a message


  77. a moderator removed a message


  78. a moderator removed a message


  79. a moderator removed a message


  80. a moderator removed a message


  81. a moderator removed a message


  82. a moderator removed a message


  83. a moderator removed a message


  84. a moderator removed a message


  85. a moderator removed a message


  86. 不明

    Robots controlled by China's right-wing are swiping the screen everywhere

  87. raizenxd

    > 我爸要切掉我的搞丸,打架时夹住我,晓萍一起拿我的鸡鸡 > 我妈是一个奇葩,他总爱说别人有脑我没脑 > 别人家庭比我幸福幸运ddfaffa首先要自己的生存 > 我于4岁左右开始读这些,自己有自闭症,我过的十分步幸福,我受到别人欺凌盒压迫,而且经济很缺很缺,我十分不幸福,难受,别人有爱他们的父母他们打架后弦掏我鸡鸡掏鸡鸡拿剪刀万我鸡鸡的插,生活缺衣少食,衣食困难的 > 我天生有自闭症as > 我天生就偏愛這些,喜歡這些的愛好感覺對我胃口w > 我叫陳青鬆,是一個天生換自閉症的人(天生有社交障礙,感情有障礙無法正常表達,還有三個感情強度常人有10个,感情有障碍无法正常表达)wjiatbuhao,wxiangyaofenfudshiwu > 林家樂,候自強他們欺凌,合起伙把我書本拿過來w > b-b-but taiwan isnt china

  88. lovetox

    ok interesting gajim shows replies to messages which were moderated

  89. 揸fit人


  90. 揸fit人

    could u tell me the way to get minecraft on windows for free

  91. meson

    ubq323, if you scroll hovering the mouse over the scrollbar the popup menu shouldn't appear. is that a suitable workaround for you?

  92. dislive5

    flexx: > (... there are also some very interesting details for xmpp-clients and settings in there,- I thought ... )

  93. meson

    What do you read or see here:🇨​🇹​🇭​🇷​🇪​🇪​ 🇳​🇴​🇼​

  94. meson

    For me in Gajim:

  95. meson

  96. meson

    In Dino:

  97. meson

  98. meson

    Both use the same font, Noto Sans, I believe.

  99. hueso

  100. meson

    On Conversations it's fine for me too. The question is how do you see it in Gajim :)

  101. meson

    Another issue: In RTL mode the three dots menu button on message hover can be clicked but no action is triggered.

  102. meson

    And the right click context menu for participants appears on the wrong place. I will open issues about it.

  103. fjklp

  104. fjklp

    > On Conversations it's fine for me too. The question is how do you see it in Gajim :) this^

  105. fjklp

    wait, replies don't ping/highlight/mention (do we have an unambiguous word that means to cause a notification for a user?)

  106. meson

    > weird

  107. fjklp

    ubuntu 23.10. I don't know what determines how it's displayed exactly.

  108. lovetox

    meson, looks for normal like for fjklp

  109. lovetox

    but i also dont find this in the emoji selector

  110. lovetox

    also our emoji library does say the chars are not emojis

  111. lovetox

    > Unlike Emoji ZWJ Sequences, Flag Sequences do not use a Zero Width Joiner character. When two Regional Indicator characters are inserted in sequence, certain pairs automatically create a grapheme cluster on supported platforms.

  112. fjklp

    emojis are complex

  113. fjklp

    where is support determined in this case?

  114. lovetox

    the font can display it or not