Gajim - 2024-06-25

  1. nicoco

    Hmmm windows upgrades are still not optimial for non-tech-savvy users… My wife reported to me that she clicked "upgrade" in gajim yesterday, but that she ended up with 2 gajims installed at once, and she managed to uninstall the first one.

  2. cal0pteryx

    Most likely one via setup, the other via MS Store?

  3. nicoco

    last time I had access to her computer, I uninstalled every thing gajim related I could find, then installed via ms store

  4. nicoco

    I guess gajim prompted her to update, and that installs "via setup"?

  5. nicoco

    I thought MS Store would be the easiest way to go from now one, but maybe that MS Store thing should just diagf

  6. nicoco

    I thought MS Store would be the easiest way to go from now on, but maybe that MS Store thing should just diagf

  7. cal0pteryx

    diagf? I'll check if we can detect that we're running the store version (+not showing the update notice)

    πŸ‘ 1
  8. nicoco

    die in a grease fire 🀣

  9. nicoco

    > diagf? I'll check if we can detect that we're running the store version (+not showing the update notice) oh yes I guess that would be the way to go

  10. cal0pteryx

    From a UX perspective, MS Store gives windows users what Linux users have for package managers. It's a painless (automatic) updater for all your apps. No bothering with setups. I see it as a big win for Gajim's users on Windows

  11. nicoco

    Sure, but I think not prompting for other install methods when using windows store is the way to go. Maybe disable version checking on the ms store publishing script (does that exist?) is the way to go.

  12. nicoco

    Sure, but I think not prompting for other install methods when using windows store is the way to go. Maybe just disabling version checking on the ms store publishing script (does that exist?) is the way to go.

  13. nicoco

    I opened

  14. maximus

    cal0pteryx, just for curiosity, does microsoft apply some fee/tax or anything like that to you to host your client in their store?

  15. cal0pteryx

    nicoco: yes, thanks

  16. cal0pteryx

    maximus: no

  17. maximus

    do they have any requirement?

  18. cal0pteryx

    maximus: publishing there comes with the benefit of not needing a signed installer, which means we're not obliged to pay for that for gajim's installer

  19. cal0pteryx

    I don't think so, no

  20. maximus

    cal0pteryx, for signed installer you mean one of those software setup programs, like nullsoft etc.

  21. maximus

    sorry I'm not into this kind of stuff

  22. cal0pteryx

    Yes. Windows will almost prevent users (UX-wise) from installing any unsigned setups

  23. cal0pteryx

    And signing costs

  24. maximus

    unless you make it portable, I guess

  25. cal0pteryx

    This is not necessary for the MS Store though

  26. cal0pteryx

    Extracting zip archives is not what users expect when installing an app ;)

  27. maximus

    lol, couldn't you just either build it and run it in the same folder, or ship the windows binary and that's it

  28. maximus

    I don't know much about windows, so probably there's much more than that

  29. maximus

    what I know is that the windows installer as you said extracts zip files containing the program and its resource, maybe do some proprietary wizardry, update some register entry if needed, crates desktop/start menu links, and that's it?

  30. cal0pteryx

    maximus: that's what a setup does, yes

  31. hannibal

    Installing an app-overrides.json like it is done for flatpak, should be the easiest way to disable the update check

  32. cal0pteryx

    We've got something for portable installs as well. Something on these lines, yes

  33. ann

    is there a possibility to show all media within single chat?

  34. lissine

    ann, not sure if there is, but you could always search for 'http'

  35. ann

    yes, but that's without previews etc, and not all http links are files

  36. ann

    in Conversations we have smth like this

  37. ann

  38. ann

    very missing feature in Gajim, where to open bounty this feature :d

  39. nicoco

    > is there a possibility to show all media within single chat? IIRC meson once said they want to work on such a "media browser"

  40. meson

    Yay, once I find time. But if anyone else want to rush forward, please go ahead :)

  41. meson

    Yay, once I find time. But if anyone else wants to rush forward, please go ahead :)

  42. ann

    if someone wish to do it for bounty, please pm me

  43. ann

    NB! this must be approved in upstream, so if you are not familliar with Gajim internals - please dont

  44. bodqhrohro


  45. bodqhrohro

    > 2024-06-25T12:52:06.395296+00:00 - bodqhrohro: > test oink

  46. bodqhrohro

    Interesting. How do I reliably obtain the message author's nick? In personal chats it's `remote`, in MUCs it's `occupant`.

  47. bodqhrohro

    And `isoformat()` seems to be too verbose, I'd seek a way to make it without milliseconds and with Z instead of +00:00.

  48. bodqhrohro

    > `get_nickname_from_message` Ah, okay.

  49. meson

    > meson: should fix the lost connection with wayland buffer Ichtyx, for KDE Plasma 6.2 there's now a MR: > wayland: Bump default max buffer size to 1 MiB

  50. meson

    > 1 MiB corresponds to the client not processing the motion events for approximately 30 seconds.

  51. Ichtyx

    meson: noice but I taugh the new buffer was automaric adjusting

  52. Ichtyx

    It's funny kde fix everythings but when I talk with the wlroots guys they say I'm dumb and don't understand standards, cause their standarf doesn't work πŸ˜…

  53. Ichtyx

    It's funny kde fix everythings but when I talk with the wlroots guys they say I'm dumb and don't understand standards, cause their standards doesn't work πŸ˜…

  54. Ichtyx

    Sorry off topic

  55. lissine

    I ran into an interesting bug. If I go the prosody channel, and send a PM to the `HAL` bot (for example `!version`), then I press ctrl + up, the draft that appears in the text box is the bot's answer and not my latest message

  56. lissine

    Note: the same also happens when you address the bot directly, without PMs

  57. lissine

    The bot uses the same message id as the message it's answering

  58. lissine

    Quoting a prosody developer: > Still wrong for a client to refer to messages by ID alone, it needs to be (jid, id) > Anyway, when you reply to a stanza, it's a common pattern to keep all the attributes but flip the to and from, that's what HAL is doing when replying to a message.

  59. lissine

    Quoting a prosody developer: > Still wrong for a client to refer to messages by ID alone, it needs to be (jid, id) > Anyway, when you reply to a stanza, it's a common pattern to keep all the attributes but flip the to and from, that's what HAL is doing when replying to a message.

  60. lissine

    Sorry for the monologue. I created an issue at python-nbxmpp.

  61. ilac

    Anyone has had issues with dependencies updating 1.8.4 to 1.91 with flatpak? I had to redo a clean installation.

  62. lissine

    I didn't have issues but I install from my distribution's repositories, not flatpak

  63. lovetox

    ilac, you are the first that reports it

  64. lovetox

    do you have any error messages?

  65. ilac

    > do you have any error messages? I didn't save anything but it was obviously an issue with the environment variables, it was trying to look for modules at the wrong place.

  66. lovetox


  67. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: Corrections: Load correct message -

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