Gajim - 2024-06-22

  1. Michael

    Is there a way to change time to 12 hrs vs 24

  2. maik371

    Hey, i have a problem with gajim 1.8 and void Linux. Since the Update Gajim to 1.8 or later, is the trust of all contacts fingerprints untrust. Now i get "Diese Nachricht wurde mit Omemo verschlüsselt, aber nicht für dieses Gerät". But all contacts was trusted. I checked the python3-omemo-dr Version in void Linux.. The Version is 1.0. Gajim-omemo is also installed. Is this a void Linux Problem?

  3. luca

    I'm on void and I can't say I've had any omemo issues. With my one omemo contact I get a full green shield and they get a half green shield, but I can still read the messages. (Sorry if I misunderstood the error, I don't do Germam)

  4. luca

    Though I am on 1.9

  5. fjklp

    > Is there a way to change time to 12 hrs vs 24 Go to Gajim>Preferences>Advanced>Advanced Configuration editor, search for time. There are a few different time format strings that you can configure.

  6. lovetox

    luca: change your system time to that format

  7. luca


  8. lovetox

    from your comment i assume you prefer that format

  9. luca

    Did you mean to mention Michael?

  10. lovetox

    Ah, sorry, my bad

  11. lovetox

    about omemo problems, do you have them with all contacts?

  12. lovetox

    do you know from which version you upgraded?

  13. luca

    maik371 ^

  14. lovetox

    lol, ok i should go to sleep

  15. lovetox

    maik371, try to delete the fingerprints for the affected contact in the fingerprint dialog, and restart gajim, afterwards write a message, and then it should work

  16. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch python-nbxmpp/master release: 5.0.1 -

  17. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master other: Update Gitlab release issue template -

  18. Michael

    > Go to Gajim>Preferences>Advanced>Advanced Configuration editor, search for time. There are a few different time format strings that you can configure. where are preferences?

  19. bodqhrohro

    > Michael: > where are preferences? Ctrl+P.

  20. bodqhrohro

    Did you hide the menu occasionally?

  21. Michael

    ah, yes. ty

  22. bodqhrohro

    > bodqhrohro: > Our fork of Conversations. > I don't check the upstream, so I'm not sure if it works there as well. > Probably also works in Cheogram though. As the developer explained, it's implemented partially. It's possible to send reactions by replying with one emoji to a message. But this is broken for replying to own messages and thus I considered it broken at all.

  23. bodqhrohro

    And this is indeed just ported from Cheogram.

  24. nicoco

  25. nicoco

    cal0pteryx, there's a icon-symbolic thingy thing that is wrong with dark theme and the new icon of the contact list menu

  26. nicoco

    Also I wonder if the menu icon wouldn't look nicer below the gajim icon (not sure at all). anyway thanks for this addition that probably should have been part of my "hide menu bar" contrib!

  27. cal0pteryx

    nicoco: thanks, I'll fix that

  28. cal0pteryx

    I think a menu button should be on the very top. But that may change anyway, since the gajim icon is going to be replaced

  29. maik371

    > maik371, try to delete the fingerprints for the affected contact in the fingerprint dialog, and restart gajim, afterwards write a message, and then it should work I try to delete for affected contacts the fingerprints and restarted gajim. but the message of contacts can i not read. The answer is: This message is crypted with OMEMO, but not for this device" and the Fingerprint is untrust. But i have write wiht this contacts correct since to update gajim 1.8. All affectet contacts write with conversations and they can my message read but i did not read your answer.

  30. lovetox

    Are you saying new messages can not be reas or old ones

  31. lovetox

    Because old ones you will not be able to decrypt, only new ones

  32. maik371

    yes new nessages can i not read

  33. maik371

    yes new messages can i not read

  34. lovetox

    hm ask your contact if they have trusted your fingerprint

  35. maik371

    ok i ask him. thanks

  36. maik371

    i wonder me, i write a long time with the contact and all is OK, but after one update i have problems. I think, its a void Linux Problem. Perhaps a mistake with compiling the new xbps pakets. I think the new omemo-rd Bibliothek is new since 1.8.

  37. luca

    1.9.0 had some relative major changes in void, so it might be worth updating

  38. lovetox

    maik371, i doubt it, that would be the first time

  39. lovetox

    i just checked again, the message "not for your device" is infact only raised if the contact really didnt encrypt for your device

  40. lovetox

    so its not Gajims fault, it could be a server problem distributing your devices

  41. lovetox

    but first thing is checking the obivous, does your contact have your fingerprint and is it trusted

  42. maik371


  43. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: AccountPage: Use common icon for context menu button -

  44. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master imprv: ChatFunctionPage: Show MUC address when displaying error -

  45. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 2 commits to branch gajim/master change: Raise nbxmpp version - ci: Debian: Raise nbxmpp version -

  46. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master release: 1.9.1 -

    🎉 2❤ 5
  47. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master chore: Flatpak: Update dependencies -

  48. Codimp

    Congrats for 1.9.1 \o/

  49. Codimp

    We're still in 1.8.4 in Archlinux, still waiting eheh

  50. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master ci: Add manual flatpak deploy -

  51. lovetox

    Top 5 Gajim Users on the Windows Store edition

  52. lovetox

  53. luca

    On the topic of updating packages, I am getting an error in one of the tests. `File "/builddir/gajim-1.9.1/test/gui/", line 61, in test_get_first_grapheme; AssertionError: 'क्षि' != 'क्'`

  54. lovetox

    yes you can ignore that test

  55. lovetox

    i need to dispable it

  56. lovetox

    i need to disable it

  57. luca

    Do you know by any chance how to ignore a test? Short of commenting it out?

  58. lovetox

    hm no idea, i think you have to comment it out in the code

  59. lovetox

    or maybe whatever build thingy you use, it allows you to ignore failing tests

  60. luca

    Actually the person before me commented out the code already, and I tried removing the patch but it obviously failed. Removing (and cleaning my builddir!!!) fixed it

  61. luca

    Hello world from 1.9.1

  62. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master other: Tests: Disable failing test -

  63. cal0pteryx

    > Hello world from 1.9.1 luca: great :)

  64. flit

    Installed gajim-git from AUR and I'm on 1.9.1 now, hellooo

    🎉 1
  65. Polarian

    you should really wait until you get the release within the official repository

  66. test934284


  67. test934284

    its my first time using gajim

  68. flit

    > you should really wait until you get the release within the official repository Gajim is still on 1.8.7 on Arch. I switched from NixOS which had 1.9.0 and I missed those features. When the update comes to Arch packages I'll switch back

  69. test934284

    do u guys host ur own XMPP and where do u host it on

  70. flit

    I host a Prosody server on a DigitalOcean droplet. Might migrate it to a cheaper VPS at some point though

  71. test934284

    okay nice, im also thinking of buying a vps to host my XMPP server on. im gonna make sure MAM is disabled and using encryption, that would be safe enough right?

  72. test934284

    any other recommendations?

  73. luca

    I host my server under the couch on an overworked raspberry pi 4

  74. cal0pteryx

    test934284: disabling MAM will cause trouble, since then multi-device support might degrade for you

  75. luca

    Why disable MAM and enable encryption? What encryption?

  76. test934284

    > Why disable MAM and enable encryption? What encryption? so from what i understand, if i disable MAM, it wont store/archive the messages right? i don't really want to have messages stored on my XAMPP server

  77. test934284

    and for encryption im not sure, im like a newb when it comes to this

  78. test934284

    i thought whenever u send like a message, it sends it to the XMPP server, so encrypting the message that goes through the XMPP server

  79. test934284

    with gnupg or something idk, need to do research still

  80. luca

    What do you plan to use the server for? How many users and rooms will you be hosting?

  81. test934284

    > What do you plan to use the server for? How many users and rooms will you be hosting? just a group with my friends

  82. test934284

    to communicate about stuff

  83. test934284


  84. test934284


  85. luca

    Kinda sounds like IRC would be more appropriate :P

  86. test934284

    > Kinda sounds like IRC would be more appropriate :P imma look into it thanks

  87. test934284

    gajim looks like discord with good features

  88. test934284

    i like it

  89. luca

    I'm half joking

  90. test934284

    > I'm half joking about IRC?

  91. test934284

    well yeah i dont know what it is

  92. test934284

    thought u was serious xd

  93. luca

    IRC is just chat. No saving messages, no attachments, by default no user accounts

  94. luca

    So you don't have to save anything

  95. luca

    IMO the best part of XMPP is the opposite of those things, but you may disagree

  96. test934284

    ah but you can achieve the same with XMPP right?

  97. test934284

    so no saving etc

  98. test934284

    + i think its more modern and updated from what im reading rn

  99. luca

    Personally I don't see the point, but /shrug

  100. test934284

    > Personally I don't see the point, but /shrug yeah some things need to be kept private

  101. test934284


  102. luca

    what do you mean?

  103. luca

    Oh I guess omemo is a good reason

  104. test934284

    why do u use XMPP luca

  105. test934284

    and why not discord lets say

  106. luca

    Because it lighter and quicker than matrix, and can be self hosted unlike discord

  107. luca

    If I didn't care about self hosting I would likely be using an existing instance of XMPP or Matrix

  108. test934284

    matrix also looks interesting

  109. test934284

    looks like more functionality

  110. test934284

    gonna set it up rn to test

  111. test934284

    i dont really like that u have to signup like that

  112. test934284

    with ur email and password

  113. test934284


  114. test934284

    but i think its gonna be the same as when i host XMPP myself right

  115. test934284

    because i need a domain name i think

  116. test934284

    i dont like domain names and registrars that have control over it

  117. flit

    i think the only service that wouldn't require a domain name is irc (feel free to correct me on this)

  118. luca

    At least no decentralized service

  119. test934284

    well i read a little bit more and i think it doesnt really matter anyways that my registrar will have control over it

  120. test934284

    they only can change the DNS, transfer domain etc i think

  121. test934284

    and about SSL/TLS i need to read about it still

  122. test934284

    this shit is so hard

  123. test934284

    for me

  124. luca

    What is hard?

  125. test934284

    to understand all of this

  126. luca

    Well there's plenty of rooms and people that can help explain things in different ways to make it easier to understand

  127. test934284

    im kidding

  128. test934284

    i know exactly what im doing

  129. test934284

    rn im using XMPP

  130. test934284

    for just 1 hour

  131. test934284

    never used it before or read about it

  132. test934284

    rn im reading about what an SSL/TLS issuer actually can control

  133. test934284

    and what the private key etc is for

  134. test934284

    i wanna know everything

  135. test934284

    before i use this and self host it

  136. resoli

    Hello, sorry if this was already mentioned, but 1.9.1 is still not available on flatpak.

  137. test934284

    u dont gotta be sorry

  138. test934284

    love you

  139. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master cfix: Windows: Work around GLib bug with content type guessing -

  140. test934284

    common W lovetox

  141. test934284

    el o el

  142. lovetox

    resoli, it takes a while, the build process worked

    👍 1
  143. lovetox

    but i think they update the site not immediately

  144. resoli

    Thank you lovetox, I'm particularly interested in > * HistorySync: Make full sync option work again

  145. test934284

    hmm i just tried uploading .7z file

  146. test934284

    and it gave me error

  147. test934284

    is this normal?

  148. test934284

    .zip works

  149. Kris

    I have a very odd issue.

  150. Kris

    I installed a GTK app on KDE and suddenly the Gajim (flatpack) refuses to use dark mode

  151. Kris

    it was working before

  152. Kris

    the gtk app in question is Minigalaxy

  153. Kris

    at least that is what I installed when Gajim suddenly switched to light mode and refuses to switch back

  154. fjklp

    > Top 5 Gajim Users on the Windows Store edition This is interesting. I would have guessed Germany to be number 1 or 2

  155. Kris

    > at least that is what I installed when Gajim suddenly switched to light mode and refuses to switch back uninstalling Minigalaxy allows darkmode in Gajim again

  156. fjklp

    lovetox: do you have any idea what I should look for in the xml when I send a message and gajim shows the returned message as coming from someone else?

  157. fjklp

    I have the xml from one of these cases

  158. fjklp

    These messages do have an occupant-id

  159. fjklp

    I tried testing a different account in the same muc and it didn't produce the same behavior. I can't spot any difference in the xml between the buggy case and normal case.

  160. lovetox

    Yeah send it to me

  161. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master other: Update Gitlab release issue template -