Gajim - 2024-06-21

  1. aquatarkus


  2. bodqhrohro

    Just checked Gajim in Orca, it's awful generally. It's not even trivial to escape the input field with the keyboard, as Tab is overridden. I invoked Ctrl+F so the focused switched to the search field and I could navigate other UI elements lol.

  3. bodqhrohro

    Almost none of custom widgets are spoken out. Even the calendar items. So it suffers from the same illness as TelegramDesktop, which uses QtGui which provides a11y support for free but relies so much on custom widgets that a11y is totally broken and visually impaired users have to use Pidgin+tdlib-purple instead.

  4. fjklp

    there was a guy in here working on making gajim work for a blind person awhile back

  5. Zach

    Installed on Debian stable, Gajim v1.7.3, looks like normal behavior is to automatically download files to `~/.local/share/gajim/downloads`, and it doesn't get automatically cleaned up . So If I have installed Gajim for someone else, who doesn't pay attention to their disk space, I suppose I have to write a bash script to delete all files in that directory after a pre-agreed-upon period of time (as that's the desired result). Or is there a setting or something else I'm just not seeing? Regular messages appear to honor the setting for `Accounts > Modify Account > Privacy > Keep Chat History` but downloaded files aren't affected.

  6. fjklp

    Zach: I'm not too familiar with the options here. I don't think there is any option built into gajim to cleanup these files. But you can not create them in the first place.

  7. fjklp

    are they wanting to have file previews within gajim?

  8. fjklp

    For example, I think you can in Preferences>Chats>File Preview: turn File Preview off, then change Left Click Action to open in browser. I think this would never download the files.

  9. Zach

    Yes, they would need to view PDFs, images, but preferably not have the data stick around forever, as they don't really bother to secure their devices. (Elderly). I will experiment with File Preview as you say. If that's what it does, that will be great!

  10. Zach

    Thank you

  11. fjklp

    It would also be pretty trivial to make a script using `find` to delete files older than whatever on whatever schedule

  12. fjklp

    I'm just assuming linux, maybe I shouldn't :)

  13. Zach

    > It would also be pretty trivial to make a script using `find` to delete files older than whatever on whatever schedule Yes, I'm quite inclined to go this route. One is Linux, the other is Windows, which is both a tragedy, and a temporary affair hopefully. 😬️

  14. Zach


  15. fjklp

    heh, I wouldn't even know. I haven't touched windows in over a decade.

  16. fjklp

    it looks like open in browser for left click action won't work if the given chat is encrypted with omemo

  17. fjklp

    looks like this command would do it

  18. fjklp

    `find . -type f ! -newermt `date --iso-8601=m -d "30 days ago"` -exec rm -rf "{}" +;`

  19. fjklp

    `find /path -type f ! -newermt `date --iso-8601=m -d "30 days ago"` -exec rm -rf "{}" +;`

  20. fjklp

    find is awesome

  21. bodqhrohro

    `find` has the insanest syntax among UNIX utils probably.

  22. bodqhrohro

    Sysadmin's nightmare.

  23. fjklp

    it still trips me up sometimes :)

  24. fjklp

    it really has to be one of the most powerful and versatile commands

  25. bodqhrohro

    With great power greats responsibility.

  26. bodqhrohro

    A command like that can be really destructive if not tested beforehand.

  27. amogus

    `find` is destructive?

  28. fjklp

    true, maybe I shouldn't post it. Not sure. Don't run commands you don't understand.

  29. fjklp

    anyone might fail to see the danger in it sometimes, so I agree

  30. bodqhrohro

    amogus: yes, when used for removal.

  31. bodqhrohro

    And for executing external commands in general.

  32. fjklp

    I've almost deleted all my files with it before

  33. amogus

    i remember deleting all my files by accidentially setting a full path instead of just in the current working directory πŸ’€

  34. fjklp

    lovetox: feel free to delete my `find` command example above if you care to

  35. amogus

    i used a live usb to clone the partition and i can use recovery tools on it later, they looked promising during tests but i needed more space :(

  36. aquatarkus

    btw is there a better way to dry run it other than just replacing rm with ls

  37. aquatarkus is very afraid of `find`

  38. aquatarkus

    > i remember deleting all my files by accidentially setting a full path instead of just in the current working directory πŸ’€ I've done `rm *` before, in the wrong directory

  39. aquatarkus

    yeah, fun

  40. aquatarkus

    I'm not embarassed to say that I open a GUI file browser when deleting stuff

  41. fjklp

    > I'm not embarassed to say that I open a GUI file browser when deleting stuff I have set `alias mv='mv --interactive'` and `alias rm='rm --interactive'`. I'

  42. fjklp

    > I'm not embarassed to say that I open a GUI file browser when deleting stuff I have set `alias mv='mv --interactive'` and `alias rm='rm --interactive'`. I'm surprised these aren't defaults.

  43. bodqhrohro

    fjklp: aliases won't help for scripts. And they're not defaults 'cause it's not windoze lol.

  44. bodqhrohro

    aquatarkus: I'm afraid of any automated file management/sync tools in general, and have been doing all file management stuff manually and precisely with thorough checks. Though when I got richer, and got more media for backups than the laptop's internal HDD and the home PC's internal HDD, as well as more phones, I got tired of that. Now I can only hope that if some file gets modified/corrupted without my notice, I'll still be able to retrieve it from some of multiple copies. Or not.

  45. bodqhrohro

    aquatarkus: I'm afraid of any automated file management/sync tools in general, and have been doing all file management stuff manually and precisely with thorough checks for many years. Though when I got richer, and got more media for backups than the laptop's internal HDD and the home PC's internal HDD, as well as more phones, I got tired of that. Now I can only hope that if some file gets modified/corrupted without my notice, I'll still be able to retrieve it from some of multiple copies. Or not.

  46. aquatarkus

    automated backups/snapshots are good though :]

  47. aquatarkus

    as for syncing, yeah

  48. bodqhrohro

    I hope the situation improved when I switched from totally messy rsync without `--del` (I still have gigabytes of garbage in my system because I migrated it from such a backup, BTW), to borg with deduplicated snapshots. Though borg is too of blackbox, and I'm afraid that it would involve a lot of complications if the disk with backups gets partially damaged or if I'll have to restore the data from it on some system with no borg installed and which it would be complicated to install to, like a LiveUSB.

  49. bodqhrohro

    Also, it's unnecessary to backup all the data, each time it's a few gigabytes of browser cache and other crap.

  50. aquatarkus

    that is true

  51. aquatarkus

    it's smart to curate ~/ differently

  52. bodqhrohro

    They accumulated even with rsync though, just recently I manually purged a few hundreds of megabytes of cache files from TelegramDesktop folder which it didn't even recognize or manage.

  53. aquatarkus

    > They accumulated even with rsync though, just recently I manually purged a few hundreds of megabytes of cache files from TelegramDesktop folder which it didn't even recognize or manage. I periodically check for that, and for common offenders I just rm every time I turn on the computer

  54. aquatarkus

    ``` exec-once = rm -rf ~/.cache/BraveSoftware & exec-once = rm -rf ~/.cache/chromium & exec-once = rm -rf ~/.cache/torbrowser & ```

  55. aquatarkus

    nobody's got diskspace for gigabytes of cache

  56. bodqhrohro

    BTW: ``` @bq:07:48:08:/tmp/dl$ ls -1 ~/.local/share/gajim/downloads/|wc -l 40176 ``` Accessing it becomes laggy even on my modern laptop with NVMe SSD. I wonder what would happen on my former one, probably it would put the system on knees for a few minutes and I would resort to migrate some of it and suffer with watching old logs lol (now, as I still keep 1.3 with the image plugin, I still can browse logs, say, from 2020 or even 2016 with the history viewer and all images are loaded there from downloads).

  57. bodqhrohro

    aquatarkus: pff, but what if you need to rescue something from the browser cache?

  58. aquatarkus


  59. bodqhrohro

    It gots more complicated nowadays though, as it becomes obfuscated/encrypted.

  60. bodqhrohro

    It gets more complicated nowadays though, as it becomes obfuscated/encrypted.

  61. bodqhrohro

    No reason to laugh, I had visited a small imageboard in the past, whose maintainer has borked the backups and the files there got damaged partially, only hashes remained. I was collecting them through my whole disk. Some valuable ones still are lost.

  62. bodqhrohro

    And this board owner also was poisoned by the hype and rewrote the imageboard as an SPA app for no reason, thus breaking indexability and crawlability by search engines.

  63. bodqhrohro

    Which also led to losing half of functionality.

  64. bodqhrohro

    And claimed this rewrite made the board faster than it was before with the Python's GIL bottleneck making multi-threading useless, even though I did not notice any difference on my cellular connection.

  65. bodqhrohro

    Does it remind anything? :P

  66. aquatarkus

    what imageboard?

  67. bodqhrohro


  68. aquatarkus

    never been there

  69. aquatarkus

    not that I remember of anyway

  70. bodqhrohro

    It's gone for two years already. I had a read-only mirror but also killed it in a depression, now I still have an offline copy but don't see a reason to publish it anymore.

  71. bodqhrohro

    aquatarkus: not surprising, the are hundreds of small imageboards like that.

  72. bodqhrohro

    With 3.5 anons.

  73. aquatarkus


  74. aquatarkus

    I used to go around looking for small chans

  75. aquatarkus

    one of the best parts of the internet, probably

  76. aquatarkus

    aside from obscure chat rooms like on xmpp/irc

  77. aquatarkus

    I'm heading over to bed rn, good night bodqhrohro

  78. bodqhrohro looks at the window

  79. bodqhrohro

    As you say.

  80. bodqhrohro

    lovetox: I wonder if /me messages should be displayed as system ones, isn't that how they were intended to be when they appeared? I suspect they're intended to mimic stage directions in play scripts, if you have ever read them.

  81. luca has not

  82. bodqhrohro

    There's also unnecessary duplication. In textview-based IMs nick was never duplicated near such messages.

  83. bodqhrohro

    I've been in a few MUCs full of RP lovers, and they use /me a lot.

    ❀ 1
  84. bodqhrohro

    So it literally looks like a play script.

  85. cal0pteryx

    pedro.ataide: there are many gajim users on Windows. Please keep the swearing to yourself

  86. bodqhrohro

    > meson: > How big are your executables? Here both .exe have 375 kB I cannot believe it, there should be some β‰ˆ30 MB .dll aside.

  87. bodqhrohro

    Or 30 MB of tiny dlls hidden in system32 after installation (virtualized one on modern Windows, but whatever).

  88. cal0pteryx

    bodqhrohro: whats your point?

  89. bodqhrohro

    cal0pteryx: on what? Windows build? No big point really; if I'm _really_ interested in that, I should just investigate the build myself lol.

  90. bodqhrohro

    Last time I downloaded Gajim for Windows was in 0.16 times, and even though it didn't work there.

  91. bodqhrohro

    So I used something other, Thunderbird and probably JAJC also.

  92. bodqhrohro

    > Length: 112724847 (108M) [application/x-msdos-program] No questions anymore.

  93. bodqhrohro

    I'm not even going to investigate it :P

  94. cal0pteryx

    Alright then

  95. bodqhrohro

    Interesting insight:

  96. bodqhrohro

    Eh, why you don't have a message collapsing module here? :S

  97. bodqhrohro

    ``` for i in $(seq 2011 2024); do echo $i; git log|grep -B 1 "^Date.*$i"|grep Author|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -n 3; done|pbcopy ```

  98. bodqhrohro

    > bodqhrohro: > Eh, why you don't have a message collapsing module here? :S Or you do.

  99. bodqhrohro

    I just see the outgoing message intact.

  100. bodqhrohro

    Even though it's displayed collapsed in another client. Interesting.

  101. lovetox

    Yes that's the way since 1.9

  102. lovetox

    But I think it makes sense that we collapse it in the GUI

  103. lovetox

    We could put every message into a scrolled window

  104. cal0pteryx

    I guess that would be awkward ;D

  105. Jeroen.Naeff


  106. cal0pteryx

    The Spoilers xep comes to my mind. But that's a different use case

  107. nicoco

    One thing that's not so nice about the spoiler XEP is that it's for the full message, not just part of it, eg, I can't do: > The big reveal is that ||Kaizer Soze was under your eyes during the whole movie||. Who would have thought? It can have a title though, but clients not implementing it won't display the title πŸ™

  108. nicoco

    A new span for 0393 message styling would be simpler and overall better I think.

  109. bodqhrohro

    > cal0pteryx: > I guess that would be awkward ;D Yeah, like scrolling 4PDA. Not even possible in Opera Mini, BTW (even though it tends to uncollapse such containers).

  110. bodqhrohro

    > nicoco: > One thing that's not so nice about the spoiler XEP is that it's for the full message, not just part of it, eg, I can't do: > > The big reveal is that ||Kaizer Soze was under your eyes during the whole movie||. Who would have thought? > It can have a title though, but clients not implementing it won't display the title πŸ™ AFAIR, there existed a plugin back then which autodetected NSFW marks in messages. Or I just suggested it's easy to implement in some chat where such marks were used and clients didn't fetch links automatically yet (but Gajim with the image plugin already did for me), and never implemented actually.

  111. lovetox

    Hm but we already have a 5000 message limit

  112. lovetox

    We could add a line limit to that

  113. bodqhrohro

    nicoco: I do even think now this is a good case when modern clients not retrieving links if they're not wrapped into OOB messages is actually useful. Just send links in non-OOB messages lol.

  114. drakos

    is voice/video support for windows planned?

  115. Skinwalker

    Are v1.9.0 deb files for ubuntu jammy 22.04 available? Or a snap?

  116. cal0pteryx

    Skinwalker: flatpak is available

  117. Skinwalker

    I know... But Ubuntu does not support flatpak.

  118. lovetox

    ? Of course it does

  119. lovetox

    What do you mean? That it's not shipped with the system?

  120. lovetox

    Sudo apt install flatpak

  121. Skinwalker

    Is there also a gui integration?

  122. flit

    This page will help with setting up Flatpak correctly:

  123. Skinwalker


  124. Skinwalker

    Thanks lovetox and flit.

  125. zak

    Hi. Thank you for Gajim 1.9.0. Unfortunately after an update on Windows from 1.8.4 (portable edition), some colleagues are unable to connect to our company XMPP server. The error message is: > Connect Error: g-resolver-error-quark: No DNS record of the requested type for β€œ” (0) The server is ejabberd 23.01 (debian bookworm). I am assuming it has something to do with a connection through the VPN tunnel (which works fine, 1.8.4 worked fine!) Did something change in this regard in version 1.9.0 ?

  126. zak

    We already tried setting the hostname in the account settings, but that did not help.

  127. zak

    More logs: ``` 2024-06-21T16:14:11 (I) | ( Current address: ServerAddress(domain='', service='xmpp-client', host=None, uri=None, protocol=<ConnectionProtocol.TCP: 0>, type=<ConnectionType.START_TLS: 'START TLS'>, proxy=None) 2024-06-21T16:14:11 (I) | ( Set state: StreamState.CONNECTING 2024-06-21T16:14:11 (I) nbxmpp.connection | ( Set Connection State: TCPState.CONNECTING 2024-06-21T16:14:11 (I) nbxmpp.connection | ( Connect Error: g-resolver-error-quark: No DNS record of the requested type for β€œ” (0) 2024-06-21T16:14:11 (I) nbxmpp.connection | ( Set Connection State: TCPState.DISCONNECTED 2024-06-21T16:14:11 (I) nbxmpp.connection | ( Signal: connection-failed 2024-06-21T16:14:11 (I) | ( Set state: StreamState.DISCONNECTED ```

  128. zak

    The bad thing is: After the database migration, a downgrade is probably not possible anymore without losing all history and settings.

  129. aereaux

    > Hi. Thank you for Gajim 1.9.0. > Unfortunately after an update on Windows from 1.8.4 (portable edition), some colleagues are unable to connect to our company XMPP server. The error message is: > > Connect Error: g-resolver-error-quark: No DNS record of the requested type for β€œ” (0) > > The server is ejabberd 23.01 (debian bookworm). > > I am assuming it has something to do with a connection through the VPN tunnel (which works fine, 1.8.4 worked fine!) > > Did something change in this regard in version 1.9.0 ? Are you able to get a SRV record for that domain on your VPN?

  130. zak

    How can I do that?

  131. luca

    `dig SRV +short` (possibly without the .xmpp)

  132. aereaux

    I'm not sure how to do it on Windows, but maybe something like this:

  133. zak

    > `dig SRV +short` (possibly without the .xmpp) No result from this command. Not even an error. Without .xmpp as well.

  134. zak

    I don't have windows here, trying on Linux

  135. aereaux

    Ah, OK. I assumed windows because you mentioned you were using that version of gajim. Try drill? I usually like the error messages more: `drill SRV`

  136. zak

    Yes, the colleagues who updated are using Windows.

  137. zak

    With the command `dig SRV` I get some results

  138. zak

    But on Linux I could connect. I guess I have to try this on a Windows machine connecting through VPN.

  139. zak

    But the question remains: What exactly did change between the versions so this does not work anymore?

  140. Skinwalker

    > This page will help with setting up Flatpak correctly: It wanted to install an additional gnome environment. I uninstall Flatpak now.

  141. Skinwalker

    Are there no plans for native Ubuntu support?

  142. fjklp

    I think it's a matter of requiring sqlalchemy version 2

  143. cal0pteryx

    >> This page will help with setting up Flatpak correctly: > It wanted to install an additional gnome environment. I uninstall Flatpak now. Skinwalker: yes, and? Not sure how you think this would work? Of course it needs a specific (in this case: newer) version of libraries your system doesn't provide.

  144. cal0pteryx

    As soon as the latest ubuntu ships with the required version of gajim's dependencies, it works

  145. zak

    I friend of mine just told me he could not resolve the SRV record on Windows. So I am assuming that our Ivanti software either has a bug there or because of some setting this record is not exposed through the VPN. If anybody has any more ideas on this, I'd be really happy. Otherwise we probably lose even more people to Teams only soon. πŸ™οΈ

  146. meson

    zak: you could try to git bisect on Windows

  147. meson

    If it's a Gajim issue

  148. zak

    > zak: you could try to git bisect on Windows I assume this means a checkout of the code directly? This is too time-consuming I'm afraid.

  149. zak

    I guess some library was updated which now handles the connection differently by using the SRV record. At least a confirmation on this would be nice.

  150. zak

    Maybe there is a way to revert to the old behaviour somehow.

  151. luca

    I think you should also be able to specify the hostname and port directly, and not leave it up to dns SRV records

  152. zak

    > I think you should also be able to specify the hostname and port directly, and not leave it up to dns SRV records We tried that, and it did not help.

  153. meson

    > I assume this means a checkout of the code directly? Yes, you install msys2, start its mingw64 version, git clone gajim, execute the script to create the dev environment, then git bisect the 7 steps and in between you test. Would assume an hour maybe, especially if everything is new to you.

  154. zak

    This is a company PC, so I am limited in what I can do as well.

  155. meson


  156. cal0pteryx

    zak: I'm not aware of any changes concerning that network code. But yes, underlying library versions changed. Please wait for lovetox, maybe he has an answer

  157. zak

    cal0pteryx, ok thanks. No problem.

  158. zak

    But I am right, a downgrade to 1.8.4 is not possible after the database migration, correct?

  159. meson

    Doesn't it create a backup before the migration?

  160. meson

    zak: I think it does. Look for logs.db.randomstring.bak

  161. zak

    meson, ok, will do so when I am back at work. At least that would be a solution for now.

  162. cal0pteryx

    Yes, there is a backup

  163. meson

    zak: good luck! Out of curiosity, what are features which make Gajim a good messenger for a company in your eyes and which features do you miss?

  164. zak

    meson, None. It's a leftover from the olden days when there was much more openness to OpenSource and there were no other solutions for chat besides IRC. Some people already said that it should be shut down, but apparently they updated the Debian underneath once more. Almost everyone uses Teams now.

  165. zak

    I guess in the company environment, making calls and conferences and screensharing are the most important features.

  166. zak

    With Gajim another problem is, that it is not included in any enterprise linux repository like RedHat. And now with the most up-to-date libraries like python-sqlalchemy, there are not even up-to-date packages in Fedora anymore.

  167. zak

    I am fighting to keep it still alive as long as possible. But I guess at some point I just don't have any arguments against a shutdown.

  168. luca

    Gajim is in fedora, which I assume is redhat-alike? (though I guess it's a bit of an old version)

  169. zak

    luca, see my comment above, it is still on version 1.7.3.

  170. meson

    Sounds reasonable. Afaik Fedora is still stuck on 1.7.4 because of protobuf still being a too old version, which is required for nbxmpp. But some people are on it, let's hope it will make it to rawhide soonish

  171. meson

    Sounds reasonable. Afaik Fedora is still stuck on 1.7.3 because of protobuf still being a too old version, which is required for nbxmpp. But some people are on it, let's hope it will make it to rawhide soonish

  172. ong

    zak: if you're only allowed to install software as the user you're logged in as you can use flatpak --user

  173. ong

    to add repos and software

  174. zak

    ong, I now, I tried that. It was a solution for me, but it is not for everyone.

  175. ong


  176. Skinwalker

    Why is there no monolithic deb provided that cotains all dependencies?

  177. meson

    Some appimage?

  178. ong

    would go against packaging guidelines

  179. ong

    you can technically

  180. ong

    it's just extremely messy

  181. ong

    that's the windows way

  182. ong

    I'm not sure if it should be the Linux way too

  183. ong

    imo anything between 1.7.3 -> 1.9.0 is mostly qol fixes

  184. zak

    > Sounds reasonable. > Afaik Fedora is still stuck on 1.7.3 because of protobuf still being a too old version, which is required for nbxmpp. But some people are on it, let's hope it will make it to rawhide soonish This is ongoing since over a year now πŸ˜”οΈ

  185. ong

    python deps fail to compile a lot of the time

  186. ong

    cuz of the C libraries

  187. ong

    it's up to the python library maintainer to make sure the python library works with different C/other lang library versions 6-9

  188. ong

    if this doesn't happen it doesn't get pulled in

  189. Skinwalker

    > Some appimage? I could not find one. Really bad situation. A nice messenger comes with insufficient distribution.

  190. cal0pteryx

    I'm inclined to say that you are just a little picky ;) there _is_ a solution, but you don't _like_ it

  191. Skinwalker

    That is possible. :-)

  192. meson removed by cal0pteryx

    user wants this moderated

  193. meson

    And how to interpret > <item jid='' role='participant' affiliation='member'/></x></presence> As this is an Semi-Anonymous MUC, I expect not to see anyone JID as a normal participant?

  194. meson

    And how to interpret . As this is an Semi-Anonymous MUC, I expect not to see anyone JID as a normal participant?

  195. meson


  196. lovetox

    zak: if you gather a debug log Ivan look into it

  197. zak

    lovetox, which log? I pasted the relevant section above. If you tell me what you need I will ask my friend to do that on monday.

  198. zak


  199. lovetox

    zak: set the server IP as hostname in account settings and try again, then we know if it's really a DNS problem

  200. zak

    lovetox, will do. Thank you for your help. I will get back to you on monday.

  201. a moderator removed a message

    user wants this moderated

  202. zak

    Argh. He is on holiday next week. Then this will probably have to wait another week.

  203. Codimp

    Hey here, is there a "report abuse" function in Gajim?

  204. Polixgen

    does any client have this function?

  205. meson

    On the XEP pages it should show which clients support which version, just like for the Wayland protocols :)