Gajim - 2024-06-16

  1. cretaceousss

    There is a problem with xmpp that I don't know how to solve? The registered instance of xmpp is closed, how Portable accounts

  2. fjklp

    cretaceousss: I'm not sure what you mean. Sounds like you are saying your xmpp account got closed?

  3. cretaceousss

    How do you log in to your xmpp instance that you are using, when the server shuts down forever without notification?

  4. fjklp

    if the server is down you cannot log in. What other possibility would you expect?

  5. fjklp

    sounds like you should find a new xmpp service provider

  6. cretaceousss

    Set up automatic daily Portable accounts requests to other add servers in advance. xmpp server provider is suddenly shut down, just verify the migration key and the accounts are migrated.

  7. Mike Yellow

    Where did the “note” tab in contact window go?

  8. fjklp

    > Where did the “note” tab in contact window go? go to the start chat dialog and type note in the search

  9. Mike Yellow

  10. Mike Yellow

    I mean this in 1.8.4.

  11. fjklp

    > I mean this in 1.8.4. I see. I have no idea why or in which commit but it seems it was removed.]

  12. fjklp

    > I mean this in 1.8.4. I see. I have no idea why or in which commit but it seems it was removed.

  13. Gajim-User14

    Hello friends, is there a way to select more messages at once without clicking every single line one by one? i want to copy and paste them in a notepad file and currently i have to click every single line. i remember in an earlier version i could just mark all of it with the mouse like on a website but now i can only mark one line

  14. fjklp

    afaik, the only option is to use the 'Select Messages' function

  15. Gajim-User14

    thats unfortunate, especially as this was already available in the past :( is there a chance this could come back?

  16. lovetox

    Mike Yellow, we recently changed the discovery code for that feature

  17. lovetox

    on what software runs your server?

  18. Mike Yellow


  19. Mike Yellow

    Ejabberd 24.2.0.

  20. lovetox

    yeah seems not to work ..

  21. lovetox

    i need to change the discovery mech again

  22. fjklp

    I wouldn't have guessed that that tab shows up dynamically

  23. me3

    I'm logged in into my xmpp account with 3 devices simultaniously: Conversations, Monocles and Gajim 1.8.4. In the first 2 devices I'm offered the phone to initiate a call. But Gajim only offers a audio/video call to others but not to myself. Why?

  24. cal0pteryx

    me3 Gajim's audio calls don't work

  25. meson

    By the rate it's asked it feels like this is the most requested feature nowadays :)

  26. me3

    cal0pteryx, > Gajim's audio calls don't work But then this option should never be offered.

  27. cal0pteryx

    that's correct

  28. me3

    But it _is_ offered to me with at least 3 contacts.

  29. debacle

    Note, that Jabber A/V calls will be a hot topic at the Berlin XMPP sprint. In fact, that was the initial idea, but people can work on whatever they like. But so far, no Gajim developres are expected. Maybe there will be some progress for Dino, Kaidan, and Libervia, esp. multi-party calls with SFU.

  30. meson

    Great news!

  31. me3

    I'm not complaining about Gajim's inability for A/V calls. I'm just irritated by it's different behavior according my own account and accounts of others.

  32. meson

    debacle: Kaidan: do they support MUCs by now or plan to do so? Isn't that part of the spec for multi party calls?

  33. lovetox

    me3, i will look into hiding it

  34. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: ChatActionProcessor: Make handling selected action more robust -

  35. debacle

    meson No idea, you would need to ask in — at least they *have* a MUC 😀️

  36. meson > XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat Issue created 7 years ago > Linus Jahn removed priority:wontfix label 1 year ago Well ... it's still open

  37. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master new: Settings: Make PopoverSetting work without binding to a setting -

    👍 1
  38. bot

    lovetox pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: SecurityLabels: Fix merging messages with same security label -

  39. Patrick

    hello. Gajim 1.9 on Windows. I hid the menu across the top and cannot seem to figure out how to re-enable it. Please help

  40. cal0pteryx

    Patrick: Ctrl+M

    ✅ 1
  41. Patrick

    you are a life saver thank!

  42. cal0pteryx

    I'm working on a menu button to improve this situation

  43. cal0pteryx

    (almost done)

  44. p42ity

    Just a short question: If I remember correctly, monocles chat sends Reactions as Reactions and additionally as a fallback, as a citation containing the emoji. Doing so, leads to the behaviour that apps, which do not support reactions still get the reaction (even if it does not look so nice). Would this also be an idea for gajim?

  45. cal0pteryx

    p42ity, I find this to be quite noisy, since there is no aggregation. every reaction adds a new message for legacy clients. this can become really annoying I think

  46. p42ity

    cal0pteryx: Ok, got it. Thanks for the clarification. I would prefer the legacy version but I can fully understand why you choose not to add it. I hope that Conversations adds reaction support soon. It is currently a bit confusing, if someone uses reactions and the user does not recognise that this will be missed.

  47. cal0pteryx

    it is indeed, and I hope so, too :)

  48. lovetox

    p42ity, on Android you can also use Cheogram which is a conversation clone/fork, which has reactions i think

  49. p42ity

    lovetox: Thank you. Yes, this is possible. I am just a bit worried (since Conversation is the most used Android XMPP client, I guess) that people run into this problem and come to the opinion: "XMPP does not work for me". But maybe I am a bit overworried. :-)

  50. lovetox

    i agree its not a pretty situation

  51. lovetox

    i have to say at least in the groupchats i am, i dont see reaction used that often

  52. lovetox

    so maybe worries about the fallback destroying groupchats for legacy clients are overblown

  53. concerto

    Crash report -

  54. lovetox

    concerto, did you recently add or remove accounts?

  55. lovetox

    does it happen with every chat or only a specific one?

  56. concerto

    > concerto, did you recently add or remove accounts? lovetox: I did not. It seems to happen with certain chats, yes.

  57. lovetox

    ok not great, but great that it happens with you so we can debug this

  58. lovetox

    could you try and look into the database for one of the JIDs where it happens

  59. lovetox

    in the message table, filter for the remote_pk. and then look up where the fk_account_pk points to

  60. lovetox


  61. lovetox

    or no, ceck the settings db, if in your account settings the "address" key is set

  62. lovetox

    and if not, downgrade the user version to 5

  63. lovetox

    and restart

  64. cal0pteryx

    lovetox: I experienced this myself today, but also because my user version was set to 6 due to one of my MRs ;)

  65. cal0pteryx

    Setting it to 5 fixed it

  66. Gajim-User14

    can anyone help me? is there a way to select more messages at once without clicking every single line one by one? i want to copy and paste them in a notepad file and currently i have to click every single line. i remember in an earlier version i could just mark all of it with the mouse like on a website but now i can only mark one line

  67. lissine

    Gajim-User14, hover over a message, click on the three dots -> select messages Select what you need, then click the blue button "Copy Text"

  68. Gajim-User14

    lissine, thank you but this only allows to select each line one by one, i need to select a lot of lines daily and clicking each single one is a burden. i hope there is a way to select multiple at once or at least like in a file manager with shift and arrow up key or something

  69. Gajim-User14

    i talk about over 200 lines

  70. lissine

    Gajim-User14: If you're doing this just for backup purposes, you can simply back up the database. (You can later browse its contents with an sqlite tool)

  71. lovetox

    Gajim-User14, you can export chats in the account settings, if its for backup purposes

    ❤ 1
  72. lovetox

    if you simply want to copy paste, no there is no better way at the moment

  73. lovetox

    its a drawback of the design which we cannot easily fix, there maybe could be easier ways to select multiple messages, but the general functionality will always make you select messages by clicking or shift clicking

  74. lovetox

    we could implement shift + click to select a bigger area, would this solve your problem?

  75. Gajim-User14

    yes this would help a LOT, especially if i could shift and click and then scroll up to mark multiple entries

  76. Gajim-User14

    lovetox, yes this would help a LOT, especially if i could shift and click and then scroll up to mark multiple entries

  77. lovetox

    i added a issue

    ❤ 1
  78. meson

    debacle: > Implementing MIX already took a lot of time. Thus, we will work on many other important features first and see what we can do with MUC support later. And after getting this answer they took my voice again. lol

  79. Gajim-User14

    >export chats in the account settings thats a good wokraround, thanks for pointing that out, this allows me to select multiple entires in notepad then! great >i added a issue thanks so much this will be of great help!

  80. lissine

    > debacle: > > Implementing MIX already took a lot of time. Thus, we will work on many other important features first and see what we can do with MUC support later. > > And after getting this answer they took my voice again. lol I think there should be MIX <-> MUC bridges

  81. Gajim-User14

    the fast support here is exemplary, i will consider donating! thanks and have a good night! 🙂️

    ❤ 1
  82. meson

    lissine: are both fully compatible?

  83. lissine

    MIX was made so it would be unnoticeable for regular users whether the channel they're in is using MUC or MIX That being said, they don't need to be fully compatible (whatever that means) to bridged. Slidge bridges several IM networks to XMPP, despite them having different architectures and feature sets

  84. amogus

    what is mox?

  85. amogus

    what is mix?

  86. lissine

    > what is mix?

  87. meson

    lissine: I see thanks, didn't know about the bridges btw mix and muc.

  88. bot

    wurstsalat pushed 1 commits to branch gajim/master fix: VoiceMessageRecorderButton: Honor visibility setting on startup -

  89. lissine

    > lissine: I see thanks, didn't know about the bridges btw mix and muc. I am not aware of any bridges I said someone™ should write some

  90. meson

    > I think MIX <-> MUC bridges should be possible Corrected it for you :D

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