Gajim - 2024-06-12

  1. ong


  2. ong


  3. horse


  4. meson

    fjklp: kde plasma also calcs its accent colors from the wallpaper. We could look how they do it.

  5. cal0pteryx

    Windows xp support.. I can't even

  6. nicoco

    Why doesn’t it run on my Atari 1040 ST though?

  7. Cyrille

    Congrats for the release !! I did not install it yet, will do today using AUR

  8. debacle

    > Why doesn’t it run on my Atari 1040 ST though? You need the Atari STE (E = enhanced), which had 4096 colours instead of only 512. XEP-0392 would not work on Atari ST!

  9. debacle

    I run the Debian packages from unstable also on the Debian "stable" system at work. So far, no problem!

  10. meson

    hueso, I will try to make it easy to add new models in the upcoming days whenever I find some time, so don't put too much time into hacking your preferred model into it now. ;)

  11. seb

    Hello. Congratulation and a big thank you for the release of version 1.9.0. 🎉️

    🍾 2🎉 1
  12. seb

    I have a question regarding the implementation of XEP-0444 (Message Reactions): How does it work with MAM ?

  13. lovetox

    seb: can you make that question more specific

  14. lovetox

    Mam is a message storage, reaction is a message, so yes it's stored in mam

  15. seb

    How does a reaction is stored into a message archive and how it is retrieved ?

  16. seb


  17. lovetox

    It's a message like a text message just with different content, the server will handle it exactly like all other text messages

  18. seb

    When I was reading the issue on Convers.js about the xep-0444, they say it was unclear how this xep work with MAM:

  19. lovetox

    It's very clear how it works. The developer in this issue just thinks out loud how it will affect his mam retrieval. But it doesn't matter if converse implements reactions or not, other clients will put reactions in the Archive and converse will not get around to retrieving them. So whatever problem he thinks his application has, it does so already right now.

  20. meson

    cal0pteryx, when you have time, can you shortly explain to me how the preference boxes are sorted into the preference categories in Somehow I fail to see how they become grouped.

  21. meson

    cal0pteryx, when you have time, can you shortly explain to me how the preference boxes are sorted into the preference categories in Somehow I fail to see how they become grouped.

  22. meson

    cal0pteryx, when you have time, can you shortly explain to me how the preference boxes are sorted into the preference categories in Somehow I fail to see how they become grouped.

  23. meson

    I think I got it after having taken a look into preferences.ui

  24. maximus

    > Maybe because there are various Jabber clients written in different programming languages? > Dino in C and Vala, Kaidan in C++, Profanity in C, Psi in C++ (AFAIK), there are also projects using Rust and Java :-) btw I'm not criticizing the fact that it was written in python, I only wanted to know the motivations, if there were any

  25. maximus

    > Because not everyone loves statically-typed compiled languages? Especially in 00s, they were totally not on the hype, what alternatives could you suggest? Rust/Go didn't exist, Haskell/C++/OCaml were immature, D just too marginal. > > Python filled the niche for *NIX systems which .NET filled on Windows. > > And why ain't you surprised why Tkabber or strophe.js exist? > > In fact, Python's flexibilty and extensibility, and ease of programming were probably the key factors which made Gajim the most featureful client (more than even Psi+, I suppose), with a vast ecosystem of decent plugins up to early 10s. Before it became being… ahem… modernized. btw I'm not criticizing the fact that it was written in python, I only wanted to know the motivations, if there were any

  26. hueso

    > hueso, I will try to make it easy to add new models in the upcoming days whenever I find some time, so don't put too much time into hacking your preferred model into it now. ;) it's not about changing models but replacing `openai-whisper` with `faster-whisper`

  27. goblinking

    Is 1.9.0 published to the Microsoft Store yet? I cannot tell, I don't usually use Windows, but one of my friends does.

  28. goblinking

    All I can see is that 1.8.4 is installed already, and I clicked "Get Updates" in the Store, and Gajim wasn't one of them.

  29. cal0pteryx

    goblinking: not yet, stay tuned ;)

  30. goblinking

    Is there an issue I can track?

  31. cal0pteryx


  32. Cyrille

  33. bodqhrohro

    > maximus: > btw I'm not criticizing the fact that it was written in python, I only wanted to know the motivations, if there were any Better ask authors of Tkabber why did they choose Tcl lol.

  34. badmuff

    Tcl is cool and braindamage.

  35. ong

    kek one of the tcl contributors was on mumble earlier he uses session

  36. learningstuff

    Hello, I've been getting a ValueError: No account found for: ___ which is stopping me from chatting on my other accounts

  37. learningstuff

    does anyone know how to fix this? I'm really new to all this

  38. learningstuff

    it's causing errors whenever I attempt to view chats

  39. meson

    learningstuff: which Gajim version do you use?

  40. learningstuff

    1.9.0, the latest version

  41. meson

    Have you upgraded from a previous version?

  42. learningstuff


  43. cal0pteryx

    learningstuff, please post the full error log (traceback)

  44. bodqhrohro

    > ong: > kek one of the tcl contributors was on mumble earlier he uses session Tcl/Tk is on high demand in academic world for prototyping. It's just not on the hype, niche stack.

  45. bodqhrohro

    Just like Erlang or COBOL.

  46. learningstuff

    ## Versions:

  47. learningstuff

    sorry for the wall

  48. cal0pteryx

    learningstuff, thanks, I'll look into it

  49. learningstuff

    thank you, I have a stock gajim build, I literally just got it yesterday

  50. learningstuff

    no modifications or anything

  51. cal0pteryx

    learningstuff, multiple accounts?

  52. learningstuff

    I just made one now to send messages in here

  53. learningstuff

    before I only used one, which worked initially

  54. learningstuff

    I would use reply, but I had that completely break one of my chats

  55. cal0pteryx

    and "No account found for: {jid}" is your JID?

  56. cal0pteryx

    learningstuff ?

  57. learningstuff

    I'm trying to figure out what exactly that means, sorry

  58. learningstuff

    Jabber Identifier

  59. cal0pteryx

    your jabber id, which you use to log in

  60. learningstuff

    No, I had a proper unique one

  61. cal0pteryx

    was it the same jid the error message was referring to?

  62. learningstuff

    If you are meaning the (account name) I had placed after the ValueError, that had my original name

  63. learningstuff

    I just changed it before posting here

  64. cal0pteryx

    your original JID = your original name?

  65. learningstuff

    Is there a place wher ei cna check to be sure that's correct?

  66. learningstuff

    *where I can check

  67. cal0pteryx

    yes, to the bottom left, click on your avatar. then a page should open with your account details, including your JID

  68. learningstuff

    I can't see it labeled directly as JID, but I do see (username)

  69. cal0pteryx

    alright, and that one is the same as the one you're seeing in the error message?

  70. learningstuff


  71. cal0pteryx

    ok, thanks! I created an issue here:

  72. learningstuff

    and thank you, sorry if I wasn't answering the way you needed

  73. cal0pteryx

    learningstuff, no, thank you for reporting! :)

  74. learningstuff

    of course, I wish I could be of more help but I'm just starting out programming