Gajim - 2024-06-11

  1. ong

    i think ideally there should be a dialogue to not encrypt* for unresolved participants oops lol

  2. bodqhrohro

    > ong: > on all clients You cannot expect anything from _all_ clients in XMPP ecosystem.

  3. ong


  4. ong


  5. robertoo

    Both C and Dino deal with this differently (but still not right), any server misconfiguration compatibility shouldn't take precedence over security.

  6. bodqhrohro

    Did you release 1.9 with broken wrapping to circumvent the Pango bug? o_O You could implement some kludge to estimate the text widget manually, as the widgets are custom anyway.

  7. bodqhrohro

    Questionnaire for Gajim users: do you deliberately prefer comma, colon or some other character(s?), or no character at all, as a mention postfix? If so, why? Do you share this preference with other clients as well?

  8. zayd [telepath]

    not sure what happened, but gajim started launching in normal times again

  9. zayd [telepath]

    also, how would i enable plugins on the nightly flatpak? the options for them say they're disabled by the system

  10. fjklp

    I occasionally will view a chat and all the messages have a red unlocked lock icon next to each message timestamp. Hovering over the icon says something like "omemo encryption unavailable". I don't know how to reproduce it.

  11. fjklp

    I still experience the animation when new messages are displayed as being sort of choppy in flatpak. Anyone else experience this?

  12. fjklp

    also sometimes there is no animation

  13. cal0pteryx

    zayd [telepath]: you'd have to install plugins vis flatpak as well

  14. fjklp

  15. resoli

    > just pop in to congratulate on the new features. Looks and works awesome. thanks a lot! ♥️ I join in the congratulations, great job!

  16. lovetox

    > Did you release 1.9 with broken wrapping to circumvent the Pango bug? o_O > > You could implement some kludge to estimate the text widget manually, as the widgets are custom anyway. i rather not implement layout logic that GTK needs normally to do in python. 1. because that needs a really good understanding of that topic 2. because its very slow the risk to introduce more weird bugs is high, i rather take the drawback that it does not wrap on very long words, which should be very rare

  17. fjklp

    also, if anyone didn't notice, this change in wrapping affects message history search too

  18. fjklp

    so sometimes text goes offscreen

  19. lovetox

    robertoo, i opened to track the issue

  20. bodqhrohro

    > lovetox: > i rather not implement layout logic that GTK needs normally to do in python. > > 1. because that needs a really good understanding of that topic > 2. because its very slow > > the risk to introduce more weird bugs is high, i rather take the drawback that it does not wrap on very long words, which should be very rare Ah, so I induced the problem myself by sending a long word in this chat, hehe.

  21. bodqhrohro

    And it's not even Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher.

  22. meson

    Is the _Client Icon_ plugin for someone else broken in 1.9.0 too? I've enabled it, set show icons for any clients including unknown ones, restarted Gajim, and nothing shows up in the roster or participant list. There's at least no issue on the bug tracker.

  23. bodqhrohro

    > bodqhrohro: > Questionnaire for Gajim users: do you deliberately prefer comma, colon or some other character(s?), or no character at all, as a mention postfix? If so, why? Do you share this preference with other clients as well? Bump.

  24. cal0pteryx

    meson: it's only shown in the roster tooltip

  25. cal0pteryx

    (because you can have multiple resources)

  26. meson

    Ah, I see. I somehow remembered that it was once also shown in the MUC member list. Thanks, then it's working.

  27. cal0pteryx

    It was once, yes. But not anymore because of mentioned reasons :)

  28. meson

    > Shows client icons in roster and in groupchats.

  29. cal0pteryx

    Yes, that's ubtrue

  30. meson

    the description should maybe be updated

  31. meson


  32. cal0pteryx


  33. meson

    MR is out, that was an easy fix :p

  34. debacle

    > Questionnaire for Gajim users: do you deliberately prefer comma, colon or some other character(s?), or no character at all, as a mention postfix? If so, why? Do you share this preference with other clients as well? maybe? :-)

  35. meson

    Another question: If you disable _show client icons in tooltips_, where else are icons supposed to be found? I don't see any. This option feels equivalent to disable the plugin?

  36. meson

    Another question: If you disable _show client icons in tooltip_, where else are icons supposed to be found? I don't see any. This option feels equivalent to disable the plugin?

  37. lovetox

    meson: it probably is, the Plugin did more than that in early versions

  38. meson

    okay, then this option can be simply removed now, I guess.

  39. Polarian

    1.9.0 has been ported to FreeBSD \o/

  40. Emil

    I'm upgrading Void Linux package

  41. Emil

    I miss something?

  42. lovetox

    Hm no, I think this is a bad test that seems to be locale dependent

  43. lovetox

    Emil: you can ignore that one test

  44. meson

    And suddenly previews are no longer shown for me and I don't see any error in the log. Weird.

  45. debacle

    Someone on the internet :-) noticed longer startup time of Gajim 1.9.0 compared to 1.8.4: He is right, Gajim takes a long time to start, but intereestingly also a long time to shut down. Not a big deal for me, as I start Gajim once every one or two weeks and let it run. But maybe it is a thing that can be improved anyway at some point.

  46. Emil

    Is it something like when gajim gone from 1.3 to 1.4?

  47. hueso

    he doesn't mention which version he comes from

  48. debacle

    hueso I assume, he had the previous version from Debian sid, which was 1.8.4 until yesterday, but maybe that is not the case.

  49. debacle

    > I'm upgrading Void Linux package > The same test failed in Debian, too. lovetox or cal0pteryx suggested to ignore it — which I happily did.

  50. lovetox

    debacle: I don't see increased startup times, if it takes longer than 3 seconds I would say we need to look into it

  51. lovetox

    You can point people to this chat then we can analyse the problem

  52. lovetox

    If you can reproduce it, then please gather a debug log and check in the start where the time is lost

  53. meson

    > And suddenly previews are no longer shown for me and I don't see any error in the log. Weird. nvm. my fault.

  54. debacle

    > If you can reproduce it, then please gather a debug log and check in the start where the time is lost Will do!

  55. meson

    hueso, I wrote a veeeery basic version of the whisper plugin:

    🚀 1
  56. meson

  57. hueso


  58. hueso

    can I peek at your repo?

  59. meson

    it's not uploaded yet, because it's just a proof of concept at the moment.

  60. meson

    but I can do that anyway now

  61. hueso

    are you using ctranslate2?

  62. meson

    You need

  63. ann

    do you have some news regarding voice calls between modern messengers?

  64. ann

    its a pain to use Dino for it

  65. meson

    > are you using ctranslate2? nope, just whisper for the moment

  66. maximus

    > do you have some news regarding voice calls between modern messengers? I wonder if someone has ever thought of reimplement cross-clients voice calls in gajim

  67. maximus

    > do you have some news regarding voice calls between modern messengers? I wonder if someone has ever thought of reimplementing cross-clients voice calls in gajim

  68. maximus

    I think it's the only "big" feature it's missing

  69. maximus

    actually I wanted to know if someone knows why whoever started this project decided to program it in python

  70. maximus

    and not some statically-typed compiled language

  71. Kris

    congrats on the great release

  72. Kris

    is it a known issue that the scrollbar overlaps if the text on long messages?

  73. Kris

    like the last letter on a line isn't visible because the scrollbar is on top

  74. Kris

    oddly enough, now that I am switching back to the same channel it changed line break and the issue is gone.

  75. Kris

    should have made a screenshot 😑️

  76. aereaux

    > is it a known issue that the scrollbar overlaps if the text on long messages? I believe you're experiencing this:

  77. Kris

    looks related, yes

  78. debacle

    > actually I wanted to know if someone knows why whoever started this project decided to program it in python Maybe because there are various Jabber clients written in different programming languages? Dino in C and Vala, Kaidan in C++, Profanity in C, Psi in C++ (AFAIK), there are also projects using Rust and Java :-)

  79. maximus

    yes but I mean did they have a specific reason to use python or what

  80. meson

    hueso, does it work for you?

  81. hueso

    do I need both gajim and gajim-plugins?

  82. meson


  83. meson

    You need the commit from the gajim branch, which adds the gui extension point. Then you can use the plugin

  84. meson

    You need the commit from the gajim branch, which adds the gui extension point. With that you can use the plugin

  85. hueso

    ok I'll try it tonight

  86. hueso

    > nope, just whisper for the moment whisper-ctranslate2 is much faster/lighter than standard whisper

  87. meson

    thanks for the tip! We can incorporate it as well

  88. meson

    thanks for the hint! We can incorporate it as well

  89. meson

    thanks for the hint! We can incorporate it as well and make the model and framework optional

  90. hueso

    and for english language it's best to use distil-whisper models

  91. meson

    Alright :) if you want go ahead and rewrite the plugin so that it can use abitrary models

  92. hueso

    I'll try to hack whisper-ctranslate2 into it. shouldn't be much different from openai-whisper

    👍 1
  93. hueso

    I see you already added a model selector

  94. hueso

    I see you already added a model selector `type_values = ('tiny', 'base', 'small', 'medium', 'large')`

  95. meson

    yes, but it doesn't remember the choice yet on restarting Gajim

  96. meson

    and it's only relevant for whisper

  97. meson

    hueso: we should also add a database to remember and load already transcripted messages. The gui could also offer a quick setting for different models

  98. meson

    Also we could highlight the spoken text during playback

  99. hueso

    > Also we could highlight the spoken text during playback that'd be awesome. best whisper experience ever

  100. Codimp

    Heyo, Gajim s still in version 1.8.4 on the Windows Store, is it managed by someone here?

  101. Ichtyx

    it's funny that even with python and gtk you can make something lighter than discord, congratz to the team 🎉️ long life to xmpp

  102. cal0pteryx

    Codimp: it needs to be updated manually, just wait a bit ;)

  103. Codimp

    ok, thanks ;)

  104. henderson

    Stream closed by peer: Communication with this domain is restricted (policy-violation) How to deal with

  105. dandelion


  106. dandelion

    Just found it, doing that

  107. bodqhrohro

    > debacle: > maybe? :-) How's that relevant?

  108. bodqhrohro

    > maximus: > I wonder if someone has ever thought of reimplementing cross-clients voice calls in gajim There are two open MRs already.

  109. bodqhrohro

    > maximus: > and not some statically-typed compiled language Because not everyone loves statically-typed compiled languages? Especially in 00s, they were totally not on the hype, what alternatives could you suggest? Rust/Go didn't exist, Haskell/C++/OCaml were immature, D just too marginal. Python filled the niche for *NIX systems which .NET filled on Windows. And why ain't you surprised why Tkabber or strophe.js exist? In fact, Python's flexibilty and extensibility, and ease of programming were probably the key factors which made Gajim the most featureful client (more than even Psi+, I suppose), with a vast ecosystem of decent plugins up to early 10s. Before it became being… ahem… modernized.

  110. meson

    bodqhrohro: out of curiosity, what exactly got lost after it became _modernized_?

  111. Kris

    Probably OTR 🙄

  112. meson

    With modernized I assume v1.3 is meant

  113. lovetox

    I think python is the main reason why Gajim today still exists. Because it's easy to learn and people can contribute. That's a major factor for an open source project

  114. bodqhrohro

    > meson: > bodqhrohro: out of curiosity, what exactly got lost after it became _modernized_? Windows XP compatibility? GTK+2? Separate history view with pagination by date? (I'm also not sure if the problem with gaps when rapidly accessing old history is solved already.) XHTML? Fetching images by arbitrary links in messages with no need in highly limited OOB? Cool plugins like blinking with the Scroll Lock LED? (might be eligible to resurrection though) Client icons also worked better before, being visible right int the participants list rather than in a popup. vCard-temp is broken, now Gajim requires vCard4. That's what just came to my mind quickly.

  115. bodqhrohro

    > Kris: > Probably OTR 🙄 Surprisingly, I don't even use it personally, hehe ×D

  116. bodqhrohro

    Some people had written me with it before though and it just worked™

  117. lovetox

    I sure as hell would not have learned C or C++ just to contribute. With python I could start hacking in 5 mins.

  118. bodqhrohro

    I also got a butthurt because OTR chats weren't saved in logs by default.

  119. fjklp

    > I think python is the main reason why Gajim today still exists. Because it's easy to learn and people can contribute. That's a major factor for an open source project This is actually an interesting perspective that I haven't heard before

  120. meson

    fjklp: that's also one reason why kde folks lool into improving respectively creating python bindings to Qt and their frameworks

  121. fjklp

    meson: Cool, maybe we will see more Qt stuff

  122. fjklp

    I just had a lightbulb moment

  123. fjklp

    shouldn't gajim have a mention message foreground color configurable?

  124. fjklp

    the reason it's hard to get a perfect mention background color is because you have to fight between getting good contrast between text and chat background AND mention text and mention background color

  125. fjklp

    it makes no sense

  126. bodqhrohro

    > fjklp: > meson: Cool, maybe we will see more Qt stuff Yeah, some PySide-based client would be neat.

  127. bodqhrohro

    Mirage for Matrix already exists and looks awesome.

  128. bodqhrohro

    > fjklp: > it makes no sense Pretty calculatable task.

  129. bodqhrohro

    If only the background is not a wallpaper, hehe.

  130. bodqhrohro

    But even then, you can just use a border.

  131. fjklp

    > Pretty calculatable task. what do you mean?

  132. bodqhrohro

    > fjklp: > what do you mean? Haven't you seen software like gpick which automatically calculates colour palettes?

  133. bodqhrohro

    Based on a color or several.

  134. bodqhrohro

    It's just calculating a colour distant enough from all 3 colour specified, it's easy.

  135. bodqhrohro

    Taking some theory into account and how human eye distinguishes G>R>B differently.

  136. fjklp

    > Haven't you seen software like gpick which automatically calculates colour palettes? Yes, and I agree. I just didn't know if you meant this or something like 'you should be able to figure out the optimal balance'.

  137. fjklp

    I'm all for doing it in a way calculated from knowledge of human visual perception